The leisure-suited, guitar-strumming contestant fired in NBC's "The Apprentice's" New York boardroom by Donald Trump is writing songs about the show.
After being fired in episode three of the hit show, Danny Kastner has agreed to create a new "Apprentice" "recap" song each week until the final episode airs in May.
Last week, the self-appointed "chief morale officer" delivered "Vegetable P.Oh.R.N," a tune that poked fun at the commercial flops created by the Magna Corp. and rival crew "Street Smarts" Net Worth teams that were both panned by Trump.
Kastner, the founder and chief executive officer of Boston-based POPstick -- a digital arts and technology company -- is also working on a clothing line based on his signature leisure suit style. He also fronts his own band, Danny Kastner and The NeoNerds.