An Australian reptile wrangler was called out to a Queensland home where a woman found one of the world's most venomous snakes slithering in her bed.


Zachery Richards of Zachery's Snake and Reptile Relocation posted photos to his business' Facebook page showing the 6-foot eastern brown snake stretched out on a Maroon woman's bed.

"When I arrived, she [the resident] was waiting outside for me, and I went inside to the bedroom that the snake was in, and she had the door shut with a towel underneath, so it couldn't get out," Richards told CBS News. "I pushed the door open, and it was lying in bed looking at me."

Richards said the snake likely came in through an open door to escape the heat.

"Or it just wanted a nice comfortable bed to sleep in," he said.


Richards said he relocated the snake to an area far from the nearest human residence.