Bachelor in Paradise participant Dan Cox switched girls and tension between JJ Lane and Joe Bailey came to a head during Monday night's broadcast on ABC.
A seemingly disinterested Samantha said she didn't want to have that conversation without Joe at her side, which rubbed Juelia the wrong way. Juelia felt Samantha didn't believe her or that she just didn't care about her feelings. Samantha even told the cameras that Juelia and Jade were being very dramatic and the whole discussion wasn't necessary.
Juelia was taken aback by the situation because she was really close friends with Samantha before the show. The girls had bonded during Chris Soules' season of The Bachelor and even vacationed together. Juelia later revealed they were sincerely invested in each other's lives. Juelia simply felt "disregarded as a human being," hurt, betrayed and tired.
The consensus of the house was that Joe was "Public Enemy No. 1." Tanner Tolbert said in a confessional that Samantha was just as guilty as Joe. Tanner had a screenshot in his possession that proved Joe and Samantha communicated before Bachelor in Paradise began filming. In the text message, Samantha asked Joe to do whatever it takes in Paradise to stick around until her arrival.
Tanner said while it was possible Joe could've developed real feelings for Juelia on the island, he definitely didn't handle things well. Jared Haibon agreed that Joe just needed to own up to things.
In attempt to clear up the drama, Samantha told the cameras she had talked to Joe only on social media and in a couple text messages before the show. However, she said absolutely no plotting was involved and the pair didn't even know the other person would be appearing on the show.
But shortly afterwards, a camera caught Samantha and Joe having a private, secret conversation inside a bedroom.
The couple didn't realize the cameraman was there, and Samantha was caught on tape telling Joe exactly how to handle his confessional interviews. Samantha told Joe to lie and say they didn't have contact before the show. She also told him to not act defensive. For saying there was "no plotting," before the show, Samantha came across as a huge schemer.
Amber James from Soules' The Bachelor edition then arrived in Paradise. She admitted to wanting Dan there, and when she walked in with a date card, she immediately asked Dan on her date. Dan asked to talk to her first and then explained his history with Ashley Salter on the show.
Dan basically revealed he had devastated Ashley S but they just weren't a perfect match. Amber felt bad for Ashley S but wasn't going to let that stand in her way of getting to know Dan. He thought she was a really nice girl and accepted the date.
While Dan was finding chemistry with someone else, Ashley S just ripped on him to the cameras. She called him an "assh-le" and said she wished he had talked to her much earlier about going on a date with Amber. Ashley S bashed his character and said although he acted like such a gentleman and sweetheart, he was neither. Ashley S felt really disrespected by Dan, as she had been falling in love with him.
Meanwhile, Megan Bell and JJ went on a date. They enjoyed a day on a yacht and then went jet skiing. JJ told Megan that she was the best surprise he could've gotten. However, JJ snuck in a little dig by saying that he was on a different intellectual level than Megan although she had "amazing assets" and he felt chemistry with her.

When Dan and Amber went on their date that night, it was clear they were really into each other. They kissed multiple times and Amber thought he was an amazing guy. Likewise, Dan noted that Amber blew him away and he could see a future with her. The couple wasted no time.
Back in Paradise, Joe felt the guys kept digging up a dead body and burying it again by constantly talking about the Juelia incident. Joe tried to justify how he treated Juelia by saying he just felt a better connection with Samantha, but Tanner wasn't buying it.
Tanner said in a confessional that Juelia didn't come to Paradise to be a "placeholder or stepping stone." JJ also accused Joe of lying to Jonathan Holloway and Mikey Tenerelli.
It didn't take long for JJ and Joe's argument to escalate. They fought about how dumb the other guy was and JJ was just completely convinced Joe had played Juelia as a way to stay in Paradise to meet Samantha. Joe told JJ he didn't know Samantha was going to be on the show, which marked another time he flipped and flopped his story.
A frustrated JJ simply said, "Shut the f-ck up."
Jared told the cameras Joe had gone from "America's Sweetheart" to "America's Most Wanted" in one week flat. Jared couldn't believe he actually liked JJ more than Joe at this point in the game, but Joe was pissing everyone off and accused Jared of doing the same thing he had done to Clare Crawley and Ashley Iaconetti.
JJ then told Joe to walk away and Joe kept repeating how his relationship with Samantha didn't concern him. Joe snipped that JJ needed to keep his nose out of his business and look for a job.
A fired of JJ replied, "Or what?!"
"Get the f-ck up here you little piece of sh-t. Let's go!" JJ yelled to Joe from a distance before telling the cameras, "I'm going to make him look like the hillbilly he is because he's going to go home with four missing teeth."
To be continued...
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski