Bachelor in Paradise bachelor Kalon McMahon has clearly provided viewers with comic relief from all the drama that's unfolding.
McMahon got rejected by Michelle Money, Jackie Parr and Sarah Herron during Monday night's episode. When no bachelorette accepted his invitation to go on a date, McMahon embarked on a romantic spelunking date -- by himself.
"He asked Michelle out, which was a bad move because Michelle was good friends with [Emily Maynard] back when the 'baggage' incident happened. This started a new string of firsts: multiple date-asks met with a unanimous response -- 'no' -- and maybe my favorite date ever, the first ever ONE on NONE," the show host wrote.
"Kalon, as only he can, decided he had his date card, and damn it, he was going to use it, even if it was by himself. And so it went that Kalon gave us one of the more entertaining moments of the season by falling more and more in love with himself in dramatic fashion -- in a spectacular underground watering hole, or cenote -- in the lush region of Mexico. One thing is for sure, I could sit and watch Kalon for days."
Harrison also admitted one of his all-time favorite Bachelor couples is Money and Graham Bunn, who dated on the second season of Bachelor Pad and then became best friends after their relationship didn't work out.
"I know that Graham and Michelle may not count as a 'couple' since they are not romantically involved (anymore), but they are such great friends that it's fun to watch their dynamic and undying support of each other," Harrison noted.
Harrison apparently doesn't know what to make of Clare Crawley and Zack Kalter's "relationship" and Crawley's "feelings" for him. When Cody Sattler asked Crawley out, she wanted Kalter to tell her not to go on the date. She was hoping he'd confess his feelings and commitment to her although she hadn't returned the favor yet.
Harrison believes Crawley therefore had something in common with AshLee Frazier, who intensely pursued Bunn and refused to give him much space.
"I find it interesting that Clare and AshLee are at odds because they are very similar in how they act in their relationships. They both have an aggressive way of attempting to find out how sincere their boyfriends are: by putting them to the test. Just as AshLee forced the situation and an answer from Graham, Clare forces Zack into answering a question she didn't even answer herself," Harrison explained.
"You can clearly see how uneasy it made both Graham and Zack feel. In fact, instead of making them step up you can see both men retreating and questioning a relationship they both enjoyed up to that point."
Is Harrison foreshadowing breakups to come?
"I see it quite a lot in relationships and I find it fascinating. People destroy relationships because they force unnecessary issues instead of letting it grow naturally and organically. Once somebody feels trapped or forced into something it's only a matter of time before they run," the host said.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski