Bachelor in Paradise featured the arrivals of Joshua Albers and Joe Bailey as well as two guys getting dumped during Sunday night's episode of the ABC reality dating series.
Meanwhile, Lauren Iaconetti wanted Joshua Albers to show up as incentive to stay on the show. She had no desire to try to find love with anyone else. She was also hindering her sister Ashley Iaconetti's experience on the show, as the two girls were constantly tied at the hip and isolated themselves from the rest of the group.
Ashley had to spend her time comforting Lauren, who kept threatening to quit because the scene overwhelmed her. Lauren was flat out "miserable" and called Paradise her own "personal hell." But Ashley convinced her to give Joshua a chance before quitting.
At this point in the season, there were already three secure, solid relationships. Tanner Tolbert was tied up in Jade Roper, Kirk DeWindt was invested in Carly Waddell, and Dan Cox was hitting it off with Ashley Salter. JJ was wondering "why the hell" Tenley was into him. He joked around and called her a "poor girl."
Mikey Tenerelli really liked Clare, but it was clear she didn't reciprocate those feelings.
Lauren then admitted she was crazy about a guy at home, her boyfriend. However, in a weird turn of events, she soon revealed she is the man's "mistress" although he is not married.
But Joshua then arrived. Ashley was thrilled because she thought Lauren would hit it off with him. JJ called Joshua "a little rat" and the two guys clearly didn't like one another. Tenley was interested in Josh too, grabbing him right away to chat. Tenley's aggressive move paid off because Josh ended up asking her to join him on his first date in Paradise.
Josh's decision prompted Lauren to quit the show, and no one really cared. Ashley was depressed and noted she felt completely alone.
JJ wasn't happy about Tenley going on a date with Josh, but he also insisted he wasn't jealous or worried. JJ had no faith that Josh had any game and he felt confident in his connection with Tenley. JJ said giving Joshua a date card was like "giving nuclear codes to an insane asylum."
"I bet $50,000 that I get that rose before Josh does. Josh and girls is like water in California. It's a rarity," JJ said in a confessional, before adding that Tenley is like a Disney princess and such a princess never ends up with the blacksmith.
Joe Bailey then arrived that night. Clare found it refreshing because he was another opportunity. Juelia Kinney was also excited because she loved a good southern gentleman. Tanner pointed out that Joe was going to be "a dark horse" because he's extremely funny and entertaining.
Joe had a lot of hype to live up to, but he failed miserably. The girls thought he was acting so weird and definitely didn't make a good first impression. Clare called Joe straight up "awkward." Joe then seemed to comment on how Clare being in Paradise twice was "terrible," which she found rude and disrespectful.
Juelia hinted she'd like to go on Joe's date, and then he formally asked her. The pair went horseback riding and swimming at a waterfall. Back at the villa, Jonathan Holloway hoped Joe would fall off his horse and break his legs because he had a great thing going with Juelia since the start of the show.
Joe charmed Juelia on their date, asking questions about her daughter and implying he really liked her. She thought he was sweet and cute. When the pair went swimming, they madeout and Juelia realized she had feelings for Joe.
Jonathan thought Joe just wanted a rose so he could continue on the show and date other women -- which later proved to be correct. Jonathan said he's the exact opposite of Joe. Kirk and Carly agreed no man should get involved with Juelia unless he's serious about being with her and being a father to her child.
For Josh and Tenley's date, they bonded over theater and dance. She liked his "rugged country boy" look and got butterflies around him. She saw potential in a forever with him.
When Josh and Tenley returned to the villa, JJ stole her away to talk, but they didn't do much talking. JJ went in for another kiss and he called Tenley "every guy's dream." JJ found Tenley "amazing" and called her the "sweetest, nicest person" he's ever met.
After making out with JJ, Tenley returned to Josh and kissed him too. She was clearly conflicted between both men because they each had a lot to offer.
The following day, Joshua had a conversation with Ashley, Jared Haibon, Mikey, Dan, Carly and more. He revealed he's done the drug Molly while partying in Las Vegas. He made a comment about waking up in the morning with no cash or memories.
Mikey felt obligated to warn Tenley about Joshua's lifestyle back at home. Dan joined the conversation and told Tenley that Joshua seemed like "a bad apple." Tenley was okay with it as long as it was part of Joshua's past, but she wasn't sure that was the case.
When Juelia and Joe returned from their date, Juelia was gushing about how wonderful it was while Joe acted less-than-impressed and remarked that it was "cool." It became clear that the date didn't mean nearly as much to Joe as it meant to Juelia.
Afterward, Ashley S. told Dan that Mikey was going to be the next guy roseless and going home. Dan then gave Mikey a heads-up. Mikey didn't want to accept the news but he later got confirmation from Clare that she wasn't really into him. Clare had an interest in Jared, and he ended up asking her out on a date.
Mikey was surprised Jared made that move and he felt disrespected and betrayed. Mikey took a shot at Jared for wanting to date a woman eight years older than him. He was hurt and later showed Clare he was angry about how she had handled things with him.
Meanwhile, a group of guys were laughing about how Jared -- the nicest guy in the house -- was going to become a villain. Ashley I. was upset and jealous, saying that it didn't make sense for Jared to be interested in Clare because her "eggs are almost dead."
Because Juelia was smitten with Joe, she decided to let Jonathan down gently. She said he was a special guy and had a great time with him thus far, however, she thought they lacked romantic chemistry. Jonathan was pretty bummed out and realized he probably wouldn't receive a rose since Juelia chose Joe over him.
Juelia was thrilled about Joe, but he asked a producer, "Juelia's not that smart is she?" The producer was surprised by Joe's comment and asked if he had a good date with her. Joe explained he had fun with Juelia but she just wasn't the right girl for him.
Joe also told the producer he let Juelia kiss him just so he'd absolutely secure her rose. Joe was waiting for Samantha Steffen from Chris Soules' season to arrive. He was gushing about how he could easily fall in love with Samantha and have kids with her right away. Joe began painting himself as a selfish, mean guy.
The episode concluded with Mikey crying. He considered leaving Paradise in order to maintain a little pride.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski