Bachelor in Paradise cast members Kristina Schulman and Ben Zorn quit the season while newcomers Blake Elarbee and Fred Johnson each failed to receive a rose from a bachelorette during Monday night's Season 4 broadcast on ABC.
Kristina announced at the Rose Ceremony she wants to feel appreciated, "valued," and "respected" by a man in her next relationship and is looking for someone who will put her first.
Ben opted to quit the show at the cocktail ceremony preceding the Rose Ceremony in which the women had the power to hand out roses because he had yet to establish a connection or romantic relationship with any of the ladies in Paradise. Ben thought it made sense to leave since he hadn't found a love match in order to give another guy a chance to stay.
The Rose Ceremony concluded with Blake and Fred from Rachel Lindsay's season of The Bachelorette getting eliminated because, arriving late into the game, they didn't have enough time to woo women away from other men.
The Bachelor in Paradise episode began with Robby Hayes talking to Dean about how his love triangle with Kristina and Danielle was "weird and confusing" for him to watch. Robby told Dean that Kristina had watched him lock legs, flirt and kiss Danielle in the pool the night prior after chicken fighting.
Dean felt terrible that Kristina had observed the public display of affection, saying that he had no idea she was close by. Dean also attempted to put some blame on Robby for not leading Kristina away from the pool when the action was taking place. Robby said he didn't understand Dean's dilemma since he had already decided to give Kristina a rose.
Dean explained to the cameras he was "unaware" of his "surroundings" the previous night and no one was to blame but himself "for being a moron." Dean said he was "doing what my brain told me to do every minute" and it was getting him in trouble.
Dean knew Kristina was "very invested" in their relationship, but he was still trying wanted to figure out their dynamic and what he wanted. Regardless, Dean noted that Kristina deserves the world and he hated being a man who was hurting her.
Jasmine Goode was disappointed in Dean, but the bachelor tried to explain that he simply liked two girls at one time and was in a tough place emotionally. While Dean and Kristina shared a deep connection and had bonded over their similar backgrounds, the suitor admitted Danielle was intriguing and pulling him in her direction.
Dean then sat down with Kristina and insisted he did not deliberately attempt to disrespect her because he had no idea she was watching him in the pool with Danielle, nor did he plan to make out with Danielle that night. Kristina, however, thought Dean's behavior was unacceptable -- a low blow either way.
Dean reminded Kristina that he had requested she be patient with him, but the bachelorette said she was not going to just sit back and watch him pursue other relationships. Kristina was more than willing to give Dean space, but she was not going to allow him to "lock legs and lips" with other women during the time they're apart.
Kristina didn't understand how Dean could put her through that when he claimed to care about her so much. Kristina cried, feeling unappreciated and somewhat used and lied to.

Dean confessed he had been insensitive to Kristina's feelings, and she said he was doing a good job of pushing her away. Dean wondered how he could have the "most amazing girl" in front of him but still want to flirt with another woman in the pool.
Kristina suggested that maybe Dean was just looking for a girl to have fun with rather than to enter a serious relationship with. Kristina acknowledged how she challenged Dean and engaged in deep conversation with him while Danielle was "bubbly" and things seemed "picture perfect" with her. Kristina figured that Dean just wasn't ready to work for something real.
"I love Kristina, but here I am throwing it out the window for some stupid reason... For some reason, I'm letting myself be that person [I don't like]," Dean said in a confessional.
Meanwhile, Jasmine was intrigued by Jonathan "Tickle Monster" Treece, saying there was something about him that was drawing her in, and Jack Stone was hoping to solidify his romance with Christen Whitney.
And that's when Blake arrived in Paradise, telling the cameras he was open to finding love, especially because his time on The Bachelorette was cut short due to a "black cloud" above him, which was a reference to Lucas "Whaboom" Yancey.
"I'm more than just a guy who hates Lucas," Blake said.
When Blake stepped foot in Paradise, he was initially drawn to Danielle and Kristina, with Dean jokingly stating, "Me too." Raven Gates advised Blake not to talk about "Whaboom" during his time at the resort, and Blake agreed he didn't need that negativity following him.
All the girls tried to be nice to him, but Christen appeared to be the only person who found him attractive. She noted, however, that she wasn't really attracted to Blake.
"When I was in the orphanage, all I wanted was to be picked. And today, I don't want to be picked for this date," Kristina joked of Blake.
Blake then asked Kristina out, but she said no because there were things she needed to figure out and conversations that needed to be had.
Blake said he didn't have a lot of options left and it was frustrating to try to break people up.
Fred then arrived and gave Blake even more competition because the girls thought he was "smoking hot."
"What's wrong with a little bad boy?" Christen asked the cameras of Fred.
Both men had a date card and ended up going on a double date with Dominique Alexis and Christen -- Fred with Dominique, and Blake with Christen. Jack Stone hated seeing Christen go on multiple dates because he thought they had a special connection, but he thought he was in a league of his own compared to "Tickles" and Blake.
Blake told Christen that he wanted to take her out because she seemed "cool, down to earth, awake" and it wasn't like pulling teeth when talking to her.
Meanwhile, Christen had told the girls that Jack was a bad kisser, so many of the girls attempted to teach him, including Jasmine, Danielle and Raven -- who all disagreed and thought Jack was a great kisser.
For the double date, Blake, Fred, Dominique and Christen went on a wild speedboat ride full of twists and turns, and Christen actually felt nauseous. Christen's contacts were falling out and her mascara leaked all over her eyes. The duo then went ziplining, which was another activity Christen wasn't really down for.
Dominique had a blast, but Christen had a tough time, and Blake felt at "a total disadvantage."
Chris Harrison then showed up in Paradise, saying there would be no new male arrivals going forward and the next Rose Ceremony was going to be that night, following a cocktail party.
A date card then arrived for Robby, and he asked Amanda Stanton out. Taylor Nolan admitted they're "very cute" together.
"I think it's kind of obvious, I'm falling for you," Robby told Amanda, adding that he never fell for someone "in this way" before. Robby wanted to move forward with Amanda as fast as possible because their romance was easy and they had a connection that hit him "like a ton of bricks."
The date concluded with a kiss under fireworks, and the couple was really enjoying their experience in Paradise together.
Meanwhile, the cast members believed that Taylor and Derek Peth were "head over heels in love" with each other. Daniel Maguire and Lacey Mark were also a tight pair, and Adam Gottschalk felt like he was in a good place with Raven.
However, there was no one in Paradise that Ben was really interested in, so he felt there was no point to stay. Ben decided to leave at the cocktail party, and Jasmine noted that it just wasn't the right place for him to find love. Ben had a blast in Paradise, but he really missed his dog Zeus at home.
Diggy then worked to remain Dominique's top love interest by playing a sweet little game together so they could get to know one another better, while Blake, Jack and Jonathan were all fighting over Christen. Throughout the night, Christen kissed all three guys.
As for Dean, Danielle liked him but felt uncomfortable with his relationship with Kristina. Danielle said if he accepted Kristina's rose at the next Rose Ceremony, she'd back off and just move on. Dean apologized to Danielle for ignoring her earlier that day and jerking her around, but he assumed they'd have fun dating in the real world.
Dean then decided he was going to tell Kristina that he wanted to pursue a relationship with Danielle, and he did just that.
Just as Kristina was telling Dean that she cared for him and wanted him to be happy, Dean told her that it would make him happy "to pursue DLo," someone whom Kristina called out for making out with Jack earlier in the day.
Kristina said she felt "misled" because of her previous conversations with Dean, and he really hurt her. Dean said he wasn't ready for a serious relationship with Kristina, but she wasn't necessarily asking for that either.
"I'm definitely hurt and disrespected... Dean is someone I felt an immediate spark with, but I think Danielle just got in his head and now it's a nightmare. Things went from zero to one hundred," Kristina vented to the cameras.
Raven then talked to Kristina and said the situation was Dean's fault, not Danielle's fault. Kristina, however, argued it was disrespectful for Danielle to make out with Dean right in front of her. This led to an argument between friends, as Raven said she was just telling Kristina the truth, but Kristina didn't want to hear Raven take DLo's side.
The bartender, Wells Adams, then pointed out to a frustrated and angry Kristina, "Why are you fighting for someone who's not fighting for you?"
Wells told Kristina that she's one of the "coolest and badass chicks" in the world and she deserved better. Kristina immediately regretted not getting to know other guys in Paradise and putting all of her eggs in Dean's basket.
It then became time for the Rose Ceremony. Lacey gave her rose to Daniel, Taylor gave her rose to Derek, Amanda gave her rose to Robby -- who could really see a future with Amanda -- Raven gave her rose to Adam, Dominique gave her rose to Diggy, Jasmine gave her rose to Jonathan, and then Christen gave her rose to Jack.
Kristina eliminated herself when it became time to hand out a rose, and Dominique told the cameras that Dean was going to ultimately regret letting go of such an amazing girl.
After Dean walked Kristina out of the resort and admitted he hated himself for hurting her, Danielle offered him a rose.
Danielle was thrilled Dean was finally invested only in her, and Adam confessed he could see himself falling in love with Raven.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski