Bachelor in Paradise sent Sarah Herron home, allowed Ashley Iaconetti to return and featured the arrivals of Brett Melnick, Carl King and Ryan Beckett during Monday night's ABC episode.
Nick said no one wanted to give her a rose because she just constantly cried over Jared Haibon. Nick expressed how people were sick of watching her get so emotional.
Meanwhile, Ashley was letting all of her feelings out in a conversation with Jared. She feared she couldn't love another guy like she loved Jared, and because he had once given her a "glimmer" of hope, she had faith they'd work out someday.
Ashley insisted she came to Paradise to get over Jared and move on, but he wasn't buying it. Jared was simply frustrated and threatened to go home, saying the situation was unfair to him since they had talked their issues out before the show began filming.
Jared thought he had every right to date, and even fall in love with, another woman. His love interest was Caila Quinn, and he hated to think Ashley was getting in between their connection.
Ashley told Jared that when he walks out of a room, she misses him already. Jared told her as blunt as he possibly could that he cared about her but not in a romantic way -- that he liked Caila. Ashley admitted she'd rather be in a body cast than watch Jared fall in love with someone else.
Afterward, Jared put all of his focus on Caila and assured her that he really liked her and only wanted to be with her in Paradise. As Ashley watched from a distance, she cried about how two people could love each other so much but not be together.
As for Carly Waddell and Evan Bass' relationship, Carly confessed to the cameras she had been pushing him away when he was probably the one person she shouldn't push away. Carly admitted to Evan that she had genuine feelings for him again, and he was ecstatic. Evan said the moment was "crazy" and "amazing."
"What a ride," Evan said, "and all it took was a faking an injury."
Sarah then approached Daniel Maguire with a birthday cake to celebrate his "half birthday." She baked it herself and Daniel thought the gesture was very sweet. Sarah felt really confident in their relationship and knew he was going to give her the rose.
However, twins Emily Ferguson and Haley Ferguson were hoping for a miracle to stay because neither girl was paired up with any guy.
Haley, forced by her sister, told Daniel that she was interested in getting to know him better -- which was a complete lie. To seal the deal, she gave Daniel a little kiss and a little hope they could date in Paradise.

Daniel confessed to Haley he wasn't sure how he felt about Sarah, and it became clear Daniel was just incredibly attracted to Haley, as he complimented her looks and butt.
Ashley was also fighting for Daniel's rose in order to stay. Daniel loved the fact she's a virgin and insisted Jared is an ugly guy whom she should move on from. Daniel told Ashley to be confident in herself, and she felt a genuine connection with him in that moment.
Daniel felt "like the pope" because of all the power he had in giving out his rose this week.
At the Rose Ceremony, Grant Kemp gave his rose to Lace Morris, Josh Murray gave his rose to Amanda Stanton, Nick gave his rose to Jennifer Saviano, Vinny Ventiera gave his rose to Isabel "Izzy" Goodkind, Evan gave his rose to Carly, Jared gave his rose to Caila, and Daniel surprisingly handed out his rose to Haley.
Ashley called Caila "fake and disingenuous," saying she always smiled when she didn't need to. She said she was experiencing her worst nightmare in watching Caila date Jared.
Sarah cried to the cameras about getting hurt once again after putting herself out there and being vulnerable on television for the third time. Sarah said she put her heart and soul into the process only to be sent home.
Ashley, on her way out, insisted she deserved to find someone even if it couldn't be Jared. She therefore asked the car to stop and returned to Paradise. Viewers clearly didn't see a conversation unfold with producers, but she asked the cast for their permission to let her stay and continue dating other guys.
Ashley told the group she got closure from Jared and even felt a little relieved after the conversation they had. Nick didn't believe Ashley, and Carly didn't think Jared could move forward with Caila as long as Ashley was around because he walked on eggshells.
The next day, Carl -- a handsome tattooed firefighter from Florida and Andi Dorfman's season of The Bachelorette -- walked into Paradise. Carly thought he was hot but immediately forgot his name, which showed she wasn't really interested in him.
Ashley thought Carl was cute as well, but she wasn't into him physically. Emily, on the other hand, was gushing about how Carl was the "hottest guy who walked into Paradise so far."
Despite Carl being 32-years-old and Emily being 23-years-old, she expressed interest in getting to know him better and then he asked her out on his date.
Brett, a California hairstylist who also competed for Andi, then arrived with a lamp in honor of his The Bachelorette entrance. Ashley immediately thought he was attractive, as did Izzy, who was actually overwhelmed by how attracted she was to him right off the bat.
Izzy's revelation was a surprise to viewers considering she has been dating Vinny from the start of the show and everyone considered them the strongest couple in Paradise.
Brett and Carl then learned they'd be going on a double date. Brett knew Caila was dating Jared, but he was interested in taking her on the date because he'd never settle. Ashley was hoping Brett would ask Caila out in order to ruin her relationship with Jared.
Once Brett asked Caila out, she was totally wishy-washy and changed her mind from "no" to "yes" about five times. Jared politely asked her not to go on the date because he really liked her, but at the same time, he wanted what was best for her.
As Jared put his heart out on the line for Caila, she simply admitted she was "unsure" about her feelings for him and "confused" about what to do. On that note, Jared said maybe she needed to go on a date with somebody else.
Caila thought Brett was sweet, fun and charismatic, so she ultimately decided to give him a chance in order to figure out how strong her feelings for Jared really were.
Jared talked to his friends about whether karma was coming back to haunt him since he had dumped every girl he ever dated on two seasons of Bachelor in Paradise. The one girl he was truly invested in didn't seem to feel the same way in return.
Jared wasn't interested in dating other girls at all, so he was definitely upset about Caila being gone and potentially hitting it off with another guy. He said "it sucks" for sure.
Brett, Carl and their dates went on an energy-filled and alcohol-fueled booze cruise. Emily and Carl danced and made out and had a great time.
Back at the beach, Carly talked to Nick about how Caila had "70% feelings" for Jared and wished she felt stronger. Ashley then got her alone time with Jared on the beach, taking advantage of every second they had together. Caila's romance with Brett gave her hope in a future with Jared.
Ashley thought she was the best person for Jared, hands down, when it comes to loving and treating him right. Ashley said their dynamic had the makings of a romance novel and she hoped Jared would discover that Caila "sucks."
Back on Caila's date, she confessed to Brett that she had been thinking about Jared the whole day and ultimately made a mistake in accepting his date invitation. Caila respected the fact Jared took charge and asked her not to go, and she wished she had listened.
Meanwhile, Ashley continued to bash Caila when speaking with Jared. Ashley called Caila "a flirty girl" and "a backstabbing whore."
Once Caila returned from her date, Jared ditched Ashley and ran right up to her. Caila told Jared that her date with Brett gave her clarity in that she wanted to continue dating Jared. Caila just didn't like the pressure of having to solidify things so quickly in this process.
Caila assured Jared that he wasn't "a Plan B" or her second choice in that she was waiting for someone better to come along in Paradise. With all of that said, Jared couldn't conceal the huge smile on his face and he passionately kissed her.
Brett therefore tried to steal Haley away from Daniel, and it wasn't hard at all considering Haley didn't like Daniel at all and was annoyed with him.
Brett didn't think there was much competition until Ryan Beckett -- a real estate agent from Florida who was on Kaitlyn Bristowe's season of The Bachelorette -- arrived in Paradise.
Ryan said he might be refreshing for a girl on the show since he had no game, no good jokes and no good dance moves. He called himself "a normal guy." Emily immediately thought Ryan was nice and good looking, but Daniel thought Ryan looked old, like a "silver fox."
Jared tried to get Ryan to ask Ashley out on a date, however, Ryan said he didn't want to "jump on that hand grenade" for his buddy. Ryan had expressed interest in dating a twin or Sarah, so he asked out Haley.
Daniel noted he wasn't going to let Ryan steal Haley away "from the papa bear," especially since she really liked him for a long list of honorable qualities, but Haley was actually excited to get away from Daniel and have the power at the next Rose Ceremony.
Back at the home base, Grant was falling more and more for Lace every day. He really cared about her and wanted a future with her. Grant therefore surprised Lace with a special couple's massage and told her over a couple glasses of champagne afterward that he loved her.
Grant appreciated Lace, and he made her feel very special. Lace was opening up her heart to him and falling in love as well, even though she didn't say those three little words back right away. Grant's openness brought Lace to tears, and she felt he really knew her as a person.
Lace said Grant telling her that he loved her was the "best, most unexpected thing in Paradise." She cared for him deeply.
Meanwhile, Vinny was falling for Izzy more and more every day as well. He could picture his life down the road with her. Izzy acknowledged that Vinny was falling in love with her, but she couldn't get her mind off Brett's good looks.
Izzy told her girlfriends that if she could create the perfect-looking man, it would be Brett. Because of this strong attraction she had for another man, Izzy was beginning to have doubts about her romance with Vinny. And she felt guilty about that.
Izzy, however, didn't want to leave Paradise with regrets -- which might include never talking to Brett. She therefore sat down with the bachelor and said she'd like to keep her options open because she was drawn to him the moment he arrived.
Vinny watched the pair talk from a distance, but he wasn't worried about it at all. Izzy just didn't want to settle and noted she was 75% there with Vinny.
Izzy then sat down privately with Vinny and admitted her feelings for him were not 100% and part of that reason was her strong attraction to Brett. Izzy confessed her "stomach flipped" when he arrived and no man up to this point made her question what she and Vinny had.
Vinny said it "really hurts," but she just wanted to be honest with him. Vinny didn't see that coming at all, and Izzy got emotional as she was trying to explain the situation to him.
"It's mind-blowing she feels that way off of that five minutes," Vinny told the cameras, referencing Izzy's short conversation with Brett. "I just can't believe she had the nerve to do that."
Vinny started to cry because he couldn't believe Izzy was willing to throw away everything they had for a guy she barely knew who wore "sandals and jeans rolled up." Vinny clearly took a shot at Brett's masculinity, but you couldn't blame him for being upset and jealous.
The next day, Vinny told the guys that Izzy had "a change of heart" once Brett arrived, and everyone was shocked. Vinny also knew Izzy was the one who approached Brett to begin with.
Grant expected Izzy and Vinny to make it to the end, but that obviously wasn't going to happen. Grant said Brett walked in with a lamp and a light bulb went off in Izzy's head. Even the girls were confused about how Izzy could be so obsessed with a guy just because of what he looks like.
"How did the lamp guy break up the strongest couple in the house?" Carly said to the cameras.
Despite Jared asking Vinny not to make any rash decisions, Vinny chose to quit Paradise. However, he needed to talk to Izzy first and find closure. Emily noted that Izzy was going to regret losing Vinny because great guys are hard to come by and he was completely invested in her.
Vinny asked to speak with Izzy in the tree house, hoping to learn why she led him on, and then the episode ended. To be continued...
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski