Bachelor in Paradise welcomed Shushanna Mkrtychyan and Lauren Himle to the cast and Caila Quinn and Jared Haibon decided to leave during Tuesday night's broadcast on ABC.
After all, Jared had been told his feelings were stronger for Caila than her feelings were for him.
Meanwhile, Ashley Iaconetti vented to the cameras about how Caila is an "awful person" and Jared is "so kind-hearted" so she was just trying to protect him out of love. Ashley then spoke to Jared about how Caila allegedly flat out said she didn't like him.
Ashley promised Jared she wasn't coming from a place of jealousy or sabotage, nor did she want to destroy him and his relationship. Jared assured Ashley he knew that was the case, but viewers probably felt differently at home.
Jared made Ashley feel safe and loved, and she appreciated how he was always there for her and so loyal.
When Caila was pulling away in her SUV, she told the cameras, "It's hard because [Ashley] loves him and I can see it, and now matter how I feel, or what I do in the relationship, people are going to compare them."
Jared was running after her car as Caila was speaking to the cameras, and once it slowed down, Jared hopping in and hugged her. Jared said "this is the girl" he wanted to make it work with and the "possibilities are limitless" with her.
"I can see a future with Caila. I really think that something great could come of this... something very special," Jared said in a confessional.
Ashley hated that she and Jared left in a fight, but she was still interested in Wells Adams romantically, so she just hoped he didn't like Jami Letain more.
However, Wells and Jami then returned to the home base from their date holding hands, and they gushed about the amazing time they had together. Wells knew he owed Ashley a conversation because he never warned her about his date with Jami beforehand.
Wells liked the fact there were "no complications" with Jami and therefore wanted to explore their relationship more.
Wells told Ashley that Jami was "really, really cool," and although her spirits were a little deflated, she told the bachelor she understood he needed time to process everything.

Wells was taken aback by her composure, and Ashley insisted she had emotionally matured on this journey. Wells just wasn't sure if she was putting on a front for him. It was awkward, yet obviously flattering, for him to have two women after him.
Meanwhile, Izzy Goodkind was so physically attracted to Brett Melnick that she thought he looked like her perfect man. Izzy felt more herself around Brett than she ever did with Vinny Ventiera.
Lauren H. from Ben Higgins' season of The Bachelor then arrived, and Brett noted she looked "scrumptious" and he just wanted "to eat her up." Wells was secretly hoping he wouldn't be asked out on another date because his situation was already crazy enough.
Moments later, Shushanna stepped onto the Paradise scene, and Wells thought she was "such a cutie."
Lauren H. and Shushanna discovered they'd be going on a double date. Ashley called Shushanna "Euro trash," and much to her dismay, the exotic beauty asked Wells out. Lauren then asked Brett out on a date, and both men accepted their invitations.
Ashley was starting to have trouble faking her calm, cool and collected attitude because she was really hurting and emotional on the inside. Izzy also felt "sick" to watch Brett go out with another girl, which validated her feelings for him.
For their date, the two couples went surfing. Brett thought Lauren looked "hot," and she liked how silly he was. Wells loved Shushanna's body, and she felt like she could do anything at his side.
Lauren told Brett she felt a connection and wanted to get to know him better, so Brett was confused about which girl he liked more since Izzy was waiting for him back at the home base.
Wells was in uncharted territory, because at this point, he was juggling three girls. Wells was worried about hurting someone. He had feelings for all three girls but didn't know them very well and was running out of time.
Meanwhile, Nick Viall talked to Ashley about how she has this reputation of being "clingy" and possessive, which guys don't like. Nick admitted it's possible Wells really liked her but was afraid to give her a rose. She whole-heartedly agreed and took Nick's constructive criticism well.
Viewers didn't see much of Carly Waddell and Evan Bass last night except for a hot makeout session, which ultimately proved Evan doesn't have erectile dysfunction. Let's just leave it at that.
Amanda Stanton was still confused about having received so many warnings about Josh Murray as Nick talked to Jennifer Saviano about how he wouldn't want his sister -- or any women close to him -- to date a man with "aggression."
Amanda then earned a Date Card and asked Josh to join her. She felt strongly about him and didn't want to be blinded by something just because she's so caught up in her feelings. Amanda needed to think about whether she was really ready for an engagement, because she didn't want to think back on this journey and realize she should've listened to everybody's concerns.
At dinner that night, Josh told Amanda that there will always be people who can't get over the past and feel the need to sabotage other people's relationships. He was clearly talking about Nick since the guys previously had a rivalry over former The Bachelorette star Andi Dorfman.
Josh told Amanda that the only person he was worried about was her, and that she was his focus. Amanda acknowledged they had something special and she really trusted him. The single mom said she's a smart girl with a good judge of character, so she knew what she was doing.
Amanda determined she wasn't going to be bothered by others' doubts going forward. Josh felt their relationship was "genuine and real." Amanda just had a tough time knowing their friends weren't happy for them.
Josh then told Amanda that everything felt right with her and she was starting to feel like his best friend, which is a dynamic he'd like to carry into real life. Josh confessed for the second time he was falling in love with Amanda because she's such a wonderful person and could see them overcoming any obstacle.
Amanda loved seeing Josh's sweet and sensitive side, and it only made her fall for him more.
"I know who Josh is. Josh isn't perfect, but neither am I, and I don't think anybody is. But what I can say is Josh is perfect for me," Amanda told the cameras.
"We have this amazing chemistry and an amazing connection. He is everything I've ever wanted. He just makes me really happy... After tonight, I know that I do love Josh, and that's exactly what I came here for."
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski