Bachelorette spoilers have reportedly changed regarding how Tayshia Adams' season of The Bachelorette ended and who she picked as her winner, so what happens in the 2020 season finale may not be what you previously heard in spoilers!


[Bachelorette Spoilers Warning: This report contains spoilers that spoil the ending of Tayshia's 2020 season of The Bachelorette and reveals changes to who Tayshia ended up with and picked as her winner as well as her Final 2 picks.]

The Bachelorette is scheduled to air its sixteenth-season finale as a two-night event on Monday, December 21 and Tuesday, December 22, with both broadcasts airing at 8PM ET/PT on ABC.


Tayshia will be entering her round of overnight Fantasy Suite dates with her Final 3 bachelors: Brendan Morais, a 30-year-old commercial roofer from Milford, MA; Ivan Hall, a 28-year-old aeronautical engineer from Dallas, TX; and Zac Clark, a 36-year-old addiction specialist from Haddonfield, NJ.

Ben Smith, a 29-year-old Army Ranger veteran from Venice, CA, was eliminated after the four men introduced Tayshia to their families at The Bachelorette resort.


Ben admitted to the cameras he was "in love" with Tayshia and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, but he never expressed those feelings to The Bachelorette star. Tayshia therefore worried her feelings for Ben weren't being reciprocated.

Although Ben was sent packing, a recent preview of the finale released by ABC shows that Ben returns! Did Ben seek closure or a second chance, and did Tayshia take him back?

The Bachelorette two-night finale spoilers

ABC revealed one man -- whom Tayshia initially envisioned herself potentially ending up with -- finds himself very anxious about the future in the December 21 episode, and he'll explain to Tayshia where his doubts are coming from.

Former The Bachelorette stars JoJo Fletcher and Rachel Lindsay then lend Tayshia their support and guidance during a crucial time of Tayshia's journey to find love.

On the December 22 finale, Tayshia will introduce her remaining bachelors to her family and her father expresses concern she might make the biggest mistake of her life.


"When proposal day arrives, Tayshia is so overcome with emotion that not even Chris Harrison can read her tears," ABC teased.

"Will Tayshia bravely step into the future she has been dreaming of or will she be too scared of repeating her past?"


Reality Steve spoiler blogger Steve Carbone reported in late September he had heard the conclusion of Tayshia's time on The Bachelorette was surprising and unexpected.

"I do not think we had a normal ending with Tayshia's season," Carbone wrote in his blog.


And when Variety asked ABC executive Robert Mills in a recent interview to tease Tayshia's time on the show, he said, "It's just as emotional as [Clare Crawley's], but in a totally different way."

"Tayshia really allowed herself to fall in love with multiple guys. It's always such a roller coaster," Rob shared.

"At the end, there are a lot of heartbreaking, devastating moments. There's not really a villain. It's more like, 'I want her to end up with him. Wait no, I want her to be with this guy!'"

So which guy steals Tayshia's heart -- or does Tayshia end the process with her heart broken? Keep reading for the details!

What spoilers were initially reported for The Bachelorette season that have been changed?

Carbone reported in his November 4 blog post that Brendan chose to leave the show on his own at the Final 4 or Final 3. (Given Ben was eliminated in fourth place, Brendan would have to leave soon if that's the case).


"Brendan's divorce was finalized just over a year ago, and apparently that played a big role in why he left," Carbone wrote at the time. "Guess he just wasn't ready to jump into another relationship."

"I don't know exactly when Brendan eliminated himself."

Carbone was certain at the time, however, Ben and Zac finished as Tayshia's Final 2 bachelors, which ultimately met either Brendan or Ivan went home in third place.

Carbone heard around the time filming wrapped in late August that Ben's sister Madalyn was bragging to people about how her brother had finished in Tayshia's Final 2.

"I know that Ben and Zac C. are Tayshia's Final 2," Carbone wrote on Instagram in November.


However, Carbone reported that Tayshia was still nursing a broken heart over Brendan leaving the competition when she had two men in the picture.

"From what I've heard, Brendan is who Tayshia wanted. And when he left, she was pretty distraught but still ended up picking somebody," Carbone previously reported.

Carbone later revealed Tayshia gave her final rose to Zac and Zac is the winner of her season.

"When filming wrapped at the end of August, Tayshia had chosen Zac C. over Ben," Carbone reported in early November.

Carbone added, "I was told Zac was the one who opened up to her the most and professed his love, whereas it was much tougher for Ben, so ultimately she picked Zac."


Although Carbone reported that Tayshia had picked Zac in the end, he said the couple did not get engaged.

What are the new spoilers about how Tayshia's The Bachelorette season allegedly ends?

Carbone apparently got Tayshia's Final 4 finishing order incorrect when he first reported The Bachelorette 16 spoilers over a month ago.

Carbone released new spoilers in two blog posts on December 14 and December 15.

Carbone admitted he's had a difficult time sorting through "what's legit information and what isn't."

While Carbone previously reported Brendan self-eliminated, he's now unsure of whether Brendan quit the show at all.

"As for Brendan self-eliminating, I don't know. Maybe it happens," Carbone wrote, pointing out that a recent preview suggested Brendan might leave.

"I just don't know with any confidence at this point if it does."

Since Ben went home in fourth place, that means Carbone's original report on Tayshia's Final 2 bachelors -- which were Ben and Zac -- was at least half wrong all this time!


However, as previously mentioned, a preview shows Ben sitting down with Tayshia and expressing his love for her, so it appears Ben is going to return at some point either hoping for closure or to beg Tayshia for a second chance.

"Ben is shown talking to Tayshia in a scene that we [haven't seen yet], which means we not know Ben shows up at some point during the finale," Carbone wrote on Instagram.

The spoiler blogger is unsure how Tayshia's journey concludes -- but he has a good guess

Carbone can apparently only speculate which bachelor finished in third, second and first place and how Tayshia's journey to find love concluded.


"I have no idea if [what I'm reporting] is true or not. My confidence level in it isn't very high considering the 'Ben is Final 2' spoiler was already wrong," Carbone shared.

"If it ends up being right, great. If it ends up being wrong, great. I'm not saying 'here is the ending to the season. This is what happens.' I'm just telling you what I've been told."

Carbone is no longer sure that Zac finished as Tayshia's winner and final-rose recipient.

"As for the end result this season, at this point, it's anybody's guess. I do not know for sure what happens as of now," Carbone wrote in his blog.

Carbone elaborated, "Do I think she chose Zac in the end? I honestly do not know anymore. Maybe? I guess? Kinda?... I'm not saying anything with certainty because I just don't know."

Carbone, however, has heard from two different sources Tayshia did end up choosing Zac at the Final Rose Ceremony.



Carbone initially reported Zac and Tayshia did not get engaged, and he's still standing by that. In fact, Carbone reported Zac and Tayshia's took a sharp turn for the worse after the show filmed.

What's Tayshia current relationship status now, reportedly?

Carbone claims Zac and Tayshia broke things off at some point after filming wrapped.

"[I heard] that she is currently back in touch with Brendan and they are slowly working on a relationship," Carbone revealed.

"I'm sure that brings up a bunch of questions," Carbone added, "but frankly, I have no answers. That's all I've got."

Carbone is unsure whether Tayshia and Brendan met up after the show or how things allegedly ended with her winner Zac.


Tayshia's finale is apparently going to be a surprise to everyone at this rate, including Carbone.

"I've never not had some info I felt comfortable standing by before the finale. And as of now, I don't for Tayshia," Carbone admitted. "I don't have much confidence in anything."

In the meantime, what other behind-the-scenes information do we know about Tayshia's The Bachelorette season?

Tayshia fell in love with more than one The Bachelorette bachelor

Tayshia revealed in a November interview she fell in love with multiple men while filming the show's 2020 season.

When Entertainment Tonight asked how many times Tayshia said "I love you" on her season, Tayshia replied, "I say it multiple times."

Tayshia admitted she fell for "way more" guys than she thought she would, but she dodged questions about whether she professed her love to more than just one guy.

"I didn't know it was possible to fall in love with multiple people, but when you just really lean into the journey and really be vulnerable, you never know what can happen. And it happened to me," Tayshia shared.



Tayshia also revealed she's "happy" after filming the show with the right intentions and an open heart and she's "possibly" engaged and in love right now.

Tayshia confirmed in the interview her time on the show "lasted a few more weeks" than Clare's journey to find love.

"You just really see the men... And the guys are incredible," Tayshia teased of what's to come. "But they did make me cry and there are a lot of fun dates and a lot of twists and turns. It's a really good season."

Tayshia said her time on the show was much harder than she had ever imagined and the process was "really intense." 

Tayshia appeared to hint she picked Zac Clark in a recent interview

During a December 9 appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Tayshia participated in a game in which she had to share which man best fit a certain description or phrase supplied by Ellen DeGeneres.


At one point, Ellen asked Tayshia to note the suitor who is "future husband material."

Tayshia hesitated before answering the question and said, "I mean all of them."

But then she blurted out, "But probably Zac," suggesting Zac was her winner.

Ellen therefore joked with the 30-year-old The Bachelorette star, "So, you end up with Zac?"

Tayshia -- who also revealed during the game Zac, Ben, Blake and Brendan were the best kissers on her season -- laughed and dodged the question.

"You had multiple answers for best kisser but you only had one answer for future husband material," Ellen teased Tayshia.


"So, yeah. If you did pick someone else [in the end], you are really in trouble when this airs."

Tayshia also revealed on Ellen's show producers weren't happy that she had been so honest about her feelings for the 36-year-old addiction specialist from Haddonfield, NJ.

"I will say, after I did tell him [I was falling], my producers were like, 'Whoops!' Like, 'You shouldn't have done that.' But whatever, it felt right," Tayshia said, according to Us Weekly.

Tayshia explained, "I'm there to, like, find my person. So, if it's what I'm feeling, then I felt like, 'Why not say it?'"

However, just because Zac is "husband material" doesn't mean Tayshia is ready to walk down the aisle again anytime soon.

Tayshia has claimed she said she didn't want to get engaged

Tayshia reportedly told her cast of bachelors while filming Season 16 she didn't want to get engaged at the end of her journey.


Tayshia felt the need to tell her suitors she wouldn't be ready for a marriage proposal by the The Bachelorette finale, according to Us Weekly.


"I told them, 'I don't think I'm gonna get engaged at the end of this, I think I might just leave with a boyfriend or whatever,' and they [understood] and said, 'We're not gonna pressure you to do anything,'" Tayshia, 30, told the magazine's Bachelor Happy Hour podcast.

"You do what your heart wants, so I didn't ever really feel that pressure of, 'Oh my God, I need to find a husband right now.' So I just kind of lived my journey how I wanted to."

Although Tayshia's journey on the show didn't begin until a couple of weeks in due to Clare Crawley's initial stint on The Bachelorette, Tayshia assured Us that she had "enough" time with her group of guys.

"I don't really think I had too short of a time. That was a fear that I had," Tayshia said.


She continued, "I feel like if I had too much time, I might've done what Clare would've done, like, looked up all these guys on Instagram, kind of had an idea on who I wanted to talk to... And I loved that I didn't know anything about them and they knew nothing about me."

Tayshia said the guys "really showed who they are and what they had to offer" in the time they had together.

"[And] I did the same. When you know you know, I think," Tayshia shared. "Either you have an attraction to someone or you don't, and I feel like that's what I kept leaning into."

But Tayshia has worn a diamond ring recently

Could Tayshia be engaged after all?! She was spotted with a diamond ring!

Tayshia recently sparked speculation she could possibly be engaged by flashing an apparent big diamond ring on her hand.

Tayshia flashed the big diamond ring when she posted a recipe for her iced coffee on Instagram Stories and also shared a selfie of herself holding up her glass and drinking from a straw while recording a recent episode of her Click Bait podcast, according to Us Weekly.


"New @clickbaitBN being recorded!" Tayshia reportedly captioned the selfie in early December.

When did ABC determine they'd have to replace Clare with Tayshia?

Rob Mills told Variety that after filming Episode 3 of The Bachelorette's sixteenth season, it was pretty obvious Clare wouldn't be able to fake it with the other guys since her mind was so focused on Dale.

Rob and the other producers were thinking to themselves, "How do we make this a horse race?"

"We have to keep people invested for 10 weeks, and they're just going to see her wanting to be with Dale. She made other connections with other guys -- she was okay kissing them and there was definitely a lot of great drama and all of the typical things that you like on The Bachelor," Rob explained.

"But our one big worry was that we wanted to make sure that she really wanted to be with Dale and wouldn't make another connection with someone else. But by Week 3, she was really emotional over it and she was crying and there were real feelings there."

Rob also said "the guys had checked out" by that point and were "just sort of done."


"They're stuck in this one place -- it's not like we could travel and have that to look forward to -- so the bubble was starting to close in on itself... The guys felt a little spurned that they're going all in for Clare," Rob said.

"They've left their jobs to be there, they've quarantined there, it's insanely hot in Palm Springs, and they never really had a chance because Clare only had eyes for one guy. You just go with instinct at that point."


By the end of filming Episode 3, Rob recalled, "The producers started discussing like, 'What would happen if she wants to leave with Dale?' And that's when the producers thought that maybe we should reach out to Tayshia."

The producers had previously met with Tayshia because she was in consideration to star on The Bachelorette's sixteenth season.

"We had met with her earlier and told her that this time, it's going to be Clare," Rob told Variety in his recent interview.


"So since [Clare and Dale] was so unexpected, she came in and basically said, 'You never know when things are going to shake up in your life.' And we are so lucky that we ended up getting two all-time Bachelorettes."

Rob clarified of producers' decision to switch the lead, "There really wasn't the luxury of time, so it was really instinctual."

Rob also insisted replacing Clare with Tayshia was a "roll of the dice" and never a pre-meditated situation, which Carbone had previously claimed. (Carbone said producers knew all along Tayshia would take over for Clare at some point).

Rob said the fact people are questioning the validity of Clare and Tayshia's storyline is "insane."

"You just think, 'Oh my gosh, I swear we didn't plan this,'" Rob insisted.

Tayshia was almost The Bachelorette's star last season!

Tayshia was widely reported to be a frontrunner for The Bachelorette's Season 15 leading lady, but the position ultimately went to Hannah Brown.


Tayshia therefore appeared on last year's edition of Bachelor in Paradise, where she fell in love with John Paul Jones but dumped him before the season concluded.


While the couple briefly reconciled and began dating in the real world after leaving Paradise, Tayshia and John Paul ultimately split in October 2019.

Just days before Clare was announced as The Bachelorette star earlier this year, Tayshia admitted to ET that she would be "ready" for the gig.

"I have to say, anything that comes my way, I am ready for," Tayshia shared in late February. "I am ready for love!"

The Bachelorette's new season was originally supposed to have filmed in March and premiered on May 18, but global health restrictions in light of coronavirus had shut down nearly all Hollywood productions.

Clare began filming her portion of The Bachelorette in mid-July.

News of Tayshia's participation first shocked the world on July 31 when a spoiler about her replacing Clare was posted on Reddit and then Carbone tweeted there was "some serious validity" to the posting.

Entertainment Tonight subsequently confirmed on August 3 that Tayshia became the new star of The Bachelorette but Clare's short journey to find love would also be featured on the show this fall.

Tayshia didn't google her bachelors before filming

Tayshia has insisted that unlike Clare Crawley, she did not google her cast of bachelors prior to meeting them on Night 1 of Season 16.

"I did not [cyber stalk]. I did not," Tayshia confirmed during a recent interview with Us Weekly.

"When I was in quarantine, I didn't think that this phone call [to be the Bachelorette] was ever going to come. At that point, The Bachelorette had started [filming]. I did look at the guys once they were first announced for Clare, but that was, like, months and months ago."


ABC released an initial cast of 32 potential bachelors for Clare all the way back in March, and Clare previously admitted she had researched some of those guys and checked out their social media accounts.


A revised list of 42 men was later released in July, and then after quarantine and COVID-19 testing, 31 guys actually appeared on Clare's season and got to date her.

Once Tayshia began her stint on the show, she had 20 men to choose from, including the four newcomers who never got to date Clare.

"I didn't really have the chance to look at them before [I met them], and I'm glad I didn't, to be honest," Tayshia said.

Tayshia expressed relief and satisfaction over beginning The Bachelorette process with no expectations or preconceived notions about any of the men.

"I just went into it just honestly giving it my all and leaning into the process and honestly being me," Tayshia shared.

"And I loved that I didn't know anything about them and they knew nothing about me. They didn't know who was coming through those doors. I loved it all. I thought it was amazing."

Tayshia admitted she was hesitant to sign on for The Bachelorette only because the cast of guys had initially signed up for Clare, but it apparently all worked out in the end.

"I couldn't have asked for, like, a better group of men. I've always said that I want an older, more mature man that has depth, and all of these guys have exactly that," Tayshia gushed to Us. "It was, like, perfect."


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.