Ali Fedotowsky appreciated Justin Rego walking all the way to her Malibu mansion with a broken ankle, however she felt differently about the way he wasn't up front about the trip to his fellow The Bachelorette sixth-season bachelors.
"I thought he would have just flat out told them that he came to visit me. In fact, I felt so bad when I let that slip to Roberto at the rose ceremony. I really didn't want to make things harder on Justin, but it looks like he wasn't being too nice to the guys so I don't feel as bad anymore."
While the 26-year-old entertainment wrestler from Toronto, Canada remains in the running for Fedotowsky's heart, the same can't be said for Hunter -- a 28-year-old Internet account executive from San Antonio who failed to receive a rose from her on a one-on-one date.
"My date with Hunter was really difficult for me to figure out. I liked him and he seemed like a great guy but I didn't feel like we really had any chemistry," wrote Fedotowsky.
"Besides our lighthearted dinner conversation, everything else seemed unnatural and a little bit awkward. I hated that I had to let Hunter go on this date, but I knew it wasn't fair to either one of us if I had asked him to stay just because I thought he was a good guy. I will say that I think Hunter's a catch and I hope he finds a great girl to play his ukulele to."
One of Fedotowsky's individual dates was a success, as her connection with Roberto -- a 26-year-old insurance agent from Charleston, SC who had previously received her first-impression rose -- only grew stronger.
"We watched the sunset and then danced while Roberto sang softly into my ear. It was incredibly romantic," Fedotowsky wrote. "Cuddling up with him after dinner felt very natural."
Fedotowsky also took nine of her suitors on a group date that included them filming scenes for a Barenaked Ladies music video.
One of the scenes included Fedotowsky and Kirk, a 27-year-old sales consultant from Green Bay, WI, rolling on a bed and kissing -- a scene she said the other suitors on the date weren't required to watch.
"During my scene with Kirk, I actually asked the guys to leave the room because I wanted to be respectful and not make them feel uncomfortable. I never would have kissed Kirk with all the guys watching," she explained.
"However, I guess some of the guys must have peaked at some point because they obviously saw something. But this was a scene and we were acting -- the real kiss came later in the hot tub."
Fedotowsky closed her blog by reiterating comments she made during last night's episode.

"I feel like I could find my husband here!" she wrote. "I actually started a journal at the beginning of the show and the very first sentence reads, 'This is the story of how I met my husband...'"
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio