Just as Jennifer and William finally started to work together as a team, they became the eighth pair eliminated from Beauty and the Geek's fourth-season during last night's broadcast of The CW reality competition series.


"Definitely at one point, I felt complete hatred towards William.  I just could not care less if I never saw him again," said Jennifer following her team's ouster.  "It's just ironic that -- finally -- in the very last week, we come together the way we should have like a month ago."

Beauty and the Geek 4's ninth episode began with William, a 25-year-old server from Raleigh-Durham, NC, and Jennifer, a 26-year-old waitress and model from Boston, MA, returning from the previous elimination round, where they defeated Joshua and Shay. 

Jennifer said she was "shocked" to be returning from the elimination round, especially since she's always fighting with her partner.  David, a 28-year-old fire department administrator from Somerville, MA, was pleased William and Jennifer returned since it would give them more time to work out their problems with each other.

David was able to spend some alone time with Nicole, a 25-year-old Tufts University musicology graduate student from San Francisco, CA who is serving as the nerdy girl.  David explained how he's had a "crush" on Nicole since she entered the house but has never acted on it because he was afraid it would be "awkward."  Once again, he decided to keep his mouth shut about his feelings.


Nicole described David as "sweet and really funny" and was glad the two can talk so comfortably with each other.

"Maybe when all this is over, I can work up the courage to finally ask her out on a date," said David.

Sam, a 26-year-old party promoter from Davis, CA who is serving as the hunky guy, had previously won five of the eight beauty challenges.  He was hoping that the next challenge would be a physical one so he would have an advantage. 

The three remaining couples then met host Mike Richards, who explained they would be competing in the penultimate challenge as a team.  Mike added the challenge would take place at a wine vineyard.

"You have to work together to win," said Mike, who added that no team has ever won Beauty and the Geek's grand prize without winning one of the season's challenges.  The comment was directed at William and Jennifer, who have yet to win a fourth-season challenge.


"Jen and I have had a lot of our difficulties because we are both stubborn," said William.  "But with this challenge, we both have the same objective, so it's a time we can both come together."

Nicole said she was sick of Sam carrying the couple and was looking forward to the opportunity to prove herself in the upcoming challenge.  David's partner Jasmine, a 22-year-old nanny from Columbus, OH, was nervous about the impending challenge, especially since Sam has been such a "giant."

On the trip to the vineyard, William was still studying and obviously having a hard time with the material since he's not a wine enthusiast.  He stubbornly insisted to the other teams that you pronounce the "t" at the end "cabernet," even though he was incorrect.

The three remaining teams then arrived at the Beauty and the Geek vineyard for the penultimate challenge, with the winner automatically claiming a spot in the finale.  Each team would have to pick 20-pounds worth of grapes; transfer them to a wine-stomping cask; and use their bare feet to fill three bottles of wine, which they would then have to cork and label.  The twist was that the two members of each couple would be tied together.

"I would have rather been tied to another guy," commented Jennifer.  Jasmine was also worried that David's height might be a hindrance, while he was more concerned about his clumsiness.  Sam seemed to know that Nicole would slow him down, but he was hoping to instead speed her up.


The challenge then commenced and all the teams made their way into the vineyard.  It became clear right away that one of the major problems would be determining what 20-pounds of grapes felt like.  William and Jennifer were unsure they had collected 20-pounds, but took a chance and made their way back up the hill anyway.  David and Jasmine followed, and hoped they wouldn't have to make the trip back down into the vineyard again.

They wouldn't have to, as David and Jasmine were the first to collect 20-pounds and started stomping.  William and Jennifer weren't so lucky, having collected only 13-pounds, which meant they had to go back for more.  Luckily for them, Nicole was moving "really slow," according to Sam.

David and Jasmine had to remove the spout from their cask since the wine wasn't flowing so freely, however they still had quite a comfortable lead once the other two teams finally started stomping after collecting 20 pounds.  David and Jasmine eventually started to cork and label their bottles before carefully walking to the finish line, knowing that if they dropped a bottle the challenge would basically be over for them.

David and Jasmine won the challenge and guaranteed themselves a shot at the fourth season's $250,000 grand prize.

"It was one of the most fantastic moments of my life," said David.


Before returning to the house, the couples were treated to some wine and cheese at a lookout that provided a nice view of wine country.  However Sam pouted about losing the challenge and refused to eat anything.

"It's me and Dave's moment, and it turned into Sam's problem," said Jasmine.  "It's not fair."

Back at the house, William and Jennifer immediately started to study for the upcoming elimination round, with William hoping that Sam's brooding over the previous challenge would make him lose his focus.  Jennifer was more focused with working as a team with William.

During a study break, the three remaining couples received a surprise in the form of a video montage of their Beauty and the Geek journey.  The video made David and Jasmine realize how far they've come; lifted Sam's spirits; and basically highlighted all of the arguing William and Jennifer had been doing.

"I look at that video, and it reminds me of a lot of the challenges that Jen and I have had a lot of our difficulties," said William.  "Now I think Jen and I know where our limits are.  We know what we need to say -- or what needs to not be said -- to come to a peaceful resolution."

"I wish William and myself would have been able to work better with each other," said Jennifer.  "But I think he kind of understands me better and I understand the way he is.  So I think maybe there's a little bit of respect happening in there."

David helped Nicole study and told her how he appreciated the opportunity to spend more time with her.  She appreciated the sentiment.  David was still concerned about ruining their friendship by telling her how he felt and sought out Jasmine for help.  Jasmine decided if Sam and Nicole were victorious in the elimination round, the two remaining teams should go on a double date.

Sam and Nicole continued to study, as did William and Jennifer.

"We pretty much decided to put everything aside, just forget the past and focus on what we need to do," said Jennifer before turning her attention to William.  "I'm just glad we were able to at least pull somewhat together for the ending of this."

"Yeah, me too," answered William.

Moments before the elimination round began, Jasmine goaded David to approach Nicole and tell her how he felt.  David called Jasmine a "troublemaker," and she held true to that description when she told Nicole David had something he wanted to tell her.  Nicole wondered what could be so important before she faced her biggest elimination round of the competition.  Since both David and Nicole reside in Boston, he suggested the two grab coffee together once filming was over.


"I hope you come back because I like you a lot," David finally managed to tell Nicole.  She seemed flattered but romantically disinterested.

"I definitely plan to hang out with Dave when we get back to Boston," commented Nicole in a confessional.  "But I just don't foresee it really getting anywhere."

Beauty and the Geek's semifinal elimination round then commenced, with both the beauties and the geeks answering wine-related questions.

Sam nailed both of his questions -- including one about the Roman god of win -- which he said he would have never known the answer to if it hadn't been for Nicole telling it to him just prior to the elimination round.  Jennifer got her first question right, but when Mike subsequently asked the name for a wine scientist -- an Oenologist -- she mispronounced it and got it wrong even though it was something she and William studied.

"I'm so sorry," whispered William to Jennifer after the beauties answered both their questions.  "It was my fault."  Mike asked William what he meant by that.

"We covered [Oenologist] as one of the vocab words," he explained.  "I mispronounced it to her... So it's all my fault."

"It's not your fault," said Jennifer.  "I should know how to pronounce it to."

Nicole and William both answered their first questions correctly.  However William didn't know the answer to his second question, eliminating his team from the competition.  William was frustrated with himself and couldn't resist asking Mike to read the unasked question that he could have chosen.  William was disheartened to learn he knew the answer to it and could have saved his team.

"We were just starting to get along too!" said William before he and Jennifer left.

Beauty and the Geek 4's penultimate episode will air Tuesday, November 27 at 8PM ET/PT on The CW and take a The Bachelor-like turn, with the two remaining couples traveling to each other's hometowns to meet the parents.  Beauty and the Geek 4's finale episode will then air Tuesday, December 4 at 8PM ET/PT.

About The Author: Christopher Rocchio
Christopher Rocchio is an entertainment reporter for Reality TV World and has covered the reality TV genre for several years.