Ben Higgins has shared a rumor he heard about why The Golden Bachelor couple Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist are divorcing after a shockingly brief three-month marriage.


"I have an insider story: This is a rumor. I want to be clear that as I preface this, this is a rumor of a generalization of a conversation that Gerry and Theresa had, and I think you're going to find it interesting," Ben, 35, said on the Sunday, May 5 episode of "The Ben and Ashley I: Almost Famous Podcast."

"Now, this rumor is speculative," he noted, "but it does seem to carry some weight in truth, that something like this did happen between them and it was kind of the culprit for the breakup."


Ben confirmed he hadn't even told his co-host, Ashley Iaconetti, about the rumor yet.


"There is a rumor that on Theresa's visit to Indiana, Gerry picked Theresa up at the airport. It's about two hours from where Gerry lives," Ben began.

"So after he picks her up, they're both excited, but there had already been some issues in the relationship. There had been some grumblings and things happening... They're not seeing eye-to-eye in life."

Ben said during Gerry and Theresa's drive from the airport to his lake house in Indiana, the spouses had an eye-opening conversation.

"Most of that drive is through cornfields. Most of that drive is through agriculture and untouched land, in a lot of ways," Ben noted.

Ben said the rumor is that Theresa, who works in financial services in a busy New Jersey city, made a comment to Gerry that rubbed the Iowa native the wrong way.


"[Theresa said], 'Wow, look at all this beautiful untouched land. Think about what could be done if they developed it -- condos, office buildings, apartments. Think about the towns that could congregate in these open fields and think about the people that would be interested in moving here,'" Ben alleged.

"[She added], 'And look at that lake! There's a lake with only cornfields around it. Think about if they build up a resort where people could vacation to.'"

The Bachelor's Season 20 star went on to reveal, "And Gerry's comment back to her, again, a rumor, was, 'You don't take land from a farmer.' And that was the start of them realizing that they do not see the world the same way."

Ashley asked Ben if he was making this story up since they were interviewing Chris Soules, a farmer in Iowa who had starred on The Bachelor's 19th season.

"I am not!" Ben insisted.


"This was a rumored conversation that happened. It sparked [tension]. I don't know if there's a right and a wrong person here; I'm not picking a side... but Theresa, being from the city, sees open land and goes, 'Hey, how cool would it be if there's a park there or a condo there.'"


Ben continued, "But Gerry, from the country, says, 'You know what? That, to me, is what that land needs to be used for. That is beautiful. You don't take that land; you don't develop that land.'"

Ben claimed that was "a big start" to Gerry and Theresa realizing their differences.

"[They were] disagreeing on how they saw the world and what they imagined for the world and how they wanted to invest into the world," Ben claimed.


Chris admitted he could see "both sides" in that alleged dispute.

"There's areas that would benefit from development, and economically, it makes sense. But there's a ton of land out there; farmers have plenty of land to farm," Chris shared.

"And sometimes there's some misconceptions that, maybe, there's a shortage. But they're not making any more new land, so there's that. But that doesn't seem like something that should interfere in a fundamental breakup of a relationship, I would say."

Chris acknowledged "there's a happy medium" everyone should be "able to live with," adding, "Farmers can have their land, and we can sure build plenty of condos near the cities where they need to be. I don't think that should've resulted in a [divorce]."

Chris concluded, "To each their own, I guess! But I'm pro development and I'm pro farm land. We just all have to work together."

Ben told Chris and Ashley that he "cannot talk about my sources," who are "in" and "involved."

Ben also assured his listeners that he wasn't lying about any of his revelations.

Gerry and Theresa announced their decision to split on April 12. On that same day, Gerry filed for divorce from his The Golden Bachelor winner.

Theresa recently took a jab at haters who have criticized the couple for throwing in the towel so quickly after enjoying a lavish televised wedding that cost ABC millions of dollars on January 4.

"For everyone else who is confused and angry and who does not understand, please try to find it in your heart to understand and to try a little kindness," Theresa wrote on Instagram last month.

"Not just for me but for the world and for everyone you encounter."


Theresa called her relationship with Gerry "one of the most incredible experiences" of her life.

"[It was] something I never expected to happen at this point in my life and I truly thought it was going to last forever. It turns out, even at the age of 70, you don't know everything," Theresa admitted, adding how "sometimes things don't go the way you planned" and that's okay.

"I take so many positives away from this experience, most importantly and above all the incredible friends I now have... I ask you to please stay open to all the experiences, opportunities, and love that may come your way. Keep smiling, keep laughing... I will. I love you all."


Before Gerry and Theresa announced their decision to split in an evening ABC Nightline interview, part of which aired on Good Morning America on April 12, Theresa and Gerry had appeared on a March episode of the "Dear Shandy" podcast.

On the podcast, Theresa and Gerry discussed how they fought during their marriage and how Theresa's desire to continue working a full-time job in New Jersey contributed to the demise of their relationship.

Gerry listed April 12 as his date of separation from Theresa in the divorce papers, and he cited an "irretrievable breakdown" of marriage as the cause of their split from Theresa, according to Us Weekly.

Theresa also confirmed on ABC Nightline that she and the retired fast-food restaurant owner had signed a prenuptial agreement.

"So many people wanted us to sign a prenup, and we do [have one]," Theresa revealed with a big smile. "We thought it would be best for our families."

During their interview with Juju Chang on ABC Nightline, Gerry and Theresa revealed they're divorcing because neither one of them was willing to relocate and move away from their adult children and families.

"The thing that strikes me the most, and in our conversations, is how dedicated both of us our to our families," Gerry said as Theresa nodded in agreement.

"So we look at these situations and I think we just feel like it's best for the happiness of each of us to live apart."


But Juju was openly skeptical of the couple's explanation, as many Bachelor Nation alums have been as well.

"I hear what you're saying... and yet throughout the process you said you were 100% committed to making it work," she said. "In November you told me you were thinking of moving to South Carolina to be together. How did it all fall apart?"

"Yeah, so that was the plan," Theresa replied.

"We looked at homes in South Carolina. We [also] considered New Jersey. We just looked at home after home but we never got to the point where we made that decision."

Sessions with a marriage counselor apparently helped Gerry and Theresa decide to move in the direction of divorce rather than trying to stay together.

However, the reality TV stars insisted they have not fallen out of love, despite their choice to part ways.


During the ABC interview, Theresa also insisted a November 2023 media report that Gerry misrepresented his past throughout The Golden Bachelor's production and broadcast run and allegedly had a live-in girlfriend of nearly three years before he appeared on the show played no role in her decision to divorce.

"No, not for me," Theresa said. "Because Gerry had already discussed that with me, he had already explained that to me before the report was ever released -- so we  were good with that, that didn't play into it."

"No," Gerry shrugged.

The Golden Bachelor stars also shared that they plan to continuing looking for love in new relationships.

"Oh yeah," Gerry told Juju.

"Yes," Theresa acknowledged. "And we tell everyone else to continue looking for love."


Up until April 12, the couple had been putting on a united front in public.

Gerry and Theresa just recently walked the red carpet together and filmed an episode of Celebrity Family Feud, after which Gerry boasted about the couple's "blended family" reuniting on social media.

When the Los Angeles Times previously asked Gerry if he'd continue to seek stardom or just live a quiet life with Theresa post-show, Gerry had replied, "I don't think those two things are mutually exclusive."

"I can have a great, quiet life with Theresa and still look at the aspirations and ambitions that may be out there," he elaborated in December.

"But I will say this, I am absolutely going to savor every moment until I get to that altar and say my 'I do's.' I want every single moment to be as joyful for her as it is for me, and I never want to look back and feel I hurried through anything. We'll deal with the aspirations after that."



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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.