Big Brother: All-Stars featured Cody Calafiore winning the Power of Veto and choosing to keep Head of Household Tyler Crispen's nominations the same during Wednesday night's Season 22 episode on CBS.
The Big Brother: All-Stars broadcast began on Day 16 with Kaysar and Janelle on the chopping block.
Tyler said not only did Kaysar and Janelle have his name "in their mouths," but he also viewed them as the two biggest threats to his game.
Although Janelle was upset about her nomination, she said in the Diary Room she's a strong woman who wouldn't let the house see her hurt. Janelle explained she wasn't going to "cry or whimper" like Nicole Franzel.
Meanwhile, Nicole was so happy Janelle was on the block.
"Finally, a little bit of karma because she's been so mean to me in this house," Nicole said.
Kaysar said it wasn't a big surprise he was nominated, adding, "I've been on the block with Janelle four times in three seasons. Hell, I've never been on the block without Janelle."
Kaysar said the only hope he and Janelle had would be for one of them to win the Power of Veto.
Tyler told Da.Vonne Rogers that he felt confident and trusted his group. Da'Vonne assured Tyler that they were working together and she felt good about their alliance so she wouldn't be on his radar as a potential replacement nominee.
Da'Vonne asked Tyler which houseguest would be the replacement if Janelle or Kaysar happened to win the veto, but Tyler vented in the Diary Room how Da'Vonne was getting ahead of herself and he didn't want to think about that just yet.

Bayleigh Dayton also thought she was a member of Tyler's alliance, but she said she loved Janelle and had bonded with her while they were Have Nots.
Bayleigh apparently didn't want to see Janelle go and figured Janelle wasn't a threat to her game. Janelle knew in order to have a chance to stay in the game, she needed Bayleigh on her side working with her.
Bayleigh told the cameras she would consider taking Janelle off the block if she got chosen to play in the Power of Veto competition and ultimately won it.
Dani Briones, who was aligned with Enzo Palumbo, explained to the cameras her strategy is to plant seeds of doubt in other players' minds about their fellow houseguests, which could maybe help her down the road.
Dani told Nicole, for example, Tyler is really good at this game and if he stayed in it long-term they'd have no shot to win. Tyler was a member of Dani's alliance and she said she really liked him, but she wasn't sure she could beat him in the end.
Dani told Tyler that Janelle has to be the one to go this week, and Tyler hoped he could win the veto to keep his original nominations the same.
It then became time to pick players for the PoV competition.
In addition to the Head of Household, Tyler, and the two nominees, Kaysar and Janelle, the following All-Stars were also selected at random to compete: Cody Calafiore, Bayleigh, and Memphis Garrett.
Memphis thought the odds were in his alliance's favor to win the veto and keep Janelle and Kaysar on the chopping block.
For the Power of Veto competition dubbed "Cupcake Clash," the participating houseguests were required to move colored puzzle pieces around in order to create three large cupcakes -- one pink, one yellow and one blue. The sprinkled icing had to be on the top of each cupcake, with a cake piece in the middle.
The players, who faced off in head-to-head matches, were not allowed to put any of the pieces on the ground while completing the task.
The winner of each match-up would move onto the next round until a winner is crowned.
In the end, Tyler and Cody faced off for the win and Cody won the golden Power of Veto.
Kaysar was upset Cody had won once again, and he said he needed to go back to the drawing board.
After the competition, Dani, Nicole and Christmas Abbott discussed how Memphis seemingly threw the competition so he wouldn't have to show his cards. Dani said Memphis had done the same last week because he was probably working with both sides of the house.
Janelle told Kaysar that she was probably the target and it would be better for his safe if she were to leave the house. Kaysar, however, acknowledged he'd be "vengeful" against the house if they got rid of his best friend in the game.
Janelle and Kaysar's backs were against the wall, so they determined their only hope would be to try to make a deal with someone.
Enzo, Cody and Tyler then discussed how Memphis had probably thrown the PoV competition when they really needed someone in their alliance to win it. The guys were losing trust in Memphis and began considering gunning for him.
Suddenly, Christmas learned her punishment for being Enzo's "Plus One" from the "Safety Suite" competition. Christmas was required to take care of a "bouncing baby all-star," which cried, complained, and needed to be changed, fed and carried around.
Janelle was then shown telling Cody it would be advantageous for his game, as well as Tyler's game, to keep her around because she's a massive target who wasn't winning competitions.
Janelle told Cody that if he used the Power of Veto on her, she would vote with him for the next two weeks and work with him going forward. Janelle said she wanted to eliminate "the floaters" since it's an All-Stars season, and she definitely gave Cody some food for thought.
The Veto Meeting then commenced and Cody announced he had decided not to use the Power of Veto because he didn't want to "ruffle any more feathers."
Cody said Janelle's deal was enticing but he wanted her out of the house since Day 1.
Kaysar told the cameras if he stayed in the house, he would come out with guns blazing, and Da'Vonne noted she was going to try to rally voted for Janelle to stay.
"After three weeks, we're finally getting a big target out of the house. Janelle absolutely is the Big Brother queen, but I have to make sure that she goes home this week because it's time for a new coronation," Dani shared.
Janelle complained she was "playing with children" and needed to show these All-Star players how to play Big Brother. Janelle said she was used to playing with cutthroat cast members.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski