Big Brother featured Angela Murray lashing out at Matt Hardeman and naming him a replacement nominee after Lisa Weintraub won the Power of Veto during the Season 26 episode that aired Wednesday night on CBS.


After Lisa, a 33-year-old celebrity chef from Los Angeles, CA, won the Power of Veto and took herself off the chopping block, the season's first Head of Household, Angela, named Matt, a 25-year-old tech sales representative from Loganville, GA who currently resides in Roswell, GA, the replacement nominee.


Angela, a 50-year-old real estate agent from Long Beach, CA who currently resides in Syracuse, UT, therefore has Matt; Kenney Kelley, a 52-year-old former undercover cop from Boston, MA; and Kimo Apaka, a 35-year-old mattress sales representative from Hilo, HI, on the chopping block heading into the first live eviction on Thursday night.

The Big Brother broadcast began on Day 4 following the Nomination Ceremony in which Angela had nominated Kimo, Lisa and Kenney for eviction.


Angela shared in the Diary Room how her target was Kenney because he seemed to be the biggest competitor of the three, but at the same time, she hadn't forgotten about Matt, who made her feel very threatened during that private conversation they had.

Angela said she had let Matt off the hook for the time being, but since a Power of Veto competition was still looming in the near future, Matt needed to watch his back on Big Brother.

Angela tried to smooth things over with Lisa and Kimo by informing them that Kenney was her actual target. Lisa, however, wasn't sure if she could trust Angela, but Angela insisted to Lisa that she saw her "as an ally and a friend."

Following the Nomination Ceremony, Angela was upset that Matt didn't approach her and give her a hug. She told the cameras that Matt's actions were speaking volumes, and then she complained about his behavior to Chelsie Baham and Joseph Rodriguez.

"He's got beady little eyes, and he's always like this," Angela vented to her pals, before doing an impression of Matt looking totally bewildered and crazed.


Joseph acknowledged that Matt was playing Big Brother hard, but he and Chelsie asked Angela to "play smart."

However, Angela lost her cool and whispered to herself -- as she was pacing back and forth -- about how Matt was "a son of a gun" and a "freaking little brat."

After Matt and Makensy Manbeck were shown flirting at night because their beds were next to each other, Makensy told the cameras he was "sweet and kind" and she was loving getting to know him better. Makensy teased viewers that they should "stay tuned" to see what happens next.

Matt and Makensy had also gotten "super close" to Leah Peters, and Makensy said she trusted them both a lot in this Big Brother game.

Makensy then revealed to Matt and Leah that she had a superpower called America's Veto in which she could remove someone from the chopping block and have America name the replacement nominee.


Matt called this news "huge," and he gushed about how he was feeling really good about his position in the game.

Meanwhile, Joseph, Chelsie, Cedric Hodges, and T'kor Clottey were conspiring about how to proceed in the game. They invited Kimo into their alliance so they'd have another number, and then they also welcomed Cam Sullivan-Brown and Quinn Martin into their big group that they named "The Collective."

This alliance was comprised of half the Big Brother house, and it also included Angela, who was in Quinn's Final 2.

Cam felt great about his position in the game because he had Matt and Tucker Des Lauriers on one side with the new "The Collective" alliance on his other side.



As Angela's HoH reign continued, she watched Matt "steamroll over people" in the house from her HoH Room. Angela thought Matt was "starting a war" and trying to dethrone her, and she found the situation "infuriating."

Angela boasted in Big Brother's Diary Room, "I can't believe Casanova Crazy Eyes is threatened by me!"

Joseph and Quinn then approached Angela and informed her about "The Collective" alliance. The men asked her to trust them, and they reminded her that she was now on a team with Cam, Cedric, Joseph, Kimo, T'kor and Chelsie.

Angela, however, was extremely skeptical and paranoid. She was convinced that Matt had secretly formed this group to go after her and take her down.

"The Collective is coming for me!" Angela vented in her Big Brother HoH room, adding how this alliance was "so bogus and so lame."

Angela ended up staying up all night, which allowed the wheels in her head to turn. Cameras captured Angela laughing and talking to herself about how Matt had "verbally threatened" her. She tried to come up with the right way to expose Matt and ultimately "crucify Crazy Eyes."

The next day, Angela woke up, walked down the stairs, clapped her hands, and announced how Matt must have been "so proud" of himself.

Matt appeared very confused, and then Angela yelled, "I am so flattered that I am a threat to you! I am so friggin' flattered! Thank you, crazy eyes! You have crazy eyes! And for the house, the visitors who came to me last night, your performance was great, absolutely great, for a low-budget movie!"

Quinn was shocked about what was unfolding before him because he explained to the Big Brother cameras how his alliance wasn't lying to Angela.

Angela declared, "I would love for the houseguests to know how Crazy Eyes very aggressively threatened me, verbally, in my room on our one-on-one. And then he tells me, 'You put me up, and somebody will take me down, if not myself. And then when I am down, you better believe you're going up on the block.'"

Matt insisted in the Diary Room that he had never threatened Angela in this Big Brother game.


Angela went on to announce that, as a people pleaser, she wanted to be friends and get along with everyone in the house -- except for Matt, who had given her "with a traumatic experience."

"And I think MJ could do better," Angela said, suggesting that Makensy and Matt were in a showmance. "Could we just put this behind us?"

Matt asked why Angela was calling him "Crazy Eyes," and then Angela made fun of his face in front of everyone.

"You're crazy!" Angela shouted.

Matt wanted to provide some clarity, but Angela wouldn't let him talk. Angela yelled over Matt's voice and said, "You can't be pretty on the outside when you're ugly within... Don't talk to me [Matt!]"

When Angela reiterated how Matt had threatened her, Matt responded, "That's not true."

Angela therefore took another jab at Matt and said, "I guess you're not that smart!"

Makensy didn't think it was right of Angela to "degrade" Matt as a human being and make fun of his looks.

"That's not a good look," Makensy said in Big Brother's Diary Room, before breaking down into tears.

Matt pointed out how his mother was going to be "disappointed" watching another mother talk to a young man like that, and then Angela countered, "She's going to be upset that her son is a brat! Her son is a straight up disrespectful brat!"

Angela warned Matt that she was gunning for him, and so Matt was determined to fight and save himself in the Power of Veto.

"I should never have to apologize to you," Angela told Matt.


"You should have to! That's a lie," Matt argued.

"Your words mean sh-t, so you should just put them back in your ass... I see you, Crazy Eyes!" Angela said. "We're done. I said what I needed to say, and now it's done."


Joseph didn't know what to think or whom to believe, but he acknowledged that maybe Angela wouldn't be a good Big Brother ally to have going forward. T'kor also found Angela's outburst to be concerning.

Cedric then talked to Chelsie about how they couldn't trust Angela and make important game moves with her.

It then became time to pick players for the Power of Veto competition. Cedric and Chelsie, as the BB mascots, were ineligible to play in the Power of Veto competition.


In addition to the HoH, Angela, and the three nominees -- Kimo, Lisa and Kenney -- Joseph and Lisa's names were drawn at random. Since Lisa was already playing, she got to select one person to compete, and she chose Brooklyn Rivera.

Matt had been hoping to be picked, and he broke down into tears. Matt said he didn't want his mother to see the awful Big Brother footage, but Kenney, Cam and Rubina Bernabe comforted him and promised him that his real character was going to shine through.

"Using my mom as a prop, that's just not right. I'm not done yet... There are bad people in the world, and they won't finish first, no matter what happens," Matt cried in the Diary Room, adding how he wasn't going to be evicted and he planned on making his mother proud.

The Power of Veto competition then commenced, and it was Big Brother's version of a Spelling Bee.

The participating houseguests were required to run around the backyard, searching for honeycomb tiles with letters on them. The letter tiles needed to be brought back to the spelling station one at a time.

Three "delete" tiles were hidden through the Big Brother course, and if one was found, a player could eliminate any letter from the game.


The houseguests only had 12 minutes to spell the longest word possible using the tiles they had found. The person to spell the longest word in the fastest time would win the Power of Veto.

Kenney came up with a seven-letter word, "CAMPING," but Lisa came up with a nine-letter word, "TRANSFORM."

Lisa therefore won the golden Power of Veto, and Lisa boasted in the Diary Room about how she had come to play Big Brother, not to be played by others.

"Now, that leaves a spot open for Matt!" Angela said in celebration.

But Makensy wanted Angela gone, and so she considered using her superpower to make sure Matt would stay in the game. Makensy wanted to have Matt as an ally going forward in the game.

At the Power of Veto Meeting, Lisa announced she had decided to use the Power of Veto on herself.


Angela, as the HoH, had to name a replacement nominee, and so she stood up and revealed, "I have to follow my heart. And my heart tells me I am putting you up, Matt. So that's where I'm at."

Makensy decided not to use her Big Brother "upgrade" power this early, and she had confidence Matt could win the upcoming competition in the "AI Arena."


Matt also felt great about his chances to come out of the "AI Arena" competition on top.

Matt bragged at the end of the episode, "Angela, you probably think you made this big move putting me up on the block. But you have no idea what you just did... When I stay in this house, these 'crazy eyes' are going to be locked in on you!"

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.