Big Brother evicted David Girton during Wednesday night's broadcast of the fifteenth season's first live eviction show.
"I think because I'm a likeable guy. I'm pretty smart. I don't know. People just like -- I have the personality where I feel like they'd vote for me in the end," David told Big Brother host Julie Chen when asked why he believed he had gotten the boot.
"I feel like no one really disliked me. That's how my personality works. I attract people right away."
Elissa secretly put David on the block after home viewers voted her the season's first MVP. She based her decision on the advice of the season's first Head of Household, McCrae Olson -- a 23-year-old pizza delivery person from Zimmerman, MN who currently resides in Oak Grove, MN. McCrae considered David a physical threat to the five-man alliance he had secretly formed with most of the season's other male houseguests.
David also had a showmance going on with Aaryn Gries, a 22-year-old college student from San Angelo, TX who currently resides in San Marcos, TX, whom many houseguests really dislike.
McCrae had nominated Candice Stewart, a 29-year-old pediatric speech therapist from New Orleans, LA who currently resides in Houston, TX, and Jessie Kowalski, an unemployed 25-year-old from Beaumont, TX who currently resides in San Antonio, TX, for eviction during the week's initial nominations.
McCrae had nominated Candice because he said she's a strong player and would like to see her win the Power of Veto competition. As for Jessie, McCrae announced she was socially savvy and had the potential to win the game. He selected the nominees based upon who the majority of his fellow houseguests wanted gone as to have the least blood on his hands possible.
McCrae subsequently won the PoV competition and chose to change one of his two nominations to be compliant with the demands of the house. He decided to keep Jessie on the block and take down Candice, ultimately replacing her with Elissa.
McCrae, although Elissa served as his loyal ally because she admitted to only him she's Rachel's sister and confided with him that she had been voted MVP, placed Elissa on the chopping block because the house felt threatened by her as a result of Rachel's previous Big Brother victory and strategic gameplay.
Elissa received five votes for eviction, while Jessie earned zero votes.
The super alliance, known as The Moving Company, that has formed is comprised of the following houseguests: McCrae; Jeremy McGuire, a 23-year-old shop associate from Katy, TX; Howard Overby, a 29-year-old youth counselor from Hattiesburg, MS; Spencer Clawson, a 31-year-old conductor from Conway, AR; and Nick Uhas, a 28-year-old entrepreneur from Hilliard, NY who currently resides in New York, NY.
Following David's eviction, the remaining houseguests -- minus McCrae, who as the outgoing HoH, was ineligible to participate -- competed in the season's second HoH competition.

Dubbed "BB Barbecue," the competition required the houseguests to pair up at random and walk back and forth across a slippery floor carrying barbecue sauce to slowly fill up a jug located at the end of their lanes. The first team to completely fill their jug and remove the ping-pong ball inside would win.
The winner will be revealed during the next Big Brother broadcast Sunday night.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski