Big Brother's Head of Households Shelli Poole and Becky Burgess each nominated two houseguests for eviction, followed by the Battle of the Block competition, during Sunday night's broadcast on CBS.
Audrey told a large group of houseguests that Vanessa was working hard, constantly strategizing and trying to orchestrate and mastermind an all-female alliance. Audrey then flipped a switch and warned Vanessa she was being associated with such an alliance. When Vanessa asked Audrey who was talking about that, Audrey threw her close ally under the bus by replying, "Da'Vonne."
Audrey later got caught in a lie, because Vanessa confronted Da'Vonne about the news. Da'Vonne completely denied ever saying those words to Audrey, but Audrey stuck by her claims. A furious Da'Vonne called a house meeting as a result. Audrey noted in a confessional that her game was about to be exploited, and it sure was. The houseguests agreed Audrey was a liar and Vanessa swore her out.
Instead of owning up to her faults and apologizing, Audrey flipped the script and called everyone "pathological liars." Jason Roy couldn't believe his ears and argued with Audrey until he was blue in the face. Knowing she had been caught and would be in major trouble going forward, Audrey determined her best strategy was to "lie down and play dead."
Da'Vonne said in a confessional she was "done" with Audrey but still didn't know where she stood with Shelli. After all, Da'Vonne, Shelli and Audrey had formed an alliance on Day 1 of the show. However, Da'Vonne didn't like how much time Shelli spent with Clay Honeycutt.
Shelli and Becky, who both wanted to work with each other regardless of whether they had won HoH, talked about whom they should nominate for eviction.
The girls agreed they should nominate four pawns and backdoor Audrey. A "backdoor" eviction means that the target wouldn't have a chance to compete in the Battle of the Block or Power of Veto competitions. The target would be the HoH's replacement nominee after someone else used the Power of Veto to take an original nominee -- or pawn in this case -- off the chopping block.
Jason told Becky he didn't mind being a pawn since he had nominated her the week before.
While Becky thought she was on the same page with Shelli, Shelli changed her mind and decided it would be better for her and Clay's game to go after Da'Vonne instead of Audrey.
Clay and Shelli agreed they could maybe work with Audrey, while Da'Vonne made it clear she didn't trust either of them. The pair got Jeff Weldon onboard, although he admitted having Audrey on their side was like "playing with fire." Meg Maley was also included in the plan.
Shelli opted to put her plan into motion by telling Audrey she could join their group. Audrey promised she wouldn't target any of them, putting on an act of repentance. Audrey explained she wanted a chance to prove herself again, and Jeff pointed out that Audrey was exploiting Clay because he had a big heart and played the game with his emotions.
Shelli decided she needed to remain in power as the HoH in order to keep Da'Vonne on the chopping block and potentially send her packing. Therefore, it was necessary for her two nominees to lose the Battle of the Block competition, as the winning pair of nominees ultimately dethrones the HoH who had nominated them.

Clay offered to be a pawn and throw the Battle of the Block competition, but Shelli wasn't having it. If Clay threw the BoB competition, he'd be vulnerable for eviction alongside Da'Vonne. Shelli worried the house would turn on him and get him out when they had the chance.
As a result, Shelli wanted to put John McGuire up on the chopping block with Da'Vonne. Clay gave John his word that he wouldn't be going home. John struggled with the decision because if he won the Battle of the Block competition, he'd ensure himself safety for one more week but piss off some people in power. However, if John threw the competition, he'd gain a new alliance and built trust with them.
At the Nomination Ceremony, Shelli nominated John and Da'Vonne, announcing that Da'Vonne had no intent to trust her so she needed to protect herself.
Becky then nominated Jason and Steve Moses, explaining that Jason had nominated her in the first week and she hadn't talked a lot of game with Steve.
Even at this point in the game, Becky was still totally convinced she and Shelli wanted the same person out -- Audrey. Shelli knew that fooling Becky and keeping Audrey in the house was a risky move.
Audrey was ecstatic about not being nominated, but she realized someone could've had a secret agenda to backdoor her.
Da'Vonne knew exactly what Shelli's motives were, so she told the cameras she had "a hit list" going forward of the members of Shelli's alliance.
Once the Battle of the Block competition commenced, Da'Vonne assumed she could trust John. John, who had the intention of throwing the challenge, said in a confessional that Da'Vonne's strategy was so poor, he didn't even have to try to lose the competition.
Shelli's plan was working, as Becky got dethroned from being HoH and Da'Vonne remained on the block. The episode concluded with Da'Vonne crying to the cameras, saying she'd break her toes, knees and legs to win the upcoming Power of Veto competition.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski