Big Brother's Head of Households Vanessa Rousso and Jackie Ibarra each nominated two houseguests for eviction, followed by the Battle of the Block competition, during Sunday night's broadcast on CBS.
If Liz Nolan and Julia Nolan can survive this week's eviction, both ladies will be allowed to enter the game and play as individuals. Austin Matelson had a crush on Liz, so he desperately wanted to keep her safe.
In a strange move, Austin tried to feel Jason Roy out to see if they could join forces and figure out whether Jason could be trusted. Austin therefore revealed the "Twin Twist" to Jason, who told the cameras in turn he had no idea why Austin was telling him such information.
Austin talked to Jason about working with both twins but then getting rid of Julia at some point. Austin only cared about making it to the jury or beyond with Liz. Jason told his ally Meg Maley about the twist behind Austin's back.
Austin and the twins were Jason's targets. Jason therefore decided to also tell Shelli Poole about what Austin had said. Jason explained Austin was trying to sell out Julia and keep Liz. Shelli was mad because Austin failed to keep their secret. Vanessa was also upset because Austin had basically sold out their alliance.
Jackie then suggested to Vanessa they should put Liz on the chopping block. Although Vanessa wanted to keep the twins around, she didn't put up a fight as to convince Jackie they were in it together. Vanessa also didn't want Jackie to know she was aligned with the twins. Jackie thought about nominating Steve Moses for eviction as well.
Jackie's real plan, however, was to backdoor Austin. She thought it would be best to get rid of Austin immediately and then go after the twins in the two following weeks. Jackie told Vanessa she'd like to remain HoH, and Vanessa was totally fine with that because she didn't want any additional blood on her hands.
Austin got himself into deeper boiling water when he lied to Vanessa, saying Jason wanted to keep Liz safe but get rid of Julia ASAP. Vanessa knew he was being dishonest and couldn't help but be disappointed. Austin wasn't necessarily trying to betray Vanessa. On the flip side, he planned to reveal everything in due course.
Still, Vanessa put on a good face for Austin and told him they needed to conceal how they were working together from Jackie. Vanessa explained in the diary room Austin was making poor decisions because he was falling in love with Liz. Vanessa couldn't keep a close ally who was playing the game solely with his emotions.
Vanessa then opened up to Julia, telling her that she needed to trust her over Austin. Vanessa, once again, explained Austin's position, and Julia's blood was boiling. Julia told Vanessa that Liz didn't even like him and reciprocate his feelings. Vanessa told Julia not to tell Liz about Austin's plan though.
Vanessa determined she no longer wanted to work with Austin because she lost trust in him. Shelli and Clay Honeycutt felt the same way.
Meanwhile, Jackie was thinking more about her nominations. She wanted to put Liz on the chopping block because it would be such an easy move considering Liz had previously nominated her for eviction. Clay also volunteered to go up on the block with Becky Burgess and win the Battle of the Block competition so Jackie could remain in power.

Vanessa thought Clay's choice to volunteer was a great one because it wouldn't give away the fact they were allies. Vanessa desperately wanted her two nominees to win the BoB competition. She then told a group of eight that Austin was the backdoor target. The group called themselves "Dark Moon."
"Dark Moon" decided Austin was their first target followed by the twins. They also made a Final 8 pact. Austin thought his alliance's goal was to backdoor Steve and that Vanessa was willing to give up her HoH power to prove loyalty to Jackie.
Just like how Vanessa wanted her nominees to win the BoB, Jackie wanted her nominees to lose. As a result, Jackie asked James Huling if he'd be willing to throw the competition. James agreed to do it.
At the Nomination Ceremony, Jackie officially nominated James and Liz. Vanessa chose to nominate Clay and Becky for eviction.
Austin hated that Liz was on the block but he trusted Vanessa. Vanessa assured Julia she was absolutely not the target -- although she would be eventually.
Once the "Big Brother Newsroom" Battle of the Block competition commenced, James fought hard to throw the challenge but failed.
In the end, Liz and James won the BoB comp. Vanessa's strategy blew up and Shelli started to panic about Clay being on the chopping block. Jackie also called it their "worst case scenario."
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski