Big Brother's Season 17 houseguests evicted Jace Agolli from the house and crowned two new Head of Households during Thursday night's broadcast on CBS.
Big Brother's fifth episode began with the remaining HoH, James Huling, admitting in a confessional he wasn't afraid to get blood on his hands. With Jackie and Jace on the chopping block, Jace was frustrated and upset about being blindsided in the first week of Big Brother.
James asked Jace not to take it personally because he's a threat, but Jace didn't care and insisted it was personal to him. Jace had put his faith in James for "absolutely nothing."
Steve Moses wanted Jace to stay in the game because they could work together going forward, but Steve didn't see him getting the seven votes he needed to survive. Jace kept scrambling and no one was really interested in keeping him around.
Audrey Middleton told Jace in a confrontational manner that the whole house knew about the idea to get him out because he had a habit of making people uncomfortable. Jace didn't believe Audrey at all. She also called him out for wanting to backdoor Jason Roy in front of everyone, but that was actually her own idea. Jace called her "a master manipulator." She, in turn, argued he was crazy and needed his head checked.
Jace told Audrey that she was "for sure" everyone's next target.
Afterward, Big Brother host Julie Chen announced this season's "Twin Twist" in that Liz Nolan is actually the person with an identical twin. Julie explained that if Liz and her twin Julia could last four weeks in the game without anyone discovering their secret, they'd both be able to enter the game as individual players.
Before voting commenced, Jace told the house he felt betrayed by an eight-person alliance even though it was a good move to get him out since he'd be a strong player.
In the end, 12 people voted to evict Jace and one person, Audrey, voted to evict Jackie.
During his post-eviction interview, Jace told Julie he thought the one person that voted for Jackie was probably Audrey because she wanted people to think a close friend of Jace's had his back, when in reality, the whole house banded together to get rid of him. Jace had told his best friends, such as Austin Matelson, to vote him out as to not become outcasts in the house and separate themselves from the majority.
Jace, however, said he completely understood why Audrey had made such a decision. Jace explained Audrey was just trying to save herself and he loves the girl even though it appeared they had major beef in the house.
Kathy Griffin then met with Julie to reveal how she planned to take over the house in the next "BB Takeover" twist. Kathy said a telephone would appear in the house and she was going to keep calling the houseguests until someone got "the last laugh."

The person to answer Kathy's seventh phone call would be able to stop three people from voting at the next live eviction. The twist will be explained to the houseguests in a future episode.
The episode concluded with a two-part Head of Household competition dubbed "Ginger Fever" in which the houseguests had to race to compile Billboards. Becky Burgess and Shelli Poole ended up winning.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski