Big Brother evicted Kara Monaco and determined its second Head of Household during Thursday night's broadcast of the fourteenth season's first live eviction show.
Willie, a 34-year-old tankerman from Vinton, LA who currently resides in Dayton, TX, had nominated Kara and Frank Eudy for eviction during the week's initial nominations. Kara and Frank were members of the teams of coaches Dan Gheesling and "Boogie" Mike Malin respectively as part of the season's "coaches" gameplay twist in which Dan, Boogie, and fellow returning houseguests Britney Haynes and Janelle Pierzina are serving as coaches to the newbie contestants in the hopes of guiding one of them to a Big Brother victory.
"I think a bunch of different reasons," Kara told Big Brother host Julie Chen when asked why she believed she got evicted following her ouster from the house.
"I think people were scared of Dan because he was my coach. I think they were threatened by him. I think because of certain people's alliances, I don't know. Dan was a great coach. I think he's incredible. I think he's smart; He's a great player. I think I had the best coach possible minus the fact I'm sitting here."
Willie came to the conclusion to nominate Kara and Frank, an unemployed 28-year-old from Marion, AK who currently resides in Naples, FL, after discussing the move with coaches Britney and Janelle.
Britney and Janelle had decided to team up and work together against Dan and Boogie, who had made it clear by that point they had joined forces in the game, and both girls' team members decided Kara was Dan's most valuable player in the competition, while Frank was Boogie's strongest and most threatening teammate.
Prior to eviction nominations, Willie had led Frank to believe they had a solid alliance but eventually turned his back on him.
Shane Meaney -- a 26-year-old house flipper from Bennington, VT who was on Britney's team and believed he was in an alliance with Willie -- decided to keep the nominations the same, which was compliant with Britney's wishes, as to avoid having any blood on his hands and stirring up the pot after subsequently winning the season's first Power of Veto competition.
Following the Power of Veto competition, Boogie ended up betraying Dan in an attempt to grasp at straws and convince the female coaches to join his side to potentially save Frank and eliminate Dan's two remaining players one by one. However, Britney and Janelle wanted nothing to do with Boogie's scheming, and therefore, Janelle warned Dan of Boogie's motives and seemingly forced a "long-term" wedge between the two former Big Brother champions.
Although Willie had gone back on his word by nominating Frank, Frank felt it was in his best interest to remain on Willie's good side due to the fact he was reigning HoH. Willie promised Frank he'd keep him safe and rally votes in his favor as long as he didn't run off and campaign for them on his own.
Frank agreed, however, newbie houseguest Joe Arvin told Frank that Willie had planned for his alliance to split their votes in order to conceal the fact Janelle and Britney's teams were working together. Fed up with Willie's wavering loyalty, Frank called Willie out and the two argued to the point of becoming worst enemies in the house.
However, things were already messy in the house as the newbie houseguests were beginning to wonder whether there would be an upcoming twist in which the coaches would join the game as regular houseguests and resume competing against them rather than alongside them. As a result, Willie had called a house meeting -- leaving the coaches out of it -- and told everyone they should play an individual game and no longer rely on their coaches for help or when determining strategic moves.

The newbie houseguests did not react strongly to the news, as no one seemed to take Willie's warning all too seriously considering there were no significant waves produced between the players and their coaches. By the time eviction voting commenced, Frank asked all the houseguests to make their own decisions and not allow Willie to "bully" them in the house.
Shortly afterwards, Kara told everyone she'd return the favor of being saved down the road, meaning she'd act as a loyal ally. In the end, Frank's argument must have been more convincing and Dan must have been seen as a very threatening coach in the house -- resulting in Kara's eviction, leaving Dan with only one remaining player.
Following Kara's eviction, the remaining houseguests -- minus the four coaches and Willie, who as the outgoing HoH, was ineligible to compete -- competed in the season's second HoH competition.
Dubbed "Big Brother Break-In," the competition required each of the nine participating houseguests to answer "guilty" or "not guilty" when asked a series of questions about what a burglar did in their house throughout the night. The houseguests had received alarming video broadcasts of a man doing silly things in the house -- such as drinking out of their milk carton -- at all hours of the night, which interrupted their sleep and would ultimate test their tired memories.
Every time a person answered incorrectly, he or she would be out of the competition. The last person standing would be declared the winner. Frank won the competition and became the season's second HoH.
"It feels great to go from the hot seat to the guy that's going to be upstairs next week, and at least I know I'll be safe for one more week," Frank told Julie Chen after the competition.
"I'm super elated! My man was out the door 48 hours ago and for him to come back and win Head of Household, I just thank the people that voted for him and he'll pay back the loyalty and support for sure. And I'm moving up into the Penthouse too baby!" Boogie added.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski