Big Brother determined the week's two official nominations after the Power of Veto competition during Wednesday night's 22nd broadcast of the show's sixteenth season on CBS.
However, Zach ended up winning the Power of Veto and therefore took himself off the chopping block. Christine was then forced to name a replacement nominee and she selected Nicole, her best friend in the house, because she wanted to prove to her "Detonators" alliance of guys that she was completely loyal to them.
Big Brother's 22nd broadcast began with Zach feeling hurt, betrayed and heartbroken because his close friends had turned on him. He was especially pissed off at his "showmance" partner Frankie Grande.
Frankie, assuming he was the house's main target, decided he needed to try to calm everyone down. He then brought Derrick Levasseur, Cody Calafiore, and Frankie into a bedroom, where he told them he had been lying to them the entire game -- since Day 1.
Frankie then called himself "a social media mogul," revealing how he has 1.5 million YouTube followers and his sister is pop singing phenomenon Ariana Grande. Derrick was shocked because he had figured Frankie's sibling "Ari" was actually a guy all along. Cody seemed pumped.
Frankie apologized to everyone and thought his blunt honesty might buy him some more time or at least distract them so he could reform some of his relationships in the house.
Derrick said in a confessional that Frankie had exposed his background in an attempt to throw out a line and hopefully have someone grab on to it. Frankie also revealed to the guys he was playing Big Brother to win charity money that would go towards building schools in Africa.
Frankie then shared the same information with the girls about his career and sister. Victoria Rafaeli looked dumbfounded and let out a giant scream in excitement. However, similar to Derrick's point of view, the girls thought Frankie was using his sister as a scapegoat in the game and it "wasn't working." Derrick knew it was a strategy because Frankie's back was simply against the wall.
Afterwards, Derrick tried to get Victoria on his side because she wasn't with anyone. He made a Final 2 deal with both her and Cody. Prior to the Power of Veto competition, the boys told Zach that Donny was their target. However, Zach didn't trust them.
Once Zach won the PoV, Christine called it "the worst possible outcome" because it just meant more blood on her hands as the HoH. Zach then mended his friendship with Frankie and acted like everything was back to normal. However, Zach told the cameras that if he had a chance to take Frankie out of the game, he definitely would.
Zach then spilled all his beans to Victoria because he wanted her to trust him and work with him. Zach revealed he had made a Final 2 deal with Frankie and was a part of an alliance comprised of Derrick, Cody, Christine, and Frankie. Zach used "air quotes" to tell Victoria he was still in an alliance with that group.
Victoria felt extremely betrayed by Derrick and said he had broken her heart. She then told Nicole how Derrick had lied to her and she felt really stupid and alone. Victoria regretted telling Derrick everything about her game, and she cried to Zach about how she felt Derrick had cheated on her. Zach realized he had messed up by being so forthcoming with Victoria, so he quickly tried to do some damage control.

Zach made up a lie, telling Derrick that Nicole was planting seeds in Victoria's head about the "Detonators." Derrick confronted both Victoria and Nicole about the situation, and Nicole angrily said Zach was blaming her for his own actions.
Derrick absolutely believed the girls and therefore called Zach out for his lies in front of the entire house. Derrick reminded Victoria that he was completely loyal to told the cameras Zach's game needed to get "blown up."
Derrick and Zach then suggested to Christine she should nominate Nicole as Zach's replacement because she had won three HoH competitions. Caleb Reynolds also got onboard with the plan and attempted to convince Christine she should make the big move that would ultimately keep the "Bomb Squad" together and strong.
Caleb explained that everyone thought Christine and Nicole were tight and Christine was leaking all information to Nicole. Christine denied such accusations.
To add some fuel to the fire, Caleb lied to Christine by telling her that Nicole had previously been planning to backdoor her if she was given the opportunity. Zach then implied that if Christine opted out of nominating Nicole, it'd be Christine's head.
At the PoV meeting, Zach took himself off the block -- as everyone had expected -- and Christine asked Nicole to take his seat.
Christine explained that Big Brother changed hourly and she had to take a knife out of her back and return it to its owner, knowing that it could not be used again. Nicole didn't understand what was happening, and although Christine felt guilty about nominating her best friend, she said it was time to choose a side.
Derrick noted in a confessional that the eviction decision would come down to Donny -- the "King of the veto" -- or Nicole, the "Queen of the HoH's.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski