Big Brother's new Head of Household Austin Matelson nominated John McGuire and Steve Moses for eviction during Sunday night's broadcast on CBS.
Austin was in an alliance with everyone in the house. He had "Austin's Angels" with Liz, Julia Nolan and Vanessa Rousso. He also had "The Scamper Squad" with the same group plus Steve. Austin also had an alliance with John and Steve together and then Meg Maley and James Huling together. Austin was tasked with figuring out which alliance would be fractured.
Austin determined he should stay loyal to James and Meg as an insurance policy in case James won HoH the following week. He also enjoyed spending time with Meg more than John or Steve. James felt good about his safety because he trusted Austin and didn't see him putting his trust in John, Steve or Vanessa.
Vanessa told Austin that Clay Honeycutt and Shelli Poole had told her John and Steve made a Final 2 deal together. Vanessa suggested Austin should put them on the block together and then target John.
The information meant nothing to Austin because he didn't understand why she hadn't told him sooner since they had been working together for weeks. Vanessa's revelation just made Austin think Vanessa was potentially hiding more things from him.
Austin thought John wouldn't hold a bad grudge if he won his way back into the game. While backdooring Vanessa was still an option, Austin acknowledged she was working closer with him than anyone else in the house and losing her would ultimately be losing a number on his side.
Austin realized it probably wasn't in his best interest to get rid of Vanessa, and John appeared to be the easy target. Austin therefore just needed to figure out which pawn to put up next to John.
Austin was going back and forth between nominating Steve and Vanessa as pawns. Vanessa insisted she'd be okay with it, but at the same time, John would probably have more support when it became time to vote. Steve, however, wasn't comfortable with sitting on the block. Vanessa said Steve needed to prove his loyalty to their alliance.
In the back of Austin's mind, he was still frustrated Vanessa had previously tried to backdoor him. Vanessa reminded him that it was his fault because he had leaked information to Jason Roy and then lied to her about it.
Vanessa initially denied having James throw a Battle of the Block competition when she was HoH to backdoor Austin, but she later came clean to Austin about it in order to solidify their trust. Vanessa apologized and called it a big mistake.
Steve, assuming he could be a pawn, just begged Austin not to put him up on the chopping block next to John. Austin promised he wouldn't do that, but he later discovered he had no better option. Steve realized he wasn't as close with Austin as he thought because his thought process showed he'd prefer working with Meg and James instead of himself and John going forward.
At the Nomination Ceremony, Austin put John and Steve up on the chopping block. He felt conflicted in Week 5 but knew he wanted to keep Liz safe because she had done the same for him. Steve was in awe Austin didn't nominate Vanessa. Because she was able to escape the chopping block, Steve called Vanessa a phenomenal player and applauded her for that.

Vanessa was shocked and so grateful that Austin chose to forgive her and have her back again. Austin told the cameras getting rid of Vanessa was still an option but it was all about timing and numbers.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski