Big Brother determined the week's two official nominations after the Power of Veto competition during Wednesday night's thirteenth broadcast of the show's sixteenth season on CBS.
As the week's only remaining Head of Household, Cody Calafiore ended up nominating Donny Thompson and Brittany Martinez.
The original four nominees, prior to the "Battle of the Block" competition, were Brittany, Amber Borzotra, Jocasta Odom, and Victoria Rafaeli. Dethroned HoH Frankie Grande had nominated Jocasta, a floater, and Amber, a big threat. Cody's two original nominees were Victoria and Brittany, who had been his No. 1 target.
However, after winning the soccer-themed Power of Veto competition, Victoria took herself off the chopping block. Cody was then forced to name a replacement nominee and he reluctantly selected Donny because his "Detonators" alliance insisted he do so. The "Detonators" group was comprised of Cody, Frankie, Derrick Levasseur, Christine Brecht, and Zach Rance.
Cody desperately wanted to nominate Caleb Reynolds but his alliance members knew Caleb was a loyal ally to them. Caleb, on the other hand, had no idea he was on the outside of the "Detonators" group.
Caleb didn't like how Cody always flirted with Amber yet Cody hated being watched all the time by Caleb. Cody assumed if he didn't go after Caleb, Caleb would end up targeting him first. Caleb even mentioned to Zach that Cody was putting a target on his back the more he spent time with Amber. Zach in turn snitched the news to Cody.
Meanwhile, Brittany tried to get Caleb on her side because she believed a lot of people feared him. She even selected him to compete in the PoV competition, which raised a red flag in some of the houseguests' minds.
During the PoV competition, Caleb had a chance to win the Power of Veto but opted to receive $5,000 instead. The move pissed Cody off because it would force him to name a replacement nominee, which would ultimately get more blood on his hands. Cody thought Caleb would've been a better ally since they were "boys."
Donny was hoping Cody would backdoor Caleb. Zach also wanted Caleb to go and figured they'd have the numbers to do it. However, Derrick and Frankie fought hard to convince Cody not to make a rash hot-headed decision. Donny would serve as an easy, harmless pawn on the block whereas the "Detonators" would lose an ally if Caleb got nominated.
Although Donny was banking on Cody playing his own game for himself, Cody put Donny up on the block and told everyone that Brittany remained his No. 1 target. Derrick made a good point that registered with Cody in that if Brittany became the next HoH, she'd probably put the both of them on the block against one another.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski