Big Brother determined the week's two official nominations after the Power of Veto competition as well as the season's two other "Team America" alliance members during Wednesday night's seventh broadcast of the show's sixteenth season on CBS.


As the week's only remaining Head of Household, Devin Shepherd ended up nominating Zach Rance and Paola Shea.

The original four nominees, prior to the "Battle of the Block" competition, were Paola, Brittany Martinez, Hayden Voss, and Nicole Franzel. Dethroned HoH Amber Borzotra had nominated Hayden and Nicole. Devin's two original nominees were Paola and Brittany, who had been his No. 1 target.

However, after winning the space-themed Power of Veto competition, Devin decided to take Brittany off the chopping block after she had a heart-to-heart conversation with him about her desire for a parent to win the Big Brother season. Devin, a single dad, didn't want to be the guy to kick a mother of three children out of the house, especially when she seemed to be a great person and woman.

Devin's decision resulted in some serious blood on his hands. He had previously promised Paola he'd keep her safe for weeks in exchange for throwing the prior "Battle of the Block" competition in order to ensure Brittany's eviction. Devin's replacement nominee, Zach, was also a member of his eight-person Bomb Squad alliance. 


During Wednesday night's episode, Devin called himself "the puppet master" because he was "pulling so many strings." He promised Hayden he'd keep him in the house for as long as possible, but Hayden wasn't buying it. Not only did Hayden have no trust in Devin, he didn't even really like him as a friend.

Zach said he had enough of Devin's "dictatorship," as did many other Bomb Squad alliance members. When Devin was gunning for Brittany, four of Devin's allies wanted Paola gone instead -- Zach, Cody Calafiore, Christine Brecht and Derrick Levasseur. Brittany initially disliked Devin, so in getting rid of her, the Bomb Squad knew they were only strengthening Devin's game.

Zach suggested to the group they should target Devin once his HoH reign was over, and mostly all of the houseguests seemed to agree, especially Derrick.

Meanwhile, Devin was developing issues with both Zach and Caleb Reynolds because they were the only guys who openly disagreed with his nominee selections. Devin didn't like how "lovestruck" Caleb was by Amber because she was influencing him to get rid of Paola instead of Brittany. Although Devin told Caleb their alliance still existed after a big fight, Devin knew he couldn't work with him long-term.

Devin also lost trust in Zach after Zach revealed to his face he had discussed the possibility of backdooring him with the Bomb Squad. Devin referred to Zach as the "weakest link" in their large alliance. Zach tried to suck up to Devin and fix things, but their relationship was clearly damaged and Zach soon realized he was "screwed."


In exchange for Devin using the Power of Veto on her, Brittany promised "the devil" she'd remain loyal to him for the rest of the game. Brittany felt her deal was wrong but she did what she had to do in order to stay in the game.

Devin then revealed to Brittany that Paola had thrown the "Battle of the Block" competition when they worked as partners. Brittany felt very betrayed by her friend and later announced Paola was the only person on her target radar.

In addition, Derrick and Frankie Grande joined the "Team America" alliance with Donny Thompson. The threesome quickly learned they were working together to complete future missions.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.