Big Brother's latest Head of Household, Nicole Franzel, won the Power of Veto and kept her nominations the same during Wednesday night's broadcast on CBS.
Corey Brooks and Victor Arroyo were in on the plan, but James Huling and Natalie Negrotti were in the dark and thought Paul would be going home. Nicole wanted to keep it that way because she and Corey were in the middle of two Final 4 deals with both sides of the house.
By putting Paul up on the block, Nicole would learn if he was serious about their Final 4 deal with Victor and Corey. Nicole felt good about a Final 4 with Victor and Paul. Nicole said Michelle just couldn't win the Power of Veto because then she'd have to show her cards and officially pick a side.
The players were then picked for the PoV competition. Besides the HoH Nicole and the nominations Paul and Michelle, Victor and James got selected to play. Paul randomly drew "houseguest's choice," so he picked Corey, which Natalie, James and Michelle ultimately found very suspicious.
Nicole hoped Victor would win the competition because then he could pull Paul off the chopping block and either James and Natalie would have to go up in his place, which they couldn't even blame Nicole for because it's a simple numbers game. Michelle, however, was still her target at this point.
James, however, planned to win the PoV and lock up the nominations in order to ensure his safety as well as Natalie's. Nicole didn't think Paul picking Corey for the PoV competition looked that "sketch" because if James or Natalie won it, they'd pull Michelle down, so that wouldn't make sense for Paul to do.
James admitted it was weird for Paul to pick Corey to play but he trusted Nicole and Corey. Michelle also told James that Nicole would never backdoor him, but he wasn't so sure. James, Michelle and Natalie started to wonder if the rest of the house was against the three of them.
For the PoV competition, the players participated in a Christmas-themed counting confidence competition, a Big Brother classic. After attempting to memorize three different rooms filled with trinkets, toys and more, the houseguests were asked questions which had numerical answers.
The houseguests had to estimate the total number of a certain item, and after hearing everyone's answers, they could choose to "Stay" or "Fold." If they chose to "Fold," they wouldn't be able to win a point for that round, but they also wouldn't be eliminated from the competition.
If a person chose to "Stay" and was closest to the correct answer, he or she would win a point in the form of a candy cane. However, if that person didn't win the round, he or she would be ousted.
In the end, Nicole won the PoV. Victor trusted Nicole and Corey 100% and promised them that Paul did as well -- even though he talked too much once he's nervous.
As Victor predicted, Paul suggested Nicole pull him off the block and put up Natalie as his replacement. Nicole questioned his loyalty at this point and began wondering whether she and Corey should take him or Victor out -- the two biggest competitors in the house.

Corey told Nicole that in order to be the best, you must "beat" the best. But Nicole fired back and said in order to be the best, you also have to "take out" the best.
Meanwhile, James and Natalie hoped Nicole and Corey would honor their Final 4 deal. Victor was the wild card in their minds.
At the Power of Veto Meeting, Nicole decided not to use the PoV.
Michelle intended to campaign to stay, and James revealed he trusted Nicole and Corey "85 percent." Nicole realized that, as the HoH, she might be the tie-breaking vote once the next live eviction rolls around, as the house is split 2-2.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski