Big Brother's Head of Household Vanessa Rousso determined the week's two official eviction nominations following the Power of Veto competition during Wednesday night's broadcast on CBS.
James Huling wanted his alliance to know he had done everything possible to throw the Battle of the Block competition, however, Liz Nolan wasn't buying it. She told Austin that James had contributed nothing to the challenge, and then Austin began worrying there was a plan in action he wasn't a part of -- which was true.
Vanessa and Shelli Poole started to regret not telling Liz about the plan and having her in on it because, if she's bitter about it, she could go after them once Austin's gone. Austin thought Steve Moses was the backdoor target all along. He was still confident in the fact he was working with Vanessa.
Meanwhile, Liz loved spending time with Austin but she didn't see him in a romantic light. On the flipside, Austin admitted he was falling in love with Liz. He even snuck a kiss when she least expected it.
Shelli advised Vanessa to tell Liz about getting rid of Austin after the Power of Veto competition.
HoH Vanessa, the nominees Clay Honeycutt and Becky Burgess, and randomly-selected players Shelli, John McGuire and Liz all participated in the PoV competition. Vanessa worried Liz would win it and then keep the nominations the same.
In the end, Clay won the PoV, making Becky cry because she didn't want to stay up on the chopping block.
Vanessa then talked to Liz privately with Shelli in the room about Austin. Liz said she was aware of the fact Austin had informed Jason Roy about the "Twin Twist" in the off-chance Jason won HoH and had power. Liz explained Austin was only trying to keep her safe.
However, Vanessa pointed out that Austin had made a plan with Jason to get rid of Julia Nolan and take Liz as far as possible into the game. Liz later told the cameras Austin had made a foolish move in talking to Jason, but she knew Austin would never do anything to jeopardize her or her sister's game.
Shelli felt Liz trusted Austin more than herself and Vanessa, who all had her back. Liz told the two girls that Austin was obsessed with her and keeping her safe was all that it was about. Shelli and Vanessa thought about how targeting Austin as a result would make them down a number in their alliance. They'd ultimately lose a vote on their side.
Vanessa therefore decided to give Austin a chance to explain himself before putting the backdoor plan into motion.
Vanessa told Austin that Liz was "target of the year" because she was in a "showmance" and "twinmance." Austin said he was falling in love with her, and then Vanessa called him out for wanting to go after Julia. Vanessa told Austin it was a big mistake, and he apologized, saying he should've never trusted Jason but he never planned to betray Vanessa or their alliance.

Vanessa started crying because she thought they were great friends. Austin begged Vanessa not to put him on the chopping block. He promised her that he would never go after her or go against her. He reiterated how he was just playing emotionally because he was scared of losing Liz.
Vanessa understood but was angry because she had gotten the whole house to team up against Austin. However, Shelli and Clay agreed that it was in their alliance's best interest to keep Austin around. Vanessa knew that if she got rid of Austin as promised, no one would go after her the following week. Clay argued it was necessary to keep an ally in the game.
Vanessa was so torn. She started thinking about getting rid of Jason because he was such a smart, strategic player. She also thought that. without him, Jason's alliance would crumble.
At the PoV meeting, Clay opted to use the PoV on himself, taking himself off the chopping block. Vanessa then named Jason her replacement nominee. Although she complimented him numerous times, saying he's an incredible person, Jason was livid and told the cameras Vanessa is a "scumbag b-tch."
Vanessa felt horrible to see the look of defeat in Jason's eyes. She was beginning to realize winning the game comes at a high cost.
Jackie Ibarra was not happy with Vanessa, especially since Vanessa had been the force behind kicking her closest ally Jeff Weldon out of the house. Austin was thrilled because Jason had "manipulated and humiliated" him. Meg, on the other hand, called Vanessa's move the ultimate betrayal.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski