Big Brother revealed details about the sixteenth season's new Head of Household and "Team America" twists and crowned its first HoH during Wednesday night's first broadcast of the two-night premiere event on CBS.
Half of those contestants were Amber Borzotra, a 26-year-old esthetician from Knoxville, TN, who currently resides in North Hollywood, CA; Cody Calafiore, a 23-year-old sales account executive from Hackensack, NJ, who currently resides in Howell, NJ; Nicole Franzel, a 21-year-old recent nursing graduate from Ubly, MI; and Frankie Grande, a 31-year-old YouTube personality from Boca Raton, FL, who currently resides in New York, NY.
The remaining houseguests were Paola Shea, a 27-year-old DJ from East Hampton, CT, who currently resides in Astoria, NY; Devin Shepherd, a 26-year-old former professional baseball player and motorcycle sales manager from Santa Barbara, CA, who currently resides in San Antonio, TX; Donny Thompson, a 42-year-old school groundskeeper from Albemarle, NC; and Joey Van Pelt, a 27-year-old makeup artist from Seattle, WA.
Frankie immediately thought Paola hit "dangerously close to home," so he worried she might discover he's Ariana Grande's brother and a popular YouTube personality. He wanted to keep his identity a secret. Both Paola and Frankie had crushes on Cody, who in turn was curious to learn more about Paola.
Joey and Frankie joked about being colorful "My Little Ponies" together and felt they were soulmates. Amber found Devin to be "eye candy," while Devin thought Joey was "smoking hot -- a 10." Donny thought about working with Nicole because she seemed kind and sweet.
Devin then came to the conclusion the eight of them needed to stick together going forward since eight other people would soon be moving into the house. Everyone agreed, however, they were wary about the huge alliance considering they barely knew each other yet. They called their group "The Crazy 8s."
Devin also made a side alliance with Donny because he believed no one would ever expect them to be working together. They called their twosome the "Double D's."
Meanwhile, Paola didn't want the guys to form alliances with each other, saying that a girl needed to win the game. She was all about "girl power" and convinced the three other girls in the house to form an all-girl alliance. They created a "girlmance" and wanted to give America hope that they could actually work well together without drama. Paola called themselves "El Cuatro."
Big Brother host Julie Chen then revealed one of the eight players would become the first HoH of the summer. In prior seasons, the HoH would get a private suite, the responsibility of nominating two houseguests for eviction, and immunity from eviction.
However, this time around, Julie surprised the houseguests by explaining just because you're HoH, it doesn't mean you're safe. The news shocked the group.
The initial Head of Household competition dubbed "Go Fly a Kite" then commenced and required the eight players to hold onto a kite while balancing on a giant rotating beam. If a houseguest fell off the beam or let go of the kite string, his or her sandcastle would be crushed. The last person standing would become the first HoH of the season.
Amber made the decision to throw the challenge when she remembered the HoH "isn't necessarily safe," so Frankie ended up winning. Frankie didn't know whether his victory was going to be a good or bad thing, so he begged everyone to have his back and began to freak out.

"Go Grande or go home," Frankie said.
Julie then revealed the first part of the game-changing twist. She verified eight more people would be moving into the house and one person from that group would also eventually become HoH, resulting in two HoH's in the same week. By the end of the week, only one HoH would be left standing. Julie declined to disclose any additional details.
Julie also explained to viewers the new "Team America" twist. Home viewers have been voting for one houseguest with whom they'd like to form an alliance. The winner of that vote has already been determined and he or she will be the first member of a secret three-person alliance controlled by America.
For the next two weeks, America will continue to vote, ultimately placing two more houseguests into this "secret alliance." Then, throughout the summer, home viewers will have the opportunity to send these three houseguests on secret missions which will change the course of the game. The first member of "Team America" will be revealed during Thursday night's broadcast.
In addition, Julie told America she will reveal a "brand new competition" on Sunday night.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski