Big Brother's Season 17 houseguests evicted Becky Burgess during Thursday night's eviction episode on CBS.
The week's Head of Household Liz Nolan had won the Power of Veto yet decided against putting Vanessa Rousso on the chopping block as a replacement nominee because she figured Vanessa would always be a target in the house bigger than herself or her twin sister Julia Nolan. Liz also got less blood on her hands as a result.
Although Liz was still wary of Vanessa and annoyed with her constant paranoia, she still acted like they were best friends. The two girls talked about how Becky was probably more of a threat to their game than John because she was a tough competitor.
John also got it in good with Liz, Julia and Austin Matelson, so he felt pretty safe. The group had secretly agreed Vanessa needed to go soon and she really wasn't trustworthy. John made it known he was gunning for Vanessa and didn't appreciate her constant emotional outbursts.
John then told his close ally Steve Moses he should also work with "Austin's Angels" because they'd be the bigger targets if they decided to work with Meg Maley and James Huling instead.
Becky also campaigned to Austin and the twins about how badly she wanted Vanessa gone, but the trio had already determined John was a more loyal, trustworthy player.
When it became time for the live eviction, Becky was sent packing. She told Big Brother host Julie Chen in her interview afterwards that she wasn't surprised to go because her two closest allies were Jackie Ibarra -- who had already been evicted from the house -- and John, who had been sitting on the block next to her.
Becky said her big mistake was going after Vanessa with such conviction when she didn't really understand where her alliance stood. James and Meg, at the time, felt about Shelli Poole the way Becky felt about Vanessa. Becky also admitted to Julie that Vanessa was the smartest player still in the game, but not necessarily the best.
As for the houseguest to watch out for? Becky said Steve seems to have some tricks up his sleeve. However, if Becky ended up winning her way back into the house, she'd target Liz instead of Vanessa or Steve. Becky believes Liz is making big moves quietly and her under-the-radar game is impressive.
The episode concluded with the next HoH competition. It was a track meet-inspired challenge in which the participating houseguests had to sprint little races without making false starts.
The winner wasn't revealed, but if you'd like to know whom the new HoH is, highlight the area below.
Austin won HoH.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski