Big Brother's Season 17 houseguests evicted Jason Roy from the house and crowned a new Head of Household during Thursday night's episode on CBS.

Jason was evicted from the house instead of Becky Burgess by a 7-2 vote. Meg Maley and James Huling were the only two people who voted to oust Becky from the house.

Big Brother's seventeenth episode began with Jason trying to hold in his emotions after being nominated for eviction. He cried in the diary room about how this game is his life and it simply meant more to him than anyone else. Both Meg and Jackie Ibarra were upset and blindsided about the thought of losing one of their best friends and closest allies.

Jason's alliance was starting to realize that Clay Honeycutt and Shelli Poole had a hand in every eviction so far this season.

Meanwhile, Austin Matelson was thrilled he was given a second chance in the game, as former HoH Vanessa Rousso had every intention to put him on the chopping block for a while. His buddy Liz Nolan was also pleased with the turn of events after Jason had revealed the "Twin Twist" to everyone in the house.

Meg then approached Clay about whether he was in on the plan to backdoor Jason. Clay denied it but lied terribly. Clay said Austin and Vanessa must've worked something out together.

However, Meg asked Vanessa what was going on afterwards, and Vanessa revealed the majority of the house was absolutely onboard with knocking out Jason. Vanessa explained she accidentally remained in power and then people took advantage of her to make the move they wanted. 

Meg was hurt, recognizing the fact Clay had lied right to her face. Meg warned Vanessa that Clay didn't have her back because he was letting her have all the heat. Vanessa wasn't happy and wondered whether she could truly trust Clay and Shelli. Shelli was also not forthright about being part of Vanessa's plan.

Meg felt dumb and Jackie cried about letting Jason down since she had recently been dethroned as HoH.

Shelli told the cameras she wished her alliance had devised a plan of what to tell people after Jason's nomination because it made her and Clay look bad since they had developed strong relationships on the other side of the house. Shelli felt turning on Jason's crew would have more disastrous consequences for her and Clay than Vanessa.

In a last-ditch effort, Jason utilized a scare tactic to try to get Clay and Shelli to vote with him. Jason tried to make them paranoid, saying Becky was going after the both of them next week and Austin, Liz and Vanessa were a three-headed snake.

But Jason's words made no difference. He was later evicted from the Big Brother house.

In his post-eviction interview with host Julie Chen, Jason revealed he felt most betrayed my Shelly and Clay, while he didn't really blame Vanessa for making the move she did -- especially since she at least has "a soul." Jason admitted gossiping about the twins was a bad idea as well as acting too much like a fan at times instead of a strategic player.

At the end of the episode, Julia Nolan -- Liz's twin sister -- officially entered the game. Julie announced the twins had switched places a total of 14 times. Julie also told the houseguests that the Battle of the Block competition is no longer in play and there will only be one Head of Household crowned each week going forward. That means only two nominees as well.

Although it was not shown on TV, a new HoH was crowned following the "On The Edge" competition.

[SPOILER: If you'd like to know who won, highlight the area below.]

James is the new HoH. The tables might turn as Jason's former alliance is now in power for the first time in a while.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.