Big Brother's houseguests blindsided and evicted Nicole Layog instead of Taylor Hale in a landslide vote during the live Season 24 episode that aired Thursday night on CBS.
The Big Brother broadcast began on Day 30 of the game.
Footage then flashed back to Day 27, when Kyle Capener and Daniel Durston decided to use the Power of Veto to save Alyssa Snider and Indy Santos. Daniel said he used the veto because Monte had been hoping to keep nominations the same and he didn't trust Monte after the Ameerah Jones blindside.
But when Alyssa and Indy came off the block, Nicole and Taylor went up -- and Monte was gunning for Daniel's best friend in the house, Nicole.
Daniel was convinced he'd have the following votes to keep Nicole in the house: Alyssa, Indy, Jasmine Davis, Kyle, Terrance Higgins and himself.
But Kyle was a member of the majority "Leftovers" alliance, and so he wanted Nicole gone as well.
Michael Bruner was fuming because he wanted to keep nominations the same in order to have Indy insulate his alliance as an extra member if Alyssa went home, but Monte pointed out how Daniel had sealed Nicole's fate in the game.
Meanwhile, Taylor was shaking because she was so upset. She did not agree to go up on the chopping block and so she felt betrayed.
However, as a member of "The Leftovers" alliance, she needed to keep acting like she was ostracized from the house and had no friends.
Daniel then urged Alyssa and Indy to not trust Michael because he believed Michael was working with the other side of the house.
Kyle overheard Daniel's plea and shared the news with his alliance, who actually had the votes to keep Taylor safe this week.

Monte said he had tried to give Daniel and Nicole a lifeline but they didn't believe him and ultimately worked against him.
Nicole then told Jasmine, Alyssa and Indy that she was a police officer for 10 years and a detective for two of them before she became a chef.
Nicole said she'd have their backs and didn't plan on going after any of them, and the girls promised to work with each other going forward. Nicole thought they had the numbers.
Nicole and Daniel were so proud that their enemies in the house "had no clue" what was going to hit them, and Daniel bragged about how they were "clowns" and other players tended to get too comfortable, which he believed was their flaw in the game.
Alyssa and Kyle's showmance was then shown heating up with a kiss, which Alyssa called "amazing." Alyssa, who had been trying to avoid getting into a showmance this summer, gushed about how Kyle is a great kisser and she couldn't help herself around him.
"I'm a girl and I'm in love, what can I say?" Alyssa said.
Meanwhile, Monte, Joseph Abdin, Taylor, and Matthew "Turner" Turner talked about how they needed to rally more votes to take out Nicole.
Nicole then lied and told Monte that Indy, Alyssa and Jasmine were her targets next week in attempt to build trust with him, and he wasn't buying it.
Monte used the information against her as ammunition by telling the girls what Nicole had been plotting, and Jasmine was shocked. Jasmine told the girls how Monte wanted to take Nicole out, and the girls didn't want to be on the wrong side of the vote again.
Jasmine recognized that Monte and Nicole could both be playing them, but Indy pointed out how Taylor would probably go on to win the whole game if she survived the block another week. Indy suggested Taylor needed to go once and for all because she was writing up quite the resume for herself.
It then became time for the live vote and eviction.
Nicole said she had played this game with loyalty and integrity and this week had humbled her -- and, if she stayed, she would play with humility and grace and fight so the right person will win this game.
Taylor promised her family and friends "it ain't over 'til it's over."
"Nicole, to quote a Big Brother Super Fan, Rihanna, 'you look so dumb right now.' Choosing me as your 'Festie Bestie,' you thought was your security blanket, but here you are, both of us sitting on the chopping block because of your closest ally in the house who thought you would still be safe," Taylor announced.
Taylor said she never covered any tracks or misled anyone, and she said Nicole was a manipulative player who thought she had everyone wrapped around her finger to get what she needs. Taylor insisted everyone would always know where she stands.
The Head of Household and two nominees were not able to vote.
The following houseguests voted for Nicole: Joseph, Terrance, Michael, Indy, Jasmine, Turner, Kyle, Alyssa, and Brittany Hoopes.
Daniel was the only person who voted to evict Taylor.
"Remember, y'all can't split the check. Play for yourselves," Daniel announced to the group after he lost his best friend.
Nicole told Big Brother host Julie Chen that she thought Taylor's speech was "amazing and comical."
"She spoke nothing but the truth. I thought that I would be able to manipulate her and control her game, which in turn would give me safety. Clearly the one rule I didn't follow was 'don't play somebody else's game in this house ,' and I did just that. [I played] my alliance's game," Nicole explained.
Nicole was in on the plan for Daniel to use the veto so she and Taylor would go up on the block, even though what happened to Ameerah and Pooch. Julie therefore asked why Nicole didn't think a blindside would also happen to her.
"I think it came down to big risk, big reward in a sense," Nicole said.
"But at the same time, I thought we had the numbers... to keep me safe and to finally get Taylor out of the house because she had been the main target for [weeks]... Through conversations, I realized there was a larger alliance going on post-Ameerah."
Nicole said she tried to rely on her personal relationships at that point but they could carry her.
Nicole thought Monte was responsible for sending her home because he had lost trust in her when he discovered she had a sub-alliance outside of Po's Pack. She also wasn't surprised about the members of "The Leftovers."
Julie proceeded to announce to the remaining houseguests how Taylor would have the power to join any set of "Festie Besties." Taylor chose to join Indy and Alyssa.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski