Big Brother evictee Kyland Young says he doesn't regret putting Xavier Prather on blast following his blindside and eviction from Season 23 of the game.
"As far as literal, I look at the words that I said to Xavier, and I hope that other people do the same... The words that I said aren't something I regret because objectively they were true."
Kyland was evicted from the Big Brother house in fourth place after the Head of Household, Xavier, a 27-year-old attorney from Kalamazoo, MI, decided not to use his golden Power of Veto to remove Kyland from the chopping block.
Kyland seemed shocked Xavier -- his closest ally in the house with whom he had made a Final 2 "Gentlemen" deal -- chose not to save him, and then Derek Frazier, a 29-year-old safety officer from Philadelphia, PA, cast the sole vote to evict Kyland.
On Kyland's way out of the Big Brother house, he confronted Xavier and essentially suggested the attorney's backstabbing move was an indication he's not a good role model to Xavier's beloved nephew Kobe.
Considering Xavier's brother passed away recently and Kobe was left in Xavier's care, Kyland's attack seemed personal and below the belt, and many Big Brother fans began lashing out at Kyland on social media.
"[Xavier] and I had had extensive conversations about people that we admire such as Kobe Bryant and Goku, and specifically how we love that they are people who face their competition head on, one-on-one, at their best," Kyland explained to Us.
"They give them an opportunity, like, 'Hey, I want you at your best because I want to go head-to-head with you.' I thought that that was something that Xavier and I aligned on because that's what he told me they cared about."
"That's what he told me that they valued," Kyland added. "That's what he told me that his family valued. I called out how this move proved that that was untrue."
As Kyland repeatedly brought up Xavier's young nephew and took jab after jab, Xavier attempted to remain calm and not escalate the situation into a physical altercation.

Big Brother host Julie Chen Moonves even shouted at Kyland to leave the house before things got more out of hand.
But Kyland apparently stands by his controversial Big Brother exit and wishes Xavier shared his philosophy that in order "to be the best, you gotta beat the best."
Kyland recalled of his comments to Xavier, "Did I realize that they would also strike a chord? Of course, you got to have some fun on your way out."
"But as far as my word choice," he explained, "I feel good about that because I know that if you run it back and look at the actual words used, there was nothing I said that wasn't objectively true, given the context of the conversations that Xavier and I had."
Kyland added, "So, obviously, I hope that him and his family take no personal offense to it when they take in that context and the literal words themselves."
Although Kyland seemed really angry at Xavier for sealing his fate in the game, and without a warning, Kyland insisted, "I don't hold ill will or disrespect toward anyone."
Looking back on his eviction at Final 4, Kyland said his "only" regret is "not winning that Veto... or that HOH."
"At this stage, I was one win away from winning the game on my own terms, the way that I thought was important and valuable," Kyland noted.
Kyland seemingly had every intention of taking Xavier to Final 2 if he managed to win that HoH of PoV competition, which determined the game's Final 3 houseguests.
Kyland apparently believes he could have beaten Xavier in the Final 2.
"This is a jury that was very explicit about wanting to vote on gameplay as a whole -- so not just competitions, and not just who your best friend is," Kyland told Us, adding that the jury vote probably would have turned out "pretty favorably" for himself.
"I don't know if it would have been anything better than 5-4, but I could totally see a win for me at the end against Xavier and clearly he saw the same," he said.
On Kyland's eviction night late last week, Derek explained that he didn't think he could beat Kyland in the Final 2 and he'd rather sit with Azah Awasum on finale night.
Kyland said he understood Derek's decision and appeared more upset with Xavier, who had given him "no heads-up."
"I kept you in the last week," Kyland told Xavier, referring to how Kyland had protected "X" when serving as HoH the week prior.
"This is how the game goes, Kyland," Xavier replied. "I would have loved to give you a heads-up but I respect you too much as a player, and given that [Derek] was the sole vote to evict, I knew if you had time, you could probably make things go another way."
Kyland then brought up "the whole Kobe thing," which didn't sit well with Xavier at all.
Xavier has said he feels responsible for Kobe long-term following his brother's death, and Xavier even told Kyland that he wants to win Big Brother in order to make sure Kobe's future will be financially secure.
"[You talked about] raising him to be a man and face challenges and stuff," Kyland recalled.
"I'm asking, you know, named after Kobe -- Kobe doesn't step down from a challenge. He accepts it," Kyland said.
"I suggest you stop talking about my nephew," Xavier fired back.
"I think that that's not really up to me," Kyland continued. "I think that if your nephew has nobody to look up to."
"Keep talking about my nephew, Ky," Xavier snapped.
But Kyland persisted, "If your nephew has nobody to look up to -- if your nephew has nobody to look up to, then [X] is going to have to figure out how to raise him. How is he going to be a man?"
"Julie is waiting," Xavier firmly said.
Kyland suggested again how Xavier isn't being a good role model of "a man" for his young nephew, and Xavier stated, "Walk," as Big Brother host Julie Chen called for him to leave the Big Brother house.
Kyland took additional shots at Xavier during his post-eviction interview with Julie.
"Representation-wise, like being the first Black winner, I want them to win with some sort of, like, honor instead of winning by any means necessary," Kyland said, pointing out how he had saved Xavier three times only to be betrayed towards the end of the game.
Kyland claimed he understood Xavier's move from a strategy standpoint but if the attorney ends up winning, it will be in "a cowardly way."
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski