Big Brother featured Cam Sullivan-Brown winning the Power of Veto and saving himself, prompting the Head of Household, T'kor Clottey, to name a replacement nominee during the Season 26 episode that aired Wednesday night on CBS.
As a result, T'kor, a 23-year-old crochet business owner from Chicago (via London) who currently resides in Atlanta, GA, named Angela Murray, a 50-year-old real estate agent from Long Beach, CA who currently resides in Syracuse, UT, the replacement nominee ahead of the next live eviction.
The Big Brother broadcast began following the Nomination Ceremony in which the HoH, T'kor, had nominated Cam, Tucker Des Lauriers and Makensy Manbeck for eviction.
"I actually don't mind Cam or Makensy going home this week because I'm not aligned with them, but Tucker is someone I'm aligned with and he is just a pawn," T'kor explained in the Big Brother Diary Room.
"I hope I can win this Veto so I can keep nominations the same and won't have to put anyone else up this week."
Makensy lamented about how she was "so tired" of being on the chopping block but she hoped the upcoming Power of Veto competition was going to be her third competition win.
Tucker, meanwhile, didn't want to be on the block, even as a pawn, and he found T'kor's decision "disappointing." Tucker was well aware that he looked "appetizing" as a target to the rest of the Big Brother house.
And Cam said, "I don't know if I'm the target or the pawn... I need to win safety."
T'kor told Makensy that she viewed her as a strong competitor and wanted to see her win the Veto, and so Makensy thanked her and said there were no hard feelings.
Ahead of choosing players for the PoV competition, Leah Peters worried that she was going to become the replacement nominee. However, she and Cam agreed that they'd have each other's back going forward in the Big Brother game.
When T'kor discussed her plan with Tucker and Kimo Apaka, she explained how she didn't want Tucker to use the Power of Veto on himself so that nominations would stay the same. T'kor was convinced their "Sixth Avenue" alliance would give them enough votes for Tucker to stay.

"If I win that Veto, I'm taking myself off the block. She may get her hands more dirty, but I'm going to do what's best for my game," Tucker explained to the Big Brother cameras.
It then became time to pick players for the Power of Veto competition. In addition to the HoH, T'kor, and the three nominees -- Tucker, Cam and Makensy -- Angela and Joseph Rodriguez were selected by random draw to play.
Cam had selected his own name, and so he picked Joseph to play, which Joseph called a "mistake" on his part.
And Angela revealed that if she won the Veto, it would eventually be hanging around Tucker's neck.
The Power of Veto competition was an iconic Big Brother competition in which prizes and punishments were handed out along the way. The participating houseguests were required to compete in a series of rounds.
In each round, one player would use a giant slingshot to take a shot at "an evil robot army." Each robot had a point value, and the robot knocked down with the highest point value would be a player's score for that round.
The player with the lowest score at the end of each round would be eliminated. If a player failed to knock down a robot in any given round, he or she would receive a score of zero.
"But don't get attached to it because the players eliminated after you will have the option of keeping their assignment or trading it for yours," Kimo, the competition's host, explained.
"The last player standing will have their choice of any of the assignments, including the golden Power of Veto."
Joseph was the first person eliminated from the Big Brother competition, and the golden Power of Veto was in his envelope.
Angela was eliminated next, and she received "Trapped in the Mattrix," which would mean she'd be "trapped in the Mattrix" for 24 hours straight. She traded this punishment with the Golden Power of Veto, sticking Joseph with a day of solitary confinement.
Makensy was out of the competition next, and she chose "Last Chance Luau," which was a trip for two to Hawaii. Makensy decided to keep her vacation because she knew Tucker or Cam would end up stealing the Veto from her, and she thought it would be something nice to do for her family.
T'kor was then eliminated and her "Radiation Eradication" punishment would require her to dress in protective gear from head to toe and clear the yard of "radioactive orbs" within 12 hours.
If T'kor didn't accomplish this Big Brother task in 12 hours, she'd lose the opportunity to compete in the next Head of Household competition. T'kor traded this punishment for the golden Power of Veto, sticking Angela with the horrible punishment.
The challenge came down to a faceoff between Tucker and Cam, and in the end, Tucker was the runner-up and won $5,000 for a shopping spree. Tucker took the Veto, giving T'kor the $5,000 cash.
Knowing a Big Brother punishment was going to come out next, Tucker saved T'kor from the embarrassment or hard work, and T'kor noted that she was very grateful.
Cam therefore was assigned the role of the "BB A.I. Assist," which would require him to handle mundane questions that Ainsley didn't have time for. He'd have to answer questions day or night.
Cam traded with Tucker for the golden Power of Veto, and Tucker was a good sport about it.
Cam was proud of himself for winning a competition and proving that he could beat Tucker, and Tucker planned to show up in the A.I. Arena and win his safety in that.
T'kor wanted to protect "Sixth Avenue," which was also comprised of Tucker, Joseph, Angela, Kimo and Rubina Bernabe, as well as "The Visionaries," which was also made up of Kimo and Quinn Martin.
T'kor had limited options, as a result, especially because she had a pact with Chelsie Baham that they wouldn't put each other on the block. That left her with seemingly one good option, Leah.
After Tucker stirred up more chaos in the Big Brother house as the "A.I. Instigator" and had to answer an endless amount of silly questions for his punishment, Angela kicked off her punishment.
"It might seem easy... but she has to pick up one orb at a time, so she's making about 2,000 trips, which is roughly about eight miles in less than 12 hours. That is a lot for anybody to do!" Chelsie explained, hinting that Angela may lose her ability to compete in the next HoH competition.
Angela was woken up at all hours of the night to do her punishment, which included being "sanitized," aka slimed, and she broke down into tears multiple times. However, she ended up getting the job done.
For Joseph's punishment, he had to listen to Big Brother evictee Matt Hardeman talk in a dark room for 24 hours. Joseph called it "pure torture" and quipped, "I don't know how Makensy did it."
Tucker's avatar then appeared on the screen in the living room and announced that Chelsie and Quinn could not be trusted. Tucker also suggested T'kor was going to be his target in the future because she had nominated him for eviction.
Most of the Big Brother houseguests assumed that Angela was the "A.I. Instigator." Angela argued the messages would be "a lot juicier" had she been given the role.
Tucker proceeded to tell Angela that he was going to take her to Final 2, but Angela wasn't buying it because he was in a showmance with Rubina. Angela suddenly lost trust in Tucker, thinking he was playing her, so she decided to "rally people together to get Tucker out."
Angela determined that Tucker was "a crazy good liar" who was trying to plant "so much craziness" in her head.
"This is the bravest thing I've ever done," Angela boasted to the Big Brother group.
In order to protect Leah, Quinn kicked Angela under the bus by telling T'kor and Kimo that Angela thought she had the votes to send Tucker out the door. Kimo was shocked, and T'kor called Angela "really paranoid."
"Leah isn't going after either of you," Quinn told his allies.
"I believe that," T'kor responded, "and I'm worried about tainting my relationship with her."
T'kor said she never really wanted to work with Angela to begin with, and so she considered naming Angela the replacement nominee instead of Leah.
Since Tucker had previously helped Quinn out by taking him off the block and saving his game, Quinn repaid the favor by warning Tucker about Angela's backstabbing attempt. Quinn let Tucker know that Angela was talking trash about him and trying to convince people to turn on him.
"I feel incredibly betrayed," Tucker told the Big Brother cameras in a confessional.
Tucker went right to the source, and he shared how he was upset to hear this news because he had done everything he could to protect her and be there for her. Angela told Tucker that she loved him but she'd be "a fool" to think he'd take her to the Final 2 over Rubina.
Tucker reminded Angela that he had used the Veto to save her and actions speak louder than words.
Tucker insisted that he loved Angela and always had her back, but Angela admitted that she was afraid.
"I'm here for you and then you try to kick me out. What did I do to deserve that?!" Tucker complained to Angela. "I started with you first. I'm loyal to my word. I would kick Rubina out before you!"
"I'm here for you and I trust you. I need you to trust me," Tucker vented. "I still love you no matter what... but you have to trust me."
Despite the betrayal, Tucker decided that he wanted to continue working with Angela and take her far into the game. Tucker therefore planned to convince T'kor not to nominate Angela for eviction.
T'kor was deciding between Leah and Angela ahead of the Veto Meeting, and so Tucker pitched that Leah was the better choice. T'kor noted, however, how Angela would be "an easy" vote for many people in the house.
T'kor also explained to Tucker how Quinn wouldn't like her putting Leah on the chopping block.
T'kor was essentially trying to pick the lesser of two evils, and she realized that she was going to disappoint one of their allies either way.
Tucker, who had volunteered to be T'kor's pawn, hoped that T'kor was going to throw him a bone. He said if Angela ended up being the replacement nominee, he'd be "so hurt" by T'kor's move.
It then became time for the Veto Meeting, and Cam announced he had decided to use the Power of Veto on himself.
T'kor subsequently named Angela as the replacement nominee.
Tucker clearly didn't look happy, but T'kor said it was her HoH and Angela was actively targeting someone within her alliance. T'kor said she didn't want Angela's paranoia to "disrupt" her game.
Quinn was thrilled that his plan worked, and he boasted about how Angela should never trust him.
"I'm giving and I'm giving and I'm giving, and I'm getting nothing back. Now it's crystal clear the only person I can rely on in this game is me, myself and I," Tucker lamented in the Big Brother Diary Room.
Meanwhile, Angela was ready to fight for her place in the house in the A.I. Arena.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski