Big Brother featured the Head of Household, Cameron Hardin, nominating Felicia Cannon and Izzy Gleicher for eviction during the Season 25 episode that aired Sunday night on CBS.
The Big Brother broadcast picked up on Day 37 after Red Utley had been evicted from the Big Brother house and Cameron subsequently came into power as the new Head of Household.
Cameron was upset that he couldn't give Red "a proper goodbye," and he said the entire house had some explaining to do.
The new HoH planned to approach this week with "guns blazing," and Bowie Jane was thrilled about Cameron's victory considering she and Cameron were the only houseguests who had voted for Red to stay in the house over Blue Kim.
"It's absolutely game on!" Bowie Jane said.
Jag Bains was afraid he was going to see the chopping block again, and both Jared Fields and Felicia Cannon noted how Cameron being the new Head of Household was terrible for their games.
Bowie Jane then broke down into tears to Felicia, Izzy, Cirie Fields, and Matt Klotz.
Bowie Jane said it was "hard" that her "mates" had been dishonest with her and left her in the dark about the Red vote. She had been nothing honest with them, and so she made it known that she felt betrayed and upset.
Felicia told Bowie Jane to "stop all the crying" and "get [her] big-girl pants on." Felicia insisted the move was not personal and Big Brother sometimes requires allies to withhold information from each other.
"It's not like you're over here as Mother Theresa," Cirie told Bowie Jane.
Bowie Jane vented about how she didn't even care about the game and her allies were essentially gaslighting her by making her feel like she was at fault for crying and breaking down.

Izzy then asked Bowie Jane to be Cameron's confidante, which Bowie Jane didn't actually want to do. However, Felicia pointed out how Bowie Jane was going to be the only person Cameron trusted in the house.
"You can become a major player this week," Felicia told Bowie Jane.
Bowie Jane told the cameras that she wasn't going to fall for that, nor could she trust anyone in the house.
Jag noted how no one knew what was going on in Cameron's mind but he hoped his "Seven Deadly Sins" alliance -- which was also comprised of Cirie, Felicia, Izzy, Blue, Jared, and Matt -- would stay intact. Jag didn't know how he'd stay safe in the house if that alliance crumbled.
Cirie then attempted to do some damage control by telling Cameron that Red had plans to target him.
Cirie said that Red was "on the Hate Cam campaign," and that she didn't know why. Cirie and Felicia said they didn't want to risk their alliance imploding due to Red's sudden desire to take Cameron out.
"I didn't want to hear any more negative stuff from him about you," Cirie told Cameron, adding that Red had "acted like he hated" Cameron and they simply couldn't have that.
But Cameron secretly called the women full of "bullsh-t," and he believed they were just trying to protect themselves. Cameron felt "played" and said in the Diary Room that the only person who had a pure heart in the house was Bowie Jane. He therefore joked about burning the house to the ground.
The house then received a transmission from the "Humili-verse." The players would be facing humiliation in different forms, including a "Stink-O-Meter" that would warn houseguests of a powerful stench in the bathroom.
Afterward, Cameron and Bowie Jane bonded over how they had been lied to and played. The pair intended to work together but keep their alliance hush-hush. Cameron also said he didn't want Bowie Jane to know too many things.
Felicia was then shown trying to make a Final 2 alliance with Jared.
"I have a Final 2 with Cirie, but a part of me is actually thinking that I'd prefer to have a Final 2 with you," Felicia told Jared.
"If I see y'all two to the end, I'm fine," Jared replied.
Jared then ran to his mother, Cirie, about Felicia's wavering loyalty. Jared let Cirie know that Felicia was getting a little "messy" because he didn't want Cirie to end up in her line of fire.
Cirie was upset Felicia had exposed their Final 2 deal, which was not good for her game. Cirie called Felicia a "hot mess" and noted how this wasn't the first time Felicia had messed up -- and she didn't want to keep cleaning up after her.
Not that it seemed to matter much, but Felicia was also talking and singing in her sleep, which was driving people crazy.
Before the Nomination Ceremony, Cameron warned Blue that she'd need to play hard in the Power of Veto.
"I trusted the people who kept me safe, and it worked out, so I need you to do the same," Cameron told Blue, suggesting that she was just a pawn.
Cameron knew that Blue didn't see his big picture, but he didn't want anyone to see that picture. Cameron just wanted Blue to hold it together and put on the appearance to the rest of the house that she hated him.
In his next conversation with Jag, Jag mentioned how they'd be wasting time to keep going after each other.
"I really want to put you on the block, right next to Blue," Cameron told Jag.
"I really want that, but I think you're right in the fact it wouldn't benefit us. I need to know, with 100 percent certainty -- if I don't put you on the block this week... I need absolutely safety next week."
Cameron said he'd offer Jag safety as long as he could vow that to him the following week. Jag promised Cameron that he wouldn't nominate him, backdoor him, or anything of the sort.
Jag didn't fully trust this agreement, knowing Cameron would probably end up doing what's best for his game -- and his game alone -- but he still saw a glimmer of hope and intended to keep his lips sealed for his own good.
After a scene aired of Matt and Jag's hilarious bromance, Matt approached Cameron for a chat.
The entire house thought that Cameron was going to put Jag and Blue on the chopping block, but he had a much bigger plan up his sleeve. Felicia believed Cameron was telling the truth because he couldn't "afford to do anything else."
Cameron thought his decisions were going to "cause an earthquake" in the house, so he boasted about how everybody needed to strap in.
At the Nomination Ceremony, Cameron had to put a pie in the face of the players he wanted to declare safe. Cameron therefore slapped a pie in each houseguest's face leading up to his two nominees, who got to sit all clean and pretty.
Cameron's two nominations were ultimately Felicia and Izzy.
Cameron was referring to Red and Hisam Goueli.
"You turned on them. Two times might be a coincidence, and I don't plan to stick around to be the pattern," Cameron announced.
Izzy was "furious" that Cameron got to have "a whole show" of his nominations, which he clearly really enjoyed. Izzy told the cameras that she was going to beat Cameron.
Felicia admitted Cameron had blindsided her, but she insisted she wasn't going to go down easily.
Cirie, meanwhile, thought Izzy and Felicia being the nominees was "devastating." Cirie cried about how she felt "heartbroken" and Cameron would need to win HoH every time to stay safe.
Cameron was, in fact, very proud of himself. He bragged in the Diary Room about how he was going to take down "the trio" -- including Cirie, whom he referred to as "the President" of the group.
"You don't start at the President. You chip away until there's nothing left, and they've got nowhere to go. I've been waiting to turn things loose!" Cameron said.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski