Big Brother evicted Dominique Cooper and featured Jessica Graf being awarded the next "Den of Temptation" prize during Thursday night's live Season 19 episode on CBS.
In her post-eviction interview with BB host Julie Chen, Dominique revealed that Paul Abrahamian whispered to her on her way out of the game, "Philosophy outside of the house," meaning he wants to be friends when the game is over. Dominique admitted that she may not be able to get over his betrayal.
Dominique was fairly certain Paul and Elena Davies had conspired against her because "things didn't add up" in the house. She said their behavior and comments changed following her nomination.
If given the chance to play the game again, Dominique joked she'd "be quiet," explaining that she needs to try to not be an open book all the time.
The Big Brother broadcast kicked off with Paul saying in the Diary Room that he didn't need to point fingers at Dominique, as she was making herself a target all on her own for calling people out and making accusations.
Meanwhile, Jessica began working hard to repair her relationships with people in the house that were damaged last week due to her bond with Cody. She talked to Elena and Raven, but Raven didn't trust her at all and only said what Jessica wanted to hear.
Dominique then warned Alex to protect herself because the people who had betrayed her would also turn their backs on Alex at the first opportunity. Alex seemed to allow the information to pass through one ear and out the other.
Elena was also furious at Dominique for accusing her of being shady and disloyal, so she yelled out at "the dominator" to enjoy her last couple of days in the house. Elena vented to cameras in the Diary Room about how Dominique's "erratic speech" did nothing to help her game.
Mark Jansen felt in the middle of the fight because he had a showmance with Elena in the house but he had also become best friends with Dominique. In order to keep himself safe and in a better position going forward, he acknowledged to was necessary to side with Elena.
Josh Martinez was butting heads with a couple of people in the house, as he determined Mark had disrespected him following a game of pool. Mark threw pickle juice and hot sauce in Josh's face to playfully teach him a lesson, but the move appeared to end their friendship because Josh felt he had crossed the line.
Josh therefore announced that Mark had been plotting to get rid of Paul and Christmas when Cody Nickson was still in the house.
But Jessica alleged that Josh was lying, insisting that Josh had actually told her at one point that he wanted Christmas out of the house. The more Jessica and Josh bickered, the happier Dominique was becoming because the heat was on Jessica and not on herself.

It then became time for the houseguests to enter the "Den of Temptation" one by one to learn whom America had chosen to tempt this week. It turned out America voted for Jessica to receive "The Halting Hex" advantage.
"The Halting Hex" would allow Jessica to halt any of the next four evictions, meaning she could prevent her own ouster or block the exit of someone she wanted to protect. Jessica must unleash the power before the voting process begins.
Jessica decided to accept the temptation, thanking America for having her back when she felt like she had no support in the house.
At the live eviction, Dominique announced that she didn't deserve to be on the chopping block because her team had turned against her. However, she apologized to anyone she may have offended or wrongly accused of something while scrambling to save her game.
Jessica decided not to use "The Halting Hex" on herself during this vote because she was positive Dominique was the target.
Julie announced at the end of the episode that Cody, Dominique, Jillian Parker and Cameron Heard will all participate in the "Battle Back Showdown" during Friday night's episode, which will feature the four evictees competing for one spot back in the Big Brother house. Julie teased there will be "three epic battles" to determine a winner.
With that being said, the next Head of Household competition will take place during the Sunday, July 23 broadcast.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski