Big Brother featured Jag Bains and Blue Kim each winning a Power of Veto and Jag, as the Head of Household, planning a big double blindside during the Season 25 episode that aired Tuesday night on CBS.
"The Invisible HoH," Jag, decided not to put Cory Wurtenberger and America Lopez on the chopping block since, if he managed to evict one of them from the house, he and Matt Klotz would be the only power duo left in the game. People would therefore go after Matt and himself next, and so Jag was hoping to keep nominations the same.
Felicia announced to the Big Brother group, "That was a waste of a superpower."
Since she was sitting next to Felicia, Blue wondered if she was going to be the target for the week.
"Who the hell is hiding behind 'The Invisible HoH' and won't come out to play?!" Blue questioned Big Brother cameras.
Meanwhile, Cirie Fields intended to "law low" this week so that the HoH wouldn't target her.
Jag told Blue that he thought Cory or America was the HoH. He didn't tell her the truth because he wanted her to focus on targeting Cory or America next week.
Blue said she wanted to believe Jag so badly, but in the back of her mind, she couldn't forget the winner of the HoH had a fast time of eight minutes and 30 seconds.
Blue thought Jag was the only person in the Big Brother house who could've accomplished the competition that quickly.
Cory said, ideally, Jag would take out his best friend, Blue, this week and then he could strike at Matt and Jag the following week. Cory therefore said he felt great, and he boasted about Jag doing his dirty work for him in the Big Brother Diary Room.
Felicia, having a gut feeling that either Jag or Cory was the HoH, went up to the men while they were chatting in a hammock and asked if she or Blue was the real target.

Neither of the men had given Felicia a straight answer, and she repeated how one of them had wasted his superpower.
As a result, Felicia wondered if the HoH was looking to backdoor a different Big Brother player later in the week.
"Cory's behavior stayed the same -- snarky Cory. So my gut tells me Jag is the HoH. He's trying to hide it, but he can't. He doesn't make direct eye contact and he kind of gets quiet. What is he really going to do with his superpower?" Felicia questioned in Big Brother's Diary Room.
And Cory pointed out how Felicia wasn't wrong because this would've been the week for Jag to take out America or himself.
Cory then told America while shooting pool that if he won Head of Household next week, he would definitely be nominating Jag and Matt for eviction.
America, however, didn't want to see Blue go from Big Brother. Since there appeared to be a lot of heat on Cory, America wanted to have a backup ally -- which would be Blue -- if Cory got evicted from the house.
America therefore warned Blue that Matt and Jag were targeting her. She hoped this would build trust with Blue and that maybe Blue would take her sights off Cory and start targeting Matt and Jag instead.
"I'm not buying what America is selling here. America, I know that your showmance has been coming for me and now you want to switch it up and tell me something else," Blue lamented to the Big Brother cameras.
"Matt and Jag have been my boys since Day 1, so, to put it simply, the math ain't mathin'."
Suddenly, the Big Brother houseguests received a transmission from the BB Comic-verse. The cosmic crystal had unleashed another superpower into the game -- the "BB Power of Multiplicity."
This power multiplied the number of players in the upcoming Power of Veto competition from six to eight, meaning everyone would be competing.
The power also multiplied the number of Vetoes up for grabs this week to two.
The Big Brother houseguests ultimately learned there would be back-to-back Power of Veto competitions that day, with two different houseguests each winning a golden Power of Veto.
Jag realized that Blue was going to have two chances to win a Veto and potentially take herself off the chopping block, which wasn't good for his game at all.
Blue then warned Matt that America and Cory had been trying to "recruit" her. Blue explained how America had pitched the idea to her that Blue's path to victory in this Big Brother game won't be with Matt and Jag.
"She said, 'Matt and Jag are coming after you,' which did make me feel a little uneasy," Blue admitted to Matt.
Matt pointed out how America and Cory were "playing the middle," and he didn't appreciate the duo throwing him under the bus.
"We have been protecting them!" Matt complained to Big Brother cameras.
"I think if I won the Veto, maybe I do save Blue. Maybe Cory and America are a better target to take out; they're not doing anything to help our game at all. So maybe it's time to draw that line."
Blue promised Matt that she was rocking with him and Jag all the way to Big Brother's conclusion. Blue said, best case scenario, she'd win a Veto and either Matt or Jag would win the other Veto.
"I'm going to take those b-tches out when I get the chance!" Blue boasted to Matt, before sharing the same information with Jag.
Blue's story also made Jag reconsider everything. Jag wondered if he had made the wrong Big Brother nominations earlier in the week, and so he planned to gun hard for the Veto in order to make the decision himself about whether to target Cory and America.
It then became for the first of two Power of Veto competitions.
The Big Brother houseguests were welcomed to the "Superhero Training Academy," where each houseguest was going to be put to the test. The players had to stand on a small disk, tethered to a rope.
Once the players were lifted into the air and spun around, the objective was to hang on and not fall off.
While the Big Brother houseguests were spun around, they were sprayed with slime and hit by a giant punching robot arm.
The houseguest to last the longest would win the first Power of Veto and also receive a cash bonus.
Felicia dropped from the competition after three minutes and hoped a mental competition would follow. Felicia was then followed by Bowie Jane, Cirie -- whose closest allies were both on the chopping block -- Cory, Matt, and America.
After two hours and six minutes of the Big Brother competition, Blue finally dropped and so Jag won the first Power of Veto.
For the second competition of the day, the houseguests had to secretly write down how long they thought Jag would be able to hang and fly around the academy from the moment his feet left the ground until the moment he "came crashing back down to Earth."
Jag remained in flight for 110 seconds, and he earned $3,500 in Big Brother cash.
Bowie Jane wrote down 482 seconds, Felicia guessed 600 seconds, Matt wrote down 150 seconds, America guessed 75 seconds, Cirie guessed 600 seconds, Blue wrote down 105 seconds, and Cory guessed 135 seconds.
Blue therefore won the second Power of Veto.
Since Cirie and Felicia were the furthest away, they were going to receive a punishment. Felicia was going to receive solitary confinement for 24 hours -- meaning she couldn't strategize -- and Cirie had to change into a new superhero suit whenever instructed to.
After the Big Brother competition, Jag and Matt talked about how Cory and America had been selling them out the entire time.
Jag and Matt agreed it was time to take a shot at Cory and America, and possibly have them on the chopping block together. They just needed to make sure Blue was still on their side and working with them, especially since Jag had lied to Blue about being "The Invisible HoH."
Jag proceeded to have conversations as "The Invisible HoH" with all the houseguests, and he informed Felicia that he was going to use the Veto on her. Jag let most people know that he wanted to put Cory and America on the block together.
Jag finally came clean with Blue about being "The Invisible HoH," but he insisted that America and Cory were the real snakes in the Big Brother house.
Jag apologized to Blue for lying to her, but he said the pair had villainized her. Blue told Jag that it was okay and she understood where he was coming from, and chaos was about to ensue.
Since at least one replacement nominee needed to be named, Cory feared he was in trouble.
"I don't think [Jag] is going to do that, though. I think he is going to stick to the plan and I think Felicia is going to go home. We'll all move forward as a big, happy family," Cory told the Big Brother cameras.
But Jag said in the Diary Room that he was prepping for a big double-blindside moment -- the biggest blindside of Big Brother's 25th season thus far.
The Big Brother episode ended on a cliffhanger, before the Veto Meeting.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski