Big Brother featured Kenney Kelley winning and using the Power of Veto on himself, forcing the Head of Household, Chelsie Baham, to name a replacement nominee after more Angela Murray drama during the Season 26 episode that aired Wednesday night on CBS.
The HoH, Chelsie, a 27-year-old nonprofit director from Rancho Cucamonga, CA, therefore named Tucker Des Lauriers is a 30-year-old marketing and sales executive from Boston, MA who currently resides in Brooklyn, NY, the replacement nominee.
That means Tucker; Angela, a 50-year-old real estate agent from Long Beach, CA who currently resides in Syracuse, UT; and Lisa Weintraub, a 33-year-old celebrity chef from Los Angeles, CA, are on the block heading into the next live eviction on August 1.
The Big Brother broadcast began on Day 11 following the Nomination Ceremony during which Chelsie had nominated Lisa, Angela and Kenney for eviction.
Chelsie admitted she could've targeted Makensy Manbeck and Leah Peters; however, she didn't want to get too much blood on her hands too early in the game. Her choice of three nominees happened to be easy targets in the house.
"I went a little cray cray and exposed people and things I probably should've kept to myself... but I'm going to get that Veto. It's fine. I'm good. That's the game right?" Angela said.
Makensy thought she was building trust with Chelsie, and she didn't want to see Angela win the PoV so she could get her back for tanking Matt's Big Brother game.
Brooklyn Rivera was then shown speaking to Quinn Martin, who confirmed he still felt pretty good about The Pentagon alliance except for the fact no one had asked him whom he wanted to add into it.
Quinn therefore told Brooklyn that it seemed to be Cedric Hodges, Cam Sullivan-Brown and Chelsie running the alliance with themselves on the outside a little bit. Quinn and Brooklyn agreed they needed to look out for each other because they were "the fourth and fifth" in the alliance of five.
The Collective had been blown up by Angela, who was supposed to be in Quinn's Final 2. The Big Brother outburst left Quinn "in the trenches" trying to form alliances with anyone and everyone.
Quinn was now a member of "The Andersons" with Cam, Tucker and Kimo Apaka. They had bonded as Have Nots during Week 1. He also felt "at home" with Kimo and T'kor Clottey since they all seemed to be "the odd ducks" in the house. Quinn came up with "The Visionaries" for their trio.

Quinn was only truly honest with and faithful to "The Visionaries," and he was afraid being in so many alliances was going to blow up in his face.
Chelsie viewed Lisa as a bigger physical threat than Angela and Kenney, especially since Lisa had already won a Veto, and so Chelsie was looking at Lisa as her target. But Chelsie told Lisa that she wasn't gunning for her.
Meanwhile, Cam and Cedric felt great about their positions in the Big Brother game with Chelsie as Head of Household. T'kor also said she'd always be looking out for them since they're Black players and they'd all love to see another Black winner of Big Brother.
"We have an understanding that we'd like to see each other go somewhat far in the game, but even though we don't have a proper alliance formed, I'm nervous we're going to give that perception when we're grouped together," T'kor explained in the Diary Room.
But Cam didn't think they had to worry about that.
Angela was then shown telling Quinn that the group they needed to worry about was the one by the hammock, which was Cam's group. Quinn, however, was working with those players, and Quinn called Angela "an alliance destroyer."
Quinn therefore decided to give Cam's group a heads-up before Angela had a chance to ruin everything she had built on Big Brother thus far.
Later on, Kimo, Quinn and Joseph Rodriguez discussed whom they should vote for. Joseph pointed out how Angela made the game "harder" because she was always "scheming in public," and Kimo called her "nuts."
It then became time to pick players for the Big Brother Power of Veto competition.
In addition to the HoH, Chelsie, and the three nominees -- Angela, Kenney and Lisa -- Brooklyn and Joseph were also selected at random to play.
The Power of Veto competition required the participating players to each use binary building blocks of ones and zeros to build a code for Ainsley's new operating system. The houseguests had to build a code tall enough to activate a laser that would reach the top of the tower.
If the laser hit the top of the tower, that player's code would successfully be installed, earning that houseguest the golden Power of Veto. But the tiniest coding error could cause Ainsley's tower to come crashing down.
Kenney thought the only way to ensure his safety was to win the PoV, but Chelsie wanted to win pretty badly in order to keep her nominations the same and not piss anybody else off during her HoH reign.
Joseph insisted he's actually very competitive, and so he hoped to win the Big Brother challenge. In that case, he planned to follow Chelsie's orders in order to build trust with her.
Kenney ultimately won the golden Power of Veto, and he said he was "100 percent" going to use the Veto on himself.
Chelsie, meanwhile, admitted that naming a replacement nominee was going to be "very difficult" for her. It was not an ideal situation.
After the Big Brother competition, Cedric informed Chelsie about Angela's comment about wanting to target their group, and Chelsie was shocked and said Angela needed to "chill out."
Chelsie decided to go right to the source, and so she confronted Angela about the allegation.
When asked if Angela had mentioned needing to "watch out for" her specific "group" that had been on the hammock outside, Angela replied, "I don't know if I said 'watch out for,' but I said, 'That's the group."
"I didn't hear it from him," Chelsie claimed.
"Okay, well then he heard it from somebody else," Angela snapped.
Chelsie said Angela's comment was "premature" and "flippant" and had put a target on the Big Brother group's back when they weren't even teamed up or going after her.
Angela claimed her intention for saying that to Quinn was to point out that she wanted to work with them going forward.
"There was no malice involved in that," Angela insisted.
"I believe you," Chelsie noted.
Angela asked Chelsie not to talk about this in the house because a target was never intended on anyone in that group.
Angela then vented in the Big Brother Diary Room, "Not only is Chelsie misinterpreting what I was trying to put together with Quinn, but now Quinn has completely betrayed my trust. I'm so hurt by Quinn right now."
Angela subsequently interrupted a conversation Quinn was having with Lisa, and she told Lisa to wipe "that stupid smirk off" her face. Angela pulled Quinn aside and asked, "Who did you tell?"
"I told T'kor to check in... and make sure you guys were still good," Quinn confessed.
Angela complained about how she couldn't trust Quinn, but Quinn said he was just trying to keep T'kor in their alliance. Quinn said Angela's comment worried him that she was no longer on T'kor's side.
T'kor joined the conversation, and Angela started to cry. Angela accused Quinn of breaking her heart, but T'kor asked Angela to take responsibility for saying the questionable remark.
"When I said, 'That's the group,' I mean, 'That's the group I want to be a part of,'" Angela alleged.
"I thought you were trying to tip me off, like, 'That's the group -- something to be nervous about,'" Quinn explained. "And when I saw T'kor was in the group, I did not want her to be associated with any of that."
Angela wished Quinn had cleared things up with her before sharing their personal conversation with others, and Angela reiterated how she had wanted to "get in that group."
T'kor went on to explain, "I want you to understand: considering other past seasons, Season 23 and Season 24, when a group of people of color or a group of Black people gather..."
"Oh no, no. Don't put that in there," Angela interjected.
"I'm not saying that's what you meant," T'kor replied.
"Please don't put that in there," Angela repeated. "Oh honey, don't ever do that. Please don't put it there, because I did not mean it like that!"
T'kor then started to walk away, and she said she just wanted to clarify Angela's motive behind the comment.
As Angela began crying, T'kor explained, "That's how it can be interpreted on our front, when you say a blanket statement like that."
"Okay. Okay," T'kor said, brushing T'kor off.
"Quinn, what did you do?!" Angela shouted.
T'kor proceeded to vent to other Big Brother players about how a grown woman was making herself out to seem like the victim, and then Angela announced to the house how her plans to target any group will have nothing to do with race.
Cedric said he didn't think Angela was racist, which prompted Angela to shout about how she loved Cedric and T'kor and would "never, ever" make decisions around race.
Cedric wasn't holding anything against Angela, but he acknowledged how she had made a bad game move that ultimately backfired.
As Angela complained about how she had been "labeled something [she's] not," T'kor expressed to Kimo, Joseph and Rubina Bernabe about how she felt "guilty" and had maybe made a mistake by bringing up race in the conversation to begin with.
Rubina, however, said T'kor should've said what she was thinking, and Joseph agreed that she had done nothing wrong.
Since the house was essentially imploding, Tucker decided to take one for the team and volunteer to be a Big Brother pawn for Chelsie. Tucker told Chelsie that he wouldn't mind being nominated for eviction.
Angela felt she couldn't trust anyone, and so she began to wonder if she should expose Quinn's "Deadfake HoH" superpower.
To clear the air, Angela apologized to T'kor for not listening to her or being sensitive about what T'kor was explaining to her. Angela said she just didn't want to be painted in that racist light, and T'kor assured her that she understood and "was never trying to place that intention" on her.
"All is forgiven in my eyes," T'kor concluded in the Big Brother Diary Room.
"All I can say is it doesn't do anything but save me," Makensy shared with Tucker, "and if I'm [put] up, I can use it on someone else and it doesn't put the HoH in control of it. If I take myself off, the HoH has nothing."
Makensy told Tucker that she had his back, but Tucker told the Big Brother cameras that that was a bad move and one should always "deny, deny, deny" in this game.
Tucker promised Makensy that he wouldn't say anything, but he ran to Chelsie with the information the next day. Tucker pointed out how Makensy had immunity and it would be a good move to flush a superpower.
"You can't trust someone with a power play," Tucker told Chelsie.
Chelsie, however, was afraid that if she nominated Makensy for eviction, if she or Leah won Head of Household next week, they'd go after her.
Chelsie had to choose between making "a boss move" that would naturally build her resume and please other people in the house, or play it safe by not making more enemies in the house too soon.
At the Veto Meeting, Kenney opted to use the Power of Veto on himself.
Chelsie was therefore forced to name a replacement nominee, and she selected Tucker, saying that he "was by no means a target." Chelsie advised Tucker to do his thing in the upcoming "AI Arena" competition.
"I want the least amount of blood on my hands... [Makensy] would've continued to stay in this game and I would have an enemy coming after me rather than a potential ally working for me," Chelsie explained in the Big Brother Diary Room.
Tucker planned to crush the AI Arena competition and send Lisa packing, but Lisa said her vibe was "giving winner."
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski