Big Brother featured Angela Murray winning the Head of Household competition and nominating Lisa Weintraub, Kimo Apaka and Kenney Kelley for eviction during the Season 26 episode that aired Sunday night on CBS.

After Angela, a 50-year-old real estate agent from Long Beach, CA who currently resides in Syracuse, UT, came into power as Big Brother's first Head of Household of Season 26, she put Lisa, a 33-year-old celebrity chef from Los Angeles, CA; Kimo, a 35-year-old mattress sales representative from Hilo, HI; and Kenney, a 52-year-old former undercover cop from Boston, MA, on the chopping block at the Nomination Ceremony.

Big Brother's third episode picked up where Thursday night's broadcast had left off, with Makensy Manbeck, a 22-year-old construction project manager from Houston, TX, and Quinn Martin, a 25-year-old nurse recruiter from Lawton, OK, who currently resides in Omaha, NE, winning secret powers unbeknownst to them.


Chelsie Baham, a 27-year-old nonprofit director from Rancho Cucamonga, CA, and Cedric Hodges, a 21-year-old former Marine from Running Springs, CA who currently resides in Boise, ID, had also learned how their individual games would be downgraded after poor challenge performances on Day 1.

This week, Chelsie and Cedric are unable to compete for Head of Household as well as the Power of Veto. They are also unable to vote in the first live eviction of the season.

To make matters worse, Chelsie and Cedric will still be eligible to be nominated and possibly evicted this week.

Chelsie was upset about having her game downgraded, and Cedric also wasn't looking forward to being "a mascot" in the house. Cedric acknowledged his social game would have to shine this week in order to not become the first houseguest evicted from the game.

The houseguests were then shown getting to know one another.

Tucker Des Lauriers, a 30-year-old marketing and sales executive from Boston, MA who currently resides in Brooklyn, NY, told the group that he ia the head chef at a frozen protein bar company.

Tucker and Lisa Weintraub, a 33-year-old celebrity chef from Los Angeles, CA, immediately felt a little friendly competition between them since they're both professional chefs.

Rubina Bernabe, a 35-year-old event bartender from Los Angeles, CA, and Matt Hardeman, a 25-year-old tech sales representative from Loganville, GA who currently resides in Roswell, GA, discovered that they're both proud Filipinos.

Cam Sullivan-Brown, a 25-year-old physical therapist from Bowie, MD, revealed to the cast he's a single physical therapist, and Chelsie gushed about how "God had spent some extra time" on that man.

"He's not bad to look at. That's all I'll say," Chelsie quipped.

Kenney Kelley, a 52-year-old former undercover cop from Boston, MA, shared with his fellow houseguests how he works in concessions and the food truck business, and he even claimed to have a "Sweet Kenney K" nickname due to the sweet Italian sausages he had sold.

Kenney and Tucker hugged it out because they're both from Boston and Tucker is Italian as well.

Cedric joked about being an unemployed model and didn't mention how he had served in the military.


Angela Murray, a 50-year-old real estate agent from Long Beach, CA who currently resides in Syracuse, UT, shouted about how she's no stranger to having a good time, even though she's a married mother and grandmother.

Cam pointed out how many of the women in the house were beautiful but he didn't want to make a mistake and get into a showmance that could eventually hurt his game.

And Makensy told the cameras that Matt -- who revealed he's single and "ready to settle down" -- is "definitely a good looking guy" who is tall, dark and handsome. Makensy declared that Matt was "tall enough to ride the ride," referring to how she said she needs a man who's 6'5" or taller.

Matt explained to Kenney how his father had served in the Air Force and the police force. Kenney liked his way of thinking and they had a lot in common, but Kenney didn't plan on telling him the truth about his own profession.

Matt, however, thought working with Kenney in the game would "feel like home" for him.

Meanwhile, Rubina realized there were a lot of "badass women" playing the game this season.

Rubina was therefore optimistic they could work together and navigate the game as a big alliance. Chelsie, Makensy and Brooklyn Rivera, a 34-year-old business administrator from Covington, GA who currently resides in Dallas, TX, initially seemed onboard, especially Brooklyn, but they thought Angela was a little too wild for them.

Angela also began playing the game "too hard" too fast, according to Matt. She made a couple of jokes about how she'd be listening to and gunning for people, and Kenney also acknowledged that Angela was bringing "a little too much energy" to the table.

Angela, in turn, explained in the Diary Room that Matt was "one to watch" because he was handsome and likely to enter a showmance and charm the young ladies in the house. But Matt didn't like being stereotyped for his looks and being brought to the light by her comments.

Lisa then brought out her edible glitter and began wiping it on people, which Leah Peters, a 26-year-old VIP cocktail server from Pittsburgh, PA who currently resides in Miami, FL, called "strategy."

Afterward, Matt, Tucker and Cam discussed how they were "the athletes" in the group and should probably stick together.

Ainsley then appeared on the screen in her blue-robot form and announced how she'd inform two people, in private, that they had won superpowers and would have their game upgraded.

As the houseguests speculated who were the challenge winners, Ainsley told Makensy and Quinn that they were going to have their game upgrades.

Makensy learned she had won "America's Veto," which meant she could use this veto power during a Veto Meeting, just like she'd use a normal veto. She'd be able to save a player, including herself, from the chopping block.


However, the Head of Household would not be naming the replacement nominee. Instead, America's choice for the replacement nominee would be revealed live on eviction night.

Makensy was given four weeks to activate this power, but it could only be used one time. Makensy dubbed this "a huge power" and she was so happy that Ainsley was looking out for her.

Leah and Brooklyn discussed how they needed to figure out who had a special power so they could use it to their advantage.

Quinn then learned he had won the "Deepfake HoH" superpower as the second winner of the upgrade competition. This power would enable him to strip the Head of Household of all of his or her power by secretly controlling the nominations.

"But here is the fun part: I will create a deepfake avatar of the reigning Head of Household that will communicate through my protobox. This deepfake will look and sound identical to the real HoH," Ainsley explained.

"But it will be you that controls what it says," she added. "Not only will you secretly name all the nominees, but you can also use deepfake of the HoH to spread misinformation and rumors. No one will know it's you stirring up this chaos."

The real Head of Household, however, will still remain safe from eviction.

Like Makensy, Quinn will have four weeks to activate this power, and he'll only be able to use it once.

Leah then vented about how her "chubby hubby" was not in the house because it was filled with Abercrombie models. She didn't like the fact all the men looked like supermodels.

Later on, Ainsley announced to the cast how the first Head of Household of the summer would be naming three -- not two -- nominees. If one of those nominees is saved with the Power of Veto, the HoH will replace the person, ensuring three nominations are on the chopping block on eviction night.

"Before the vote, I will have these three nominees compete live in my AI Arena. The winner of this competition will immediately come off the block and be safe," Ainsley explained.

"The other two players will return to the house, where one of them will be voted out. If one of my mascots is on the block come eviction night, they will be eligible to play in my AI Arena."

Ainsley continued, "I have officially changed the game, and the stakes for this Head of Household competition could not be higher."

It then became time for the first Head of Household competition of the summer.

The competition, dubbed "New Rule," featured Ainsley coming up with a completely different rule for each round. The last player standing at the end would become the first HoH, receiving safety and privacy in the special HoH room.

Chelsie and Cedric, Ainsley's mascots, walked out as giant green software chips.

Rule 1 tested the 14 participating houseguests' early social game. They had to find a team of three players and game one side of the giant gameboard. The two people left out would be out of the competition.

Selections were made quickly and pretty randomly, and Tucker and Makensy were eliminated in Round 1.

For Round 2, each team had to shoot a disk down the large gameboard, attempting to land it on a high number. The three players on each team would have their numbers added together to create one score. The team with the highest score would win the round and be able to eliminate another team from the competition.

Matt, Kenney and Quinn won Round 2 and decided to eliminate Brooklyn, Rubina and Kimo Apaka, a 35-year-old mattress sales representative from Hilo, HI.

Quinn then had to face off against Matt and Kenney in the same shuffleboard-inspired game. Cam also had to compete against his own teammates, Leah and Lisa.

Angela ended up receiving a higher score than her teammates Joseph Rodriguez, a 30-year-old video store clerk from Tampa, FL, and T'kor Clottey, a 23-year-old crochet business owner from Chicago (via London) who currently resides in Atlanta.

The Big Brother competition came down to a battle amongst Angela, Leah and Kenney in the final round, and all three of the houseguests were hoping to win it.

Angela, Leah and Kenney each took one shot, and the highest odd number would win. Leah's disk landed on 26, and so since that was an even number, it didn't count.

Angela scored a 23, which counted, and then Kenney slid his disk right off the end of the board on the other side.

Angela was therefore crowned Head of Household, and Angela celebrated her Big Brother victory and was so proud of herself.

Kenney hoped Angela wouldn't view him as a threat in challenges, and Chelsie and Cedric -- who had no type of power at all -- attempted to become buddy-buddy with Angela. The group also got Joseph and T'kor onboard with an early Big Brother alliance.

Later on, Matt complained to a few Big Brother houseguests about how Angela had been acting "swarmy" and brought up multiple times how he'll probably get involved in a showmance, trying to put a target on his back.

Joseph ran to Angela and let her know that Matt was talking trash about her to other Big Brother houseguests behind her back, and Angela seemed totally shocked. Angela insisted in the Diary Room that she never had any intention of targeting Matt.

Quinn, who said he had common interests with the powerful HoH, then told Angela that he had won a Big Brother superpower and could hijack a single Head of Household's reign over the next four weeks. The pair named their alliance "BB Guns."

Angela didn't want to get a lot of blood on her hands this early on, so she asked her fellow Big Brother houseguests whom they'd like to see on the chopping block. Lisa's name was immediately thrown out there.

Angela then wanted to clear the air with Matt. She apologized to Matt for mentioning his ability to get in a Big Brother showmance, and she admitted that she just "has a big mouth."

Matt, in turn, revealed to Angela what he had been thinking up to that point.

"If I'm on [the block] and I have two opportunities to get off, I don't know if I'm the best person to take that chance with," Matt said.

"Also, I feel like with the relationships I've built in the house, I could campaign, and even if you wanted me [out] and I was your target, I feel like I can campaign. It's so crazy! I was like, 'Do I take this as an opportunity to be like, 'You want to put me up? Let's go! If I win, next week, I promise...'"

"You're scaring me!" Angela interjected.

"Well, I was like, 'Do I take that route? I don't know.' I came to play! You know?!" Matt replied.

Angela couldn't believe the "cocky" Matt had just said that to her, and she interpreted it as "a threat."

Angela therefore warned Matt, "Honestly, when you rewatch this, you're going to say, 'Damn, I'm sorry that I said that to her because, honestly, she never mentioned [my] name for going on the block.'"

At the Big Brother Nomination Ceremony, Angela announced she had decided to nominate Lisa, Kimo and Kenney.

"There just hasn't been enough game talk," Angela explained in tears. "I've just talked to more people and made more connections at this point in time."


Angela shared in the Diary Room how her real target was Kenney, and Lisa admitted that she was completely shocked about Nominations.

For Kimo's part, he said he was going to fight like hell to stay in the house because it's his dream to play Big Brother.

Editor's Note: This recap has been edited to reflect corrections caused by changes to the Big Brother episode's broadcast runtime on CBS.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.