Big Brother evicted Matt Clines from the house during Thursday night's live Season 19 broadcast on CBS.


Matt, a 33-year-old renovation consultant from Arlington, VA, was evicted from the Big Brother house via a 6-0 vote over Raven Walton, Matt's Big Brother "showmance" partner.

All five of the houseguests who were eligible to vote in the week's eviction vote (Christmas Abbott, Paul Abrahamian, Josh Martinez, Alex Ow, and Kevin Schlehuber) voted to evict Matt over Raven, a 23-year-old dance teacher from DeValls Bluff, AR.

However, Matt was also assessed an additional penalty vote by Big Brother's producers for violating the show's rules by not following the restrictions of his "Have Not" status.  Matt had decided to deliberately violate the rules and attempt to secure penalty votes in order to ensure that he would be evicted from the house and Raven would not.

Matt and Raven had been nominated for eviction by Jason Dent, the week's Head of Household.


Jason had told the couple they were only being nominated as pawn nominees because Jason wanted to "backdoor" Kevin by nominating him for eviction as a replacement nominee after the Power of Veto was used to remove Matt or Raven.

After the eviction nomination ceremony, Jason had also hugged Raven and assured her she would be getting removed from the chopping block shortly.

"We'll pull you right off," he told her.

"Thanks for making the speech nice," Raven had replied.

However, unbeknownst to the pair, Jason had actually been targeting Matt for eviction.


"They think they're pawns, and it's a backdoor for Kevin.  Not the case -- they're a showmance, it's time to break the showmances up... there's no backdoor here, there's only one oversized door with Matt's name on it," Jason had boasted in a Diary Room interview.

Jason then ended up winning the Power of Veto and announced he was not using it and leaving the nominations the same -- shocking Matt and Raven and resulting in them confronting him about his lies.

During the subsequent arguments, Jason insisted -- much to Matt and Raven's frustration -- that he had never told Raven he planned to remove her from the eviction block.

"Did you tell her you were going to pull one of us off?" Matt asked Jason heatedly.

"No, I didn't say that.  It's easy for you to say that I said that, just like it's easy for me that I didn't say that," Jason replied.


"Come on dude, I expect more from you! All you had to do is nominate us.  You didn't have to give that whole spiel, you didn't have to whisper in her ear, you didn't have to do any of that," Matt shouted.

In a private Diary Room session afterward, Jason continued to insist he had not made the comments, apparently truly unaware he had in fact said what Raven claimed.

"I don't remember hugging Raven after the nomination ceremony, but I guarantee you I never said that.  I never said that! There's no -- not at all, I 100% did not say that!" Jason insisted.

After Matt's eviction, the remaining Big Brother houseguests -- minus Jason, who as the outgoing HoH, was ineligible to compete -- were scheduled to compete in the season's next Head of Household competition.

However, Big Brother host Julie Chen announced that for the first time in Big Brother history the show was going to have to delay a challenge due to weather as it was raining in Los Angeles and the challenge was scheduled to take place in the show's outdoor backyard area.


The Head of Household competition did end up taking place later on Thursday night, and Big Brother's online live feeds have revealed who won it. To find out which houseguest won the HoH competition, highlight the area below.

Christmas is the new HoH. The HoH challenge was the show's classic button sprint challenge in which the houseguests must hold a button until a screen flashes "Go!" and then sprint down then run down their lane.  However, releasing your button early results in immediate disqualification -- and while the details remain unclear, Paul appears to have convinced the houseguests to throw the challenge to Christmas despite her inability to run due to her injury.

Big Brother 19's next episode will air Sunday, September 3 at 8PM ET/PT on CBS and feature the broadcast of the HoH competition.

About The Author: Steven Rogers
Steven Rogers is a senior entertainment reporter for Reality TV World and been covering the reality TV genre for two decades.