Big Brother crowned a new Head of Household, Paul Abrahamian, who then nominated Josh Martinez and Alex Ow for eviction with a different plan in mind during Sunday night's Season 19 broadcast on CBS.
In a plan to backdoor Cody, Paul therefore decided to nominate Alex, a 28-year-old eco-friendly marketing representative from Thousand Oaks, CA, who currently resides in Camarillo, CA, and Josh, a 23-year-old in hair care sales from Miami, FL, who currently resides in Homestead, FL, for eviction as his pawns.
Paul thought Alex would be a good competitor in the Power of Veto competition and Josh could be used to distract Cody if he was chosen to play in the PoV since the two guys didn't get along and were often fighting in the house.
When an HoH comes up with a plan to backdoor someone, it means putting the target on the block as a replacement nominee for eviction following the Power of Veto competition so that the target cannot save him or herself by winning the veto power of immunity.
Ramses Soto, a 21-year-old cosplay artist from Grand Rapids, MI, also opted to put himself on the chopping block as a third nomination this week.
Ramses was following through with a consequence he received earlier in the game when Paul chose to take advantage of a temptation that granted him three weeks of safety from nominations and evictions.
Ramses explained to his fellow houseguests that if he wins the upcoming Power of Veto competition, Paul cannot name a replacement nominee. If Ramses takes himself off the block, only two nominations will remain.
Last night's Big Brother broadcast picked up right where Thursday night's live eviction episode had left off, with the houseguests competing in the Candy Crush-inspired Head of Household competition -- minus Cody, who as the outgoing HoH was deemed ineligible to participate.
Cody was well aware that most of his alliance members had betrayed him in choosing to vote Jillian Parker out of the house instead of his target, Christmas Abbott, so he was rooting for Jessica to win this competition since they were both outsiders in the house.
Cody was especially upset that Mark Jansen, Matt Clines, and Josh had betrayed his trust, but the houseguests agreed Cody attempted to make "Maverick moves" too early in the game by gunning after big threats in his own alliance rather than picking off easy votes on the other side of the house one by one.
Cody was also furious because he thought Ramses went back on his word to vote out Christmas, but that wasn't the case. Kevin Schlehuber was the one who voted for Jillian after telling Cody he'd vote for Christmas, but Kevin was a great liar and Cody bought his story.
After Paul was crowned Head of Household, Josh tried to make peace with Cody and Jessica, but it didn't go well.

The showmance wouldn't allow Josh to speak when he was basically just trying to apologize, and things escalated when Cody swore at Josh and then made fun of him for always crying and playing a victim in the house. Cody and Jessica's harsh words made Josh cry, putting an even bigger target on their backs.
Cody and Jessica felt totally alone in the house, thinking they were on the outs with Alex, Jason and Ramses.
Paul considered nominating Matt and Raven Walton as pawns since Matt would be a strong competitor in the Power of Veto competition and then, if Cody was nominated in his place, no one would vote to oust sweet Raven from the house. However, Mark didn't like the idea of using people in their alliance as pawns in case something went wrong.
Paul's goal was to appease his allies, so he decided to change the plan and convince both Alex and Josh that he was on their side and they needed to be pawns this week. Because Paul listened to Mark, footage was shown of Mark and Elena Davies agreeing they loved Paul as a person.
Also during Sunday night's episode, the houseguests each entered the "Den of Temptation" to determine the next person whom America voted to tempt this week.
Home viewers voted to tempt Christmas -- who's still walking around on crutches -- with the "Ring of Replacement," allowing her to switch places with another houseguest in order to play in a future Power of Veto competition. Christmas would be able to replace a houseguest who was selected to play in the competition by random draw.
Christmas accepted the temptation and then, as a consequence, had to choose three houseguests to become "VeToads." What being a "VeToad" entails has yet to be announced by Big Brother host Julie Chen.
Christmas is able to keep her temptation a secret until she chooses to play it in the house. Paul simply hoped the temptation wouldn't throw a wrench in his plans to take Cody out next.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski