Big Brother featured Tommy Bracco winning the Power of Veto and removing Christie Murphy from the chopping block, which then prompted the Head of Household, Jackson Michie, to name Cliff Hogg the replacement nominee during Wednesday night's Season 21 broadcast on CBS.
Big Brother 21 - Episode 31
The Big Brother broadcast began on Day 73 with Christie and Jessica on the chopping block.Jessica was Michie's target, while Christie was his pawn -- but he said as long as one of them went home this week, his reign as HoH would be a success.
Michie was proud of the fact he and Holly Allen had wedged themselves in the middle of three different groups: Christie and Tommy, Cliff and Nicole Anthony, and then Jessica.
Jessica thought she was tight with Michie but due to her nomination, she felt "quite stupid," "a little mad" and "kind of in denial." She had assumed Michie was going to protect her in the game and they were really close.
Jessica therefore cried about having been played, and she didn't want to be on the block next to Christie because she liked her a lot and the girls were good friends.
Meanwhile, Christie didn't believe Michie and Holly had her back, and she told the cameras she was tired of being on the block and being a pawn. However, she planned to maintain her composure and be cool as to not create any waves in the house.
Christie didn't trust Michie and Holly and acknowledged their deal was going to be over if she happened to survive the next live eviction.
Holly and Michie argue and break up
Holly was then shown venting to Michie about how the world was probably viewing her as his teammate and girlfriend rather than a great player in the game who has won competitions and made decisions for herself.She didn't feel valued and hated her time on Big Brother would probably be remembered as a showmance.
Holly and Michie bickered and their argument lasted for a while. Michie acknowledged it's very difficult to have a relationship in the Big Brother house.

Both individuals felt "shut out" by the other, and at one point, Michie gave her the silent treatment and Holly appeared to call him a "f-cking assh-le."
It then became time to pick players for the Power of Veto competition. In addition to the HoH, Michie, and the two nominees, Christie and Jessica, the following houseguests were also picked to compete: Nicole, Tommy and Cliff.
Cliff happened to be Jessica's "Houseguest's Choice" while everyone else was selected by random draw.
After the players were chosen, Michie and Holly's fight blew up. Michie felt unappreciated and disrespected, especially because of the way Holly had spoken to him in front of their fellow houseguests. He felt embarrassed and insisted he had done everything in his power to make Holly happy and feel loved.
"I don't know what else to do, but there's no excuse for you to talk to me like that," Michie told Holly as she bawled her eyes out, adding that she had made him feel like one of her regrets.
"This is getting nowhere, and I'm praying for you. I hope that in these next 25 days, you can find all the happiness that you want and make this experience everything that you want it to be."
Holly and Michie appeared to break up. Michie said he cared for Holly an immense amount but had a job to do -- and that's "to make it to finale night."
Tommy wins the Power of Veto
Afterward, the houseguests participated in a classic Big Brother Power of Veto competition.The competition, dubbed "Surf Camp," required each player to hide his or her life preserver in the house within two-and-a-half minutes and then, one at a time, the players would search through the house to find their competitors' hidden life-preservers.
Once all five of the life preservers were found, the person who had hidden the very last life preserver found would win the Power of Veto. That person basically would have found the best hiding spot.
In the end, Tommy won the golden Power of Veto, and Christie began screaming on the inside her closest ally was victorious. She had expected Tommy would use the veto on her.
Jessica was heartbroken over the competition's results and worried about meeting Big Brother host Julie Chen on eviction night.
Michie and Holly then talked about continuing to work together on a game level despite their personal problems.
"We can make it to finale night if we just stay focused," Michie told her.
But Holly didn't want to lose her man in the process. The pair therefore hugged it out and Holly said in a confessional she had met an amazing guy and would do everything in her power to keep him in her life.
The couple seemed to make up and be on the same page, so then they cuddled in bed together.
Cliff is nominated to replace Christie
At the subsequent Veto Meeting, Tommy announced he had decided to use the Power of Veto on Christie. Michie therefore named Cliff the replacement nominee, saying it gave him the best chance of making it to finale night."All of my other allies are gone, and now it's me and Christie, just me and her, and we are going to fight until the end," Tommy told the cameras.
Michie said in a confessional Cliff was just his pawn to get Jessica out. He hoped the house was going to take shots at each other while Holly and himself just melted into the background.
Jessica then cried about needing to be "scrappy" and having to figure out how to stay. Cliff, however, felt he was safe because he was tight with Michie and Holly.
As for Christie, she admitted she'd love to take a shot at Michie next week.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski