Big Brother featured Tucker Des Lauriers winning the iconic "wall" competition, being crowned Head of Household, and naming three nominees during the Season 26 episode that aired Sunday night on CBS.

Tucker, a 30-year-old marketing and sales executive from Boston, MA who currently resides in Brooklyn, NY, won Head of Household.

As a result, Tucker named Quinn Martin, a 25-year-old nurse recruiter from Lawton, OK, who currently resides in Omaha, NE; Brooklyn Rivera, a 34-year-old business administrator from Covington, GA who currently resides in Dallas, TX; and Cam Sullivan-Brown, a 25-year-old physical therapist from Bowie, MD, his three nominees for eviction.

The Big Brother broadcast began following Cedric Hodges' eviction on Day 31 in a 6-3 vote instead of Rubina Bernabe. Brooklyn, Cam and Chelsie Baham had voted to evict Rubina.

Quinn pointed out in the Big Brother Diary Room how the eight-person "The Collective" alliance had "blown up for real."

"The Collective" was comprised of Cedric, Quinn, Angela Murray, Cam, Chelsie, Joseph Rodriguez, Kimo Apaka, and T'kor Clottey.

Quinn, who had selected the nominations as the "Deepfake HoH," said he really cared about Cedric and so he felt guilty that Cedric's blood was on his hands.

Kimo, Joseph and T'kor were responsible for flipping the house and taking Cedric out after they had learned about Quinn's sub-alliance called "The Pentagon."

In addition to Quinn, "The Pentagon" was also comprised of Cedric, Chelsie, Cam, and Brooklyn.

Brooklyn told the Big Brother cameras that Kimo and T'kor were playing both sides of the house and so she looked like "the big, bad wolf." Brooklyn was angry and sarcastically wished Kimo and T'kor good luck.

T'kor explained that she and Kimo had to take control of their own games and make a big move by keeping Rubina in the house. Joseph, for his part, had a Final 2 deal with Rubina's closest ally, Tucker, in the works.

"Cedric had to win, and he didn't. And I was not ready to let Rubina go," T'kor explained in the Big Brother Diary Room.

Rubina, meanwhile, was shocked because she thought the whole house was against her and that she was going to be the one evicted.

A teary-eyed Quinn then confronted his "The Visionaries" alliance, aka Kimo and T'kor, to find out if they were still a team or not. Quinn wasn't sure what to think, but Brooklyn assured Quinn that she, Cam and Chelsie were still with him and they needed him on their side.

"They're about to see a pissed off m-therf-cking woman from Texas," Brooklyn vented to Quinn.

Quinn and Brooklyn were fiercely ready to fight for Head of Household, and then Big Brother's iconic "The Wall" competition commenced. Tucker also said he wanted to win "so bad" so he could "wreck" Quinn's game.

All of the houseguests except for the outgoing HoH, Angela, were able to compete.

The wall was designed to look like fire in order to protect the Big Brother house from viruses, hackers and other digital intruders.

The houseguests' role was to hold onto the wall for as long as possible and "weather the storm" as Ainsley, the season's artificial intelligence robot, attempted to cool down her "fire wall."

The participating houseguests were repeatedly tilted forward and pelted with slime and dripping water.

Quinn's new alliance was Brooklyn, Chelsie and Cam, and Quinn set out with one goal -- beating Tucker.

Angela dropped out first after three minutes, and she was soon followed by Kimo and Joseph, who admitted he had decided to throw the competition since he didn't really think he could outlast everyone and win it.

Leah Peters and Chelsie dropped out next, and T'kor was on their heels.

Makensy Manbeck and Brooklyn were the next players out of the Big Brother competition.

Quinn's arms were visibly shaking, and Rubina called it "a miserable experience" before she fell off the wall at 22 minutes and 37 seconds.

Cam finished the competition in third place with a time of 28 minutes and 56 seconds, and so the competition came down to a heated face off between Tucker, a former college wrestler, and Quinn, a rock climber.

"I played soccer, I'm a distance runner, and I rock climb like four times a week, so there's no doubt I'm going to win this!" Quinn boasted to the Big Brother cameras.

After 31 minutes and 45 seconds, Quinn finally jumped off the wall, and so Tucker secured victory and became the new Head of Household.

"People better put on their big-boy pants because it's time to play a game!" Tucker exclaimed.

Quinn, meanwhile, said the last three hours had been the absolute worst of his Big Brother game and it felt like he had hit "rock bottom."

Quinn really wanted that HoH title, and so he broke down into tears. Brooklyn, however, assured Quinn that he "did the damn thing" and Tucker was simply a robot who was tough for anybody to beat.

Once Tucker came into power, he said he planned to "shake things up a bit."

While he had an eye on Quinn for "obvious reasons," Tucker acknowledged that he might ultimately choose to do something crazy.

Since "The Collective" alliance was done, Kimo was grateful to be a member of "The Tanks" alliance with Tucker, Rubina, Angela and T'kor. Kimo, in fact, called the competition outcome "spectacular."

"The Tanks" then welcomed Joseph into their alliance since Joseph had been a free agent after the Cedric vote and said he trusted Tucker more than anybody else in the house. The alliance called themselves "Sixth Avenue."

Tucker proceeded to compliment Quinn, calling him a tough competitor both mentally and physically.

Tucker told Quinn that he was going to be a pawn because he had his eyes set on bigger targets. Tucker was actually telling the truth because he told Big Brother cameras that he wasn't afraid of Tucker and he wanted to go after a trio of big social threats: Brooklyn, Cam and Chelsie.

Quinn wasn't buying Tucker's speech, but Tucker claimed they only had to play "a weird game" against each other for one more week.

Tucker spoke to Brooklyn next and shared how Quinn was going to be one of his three nominees. Brooklyn explained how Joseph, Kimo and T'kor were playing both sides of the house and couldn't be trusted.

Brooklyn was honest with Tucker about her vote for Rubina in the hope of securing some trust with him.

When Chelsie talked to Tucker, she lied to him about not having any knowledge of the votes -- and Tucker was well aware of the fact she had voted to evict Rubina and wasn't being truthful.

Tucker also told Cam that he was "going after" Quinn, but Cam wasn't honest with the HoH either. Cam confessed he had voted to evict Rubina, but he claimed he wasn't sure about the other votes.

When Cam and Tucker were done conversing, Cam noticeably left the HoH room without shaking Tucker's hand.

At the Nomination Ceremony, Tucker announced he had decided to nominate Quinn, Cam and Brooklyn for eviction.

"I think everyone knows I have one clear target here, and I think you two are the best suited to help me achieve that in the Veto comp," Tucker announced.

"I have my reasons for going after the person I want to go after."

Quinn wasn't sure what to believe, and so he planned to play hard in the upcoming Power of Veto competition. Brooklyn and Cam also wanted to win it.

"Brooklyn is my target because she's running things and is able to get into a lot of people's heads," Tucker explained in the Big Brother Diary Room.

But Brooklyn, a proud "mama," intended on showing her enemies, whom she called "children," what winning really looks like.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.