Big Brother featured Tucker Des Lauriers winning the Power of Veto, blowing up the house by exposing alliances, and naming Chelsie Baham the replacement nominee during the Season 26 episode that aired Wednesday night on CBS.


Tucker, a 30-year-old marketing and sales executive from Boston, MA who currently resides in Brooklyn, NY, won the Power of Veto and decided to use it on Quinn Martin, a 25-year-old nurse recruiter from Lawton, OK, who currently resides in Omaha, NE.


Tucker named Chelsie, a 27-year-old nonprofit director from Rancho Cucamonga, CA, the replacement nominee.

And so Chelsie; Brooklyn Rivera, a 34-year-old business administrator from Covington, GA who currently resides in Dallas, TX; and Cam Sullivan-Brown, a 25-year-old physical therapist from Bowie, MD, his three nominees for eviction, will be competing in the AI Arena before the next live eviction.


The Big Brother broadcast began on Day 32 after Tucker had nominated Quinn, Cam and Brooklyn for eviction.

Tucker said while the house probably assumed he was gunning for Quinn, his real target was Brooklyn.

"Brooklyn is a far more dangerous player and she betrayed the Five Pointz by voting against [Rubina Bernabe]," Tucker explained in the Big Brother Diary Room.

"Plus, I know Brooklyn has been part of a majority alliance that's just trying to steamroll this game."

Joseph Rodriguez told T'Kor they needed to win the Power of Veto to protect the eight: Joseph, T'kor Clottey, Cam, Chelsie, Brooklyn, Quinn, Kimo Apaka, and Cedric Hodges when he was still in the game.


Tucker, however, planned to destroy that Big Brother alliance.

Tucker had told Quinn that he was just a pawn this week, but Quinn explained in the Big Brother Diary Room how he wasn't believing it because he had no good reason to trust Tucker.

Brooklyn said T'kor, Kimo and Joseph had made poor strategic moves and they were to blame for her sitting on the chopping block. Brooklyn therefore planned to go after them if she won Head of Household later on.

In attempt to keep Brooklyn calm, Tucker pulled her and Cam aside and explain how he needed intelligent players to work with. Tucker hoped his lie would influence the pair to not play full-strength in the upcoming Power of Veto competition.

Brooklyn, however, was ready to try her hardest to win the Big Brother Veto.


Tucker proceeded to tell Quinn that if he played by his rules, he might use the Power of Veto on him. Tucker thought if he saved Quinn this week, Quinn wouldn't try to backdoor him med week or whenever Quinn came into power again.

Quinn started to realize that he probably wasn't Tucker's target after all, which led him to believe the HoH wanted Brooklyn out of the Big Brother game.


Chelsie, meanwhile, said she felt relieved she wasn't on the block; however, there were three Pentagon members in jeopardy of eviction. Chelsie therefore predicted she'd be Tucker's replacement nominee if someone came off the block.

For Kimo's part, he and Tucker were in the Sixth Avenue alliance with Rubina, Joseph, T'kor, and Angela Murray. In attempt to be transparent, Kimo revealed there were five members working together in The Collective alliance: Brooklyn, Chelsie, Cam, Quinn and Cedric.


Quinn had been the one to give Kimo that information, and so Tucker noted, "Quinn can be a good snake vs. a bad snake at this point."

This news confirmed Tucker's instincts that Brooklyn was the right Big Brother houseguest to go after.

Quinn then admitted to Brooklyn that she was Tucker's target. Brooklyn didn't know who was lying and whom to trust, so all she could do was try to win the Veto.

While Angela was a "Have Not" for the week, Brooklyn made a charcuterie board with the meats and cheeses from Angela's old HoH basket, which made Angela cry and have a little bit of a breakdown. Angela was upset and thought it was so rude of Brooklyn not to ask her first.

Brooklyn, however, insisted the food was going to spoil and Angela couldn't eat it anyway.

It then became time to pick players for the Power of Veto competition. In addition to the Big Brother HoH, Tucker, and the three nominees -- Brooklyn, Cam and Quinn -- Makensy Manbeck was selected by random draw.

And when Tucker pulled out his own name, he picked Joseph to play in the competition.

Prior to the competition, Brooklyn let Tucker know that Quinn had spilled the beans about her being the target. Tucker couldn't believe that Quinn couldn't keep his mouth shut, and Tucker was frustrated that Brooklyn now suspected her head was on the chopping block.

"You're good. I'm not coming after you. There are bigger fish to fry," Tucker insisted to Brooklyn.

The Power of Veto competition was a classic -- "Hide-N-Go Veto."

The participating houseguests were each required to hide a memory card in the Big Brother house where nobody else could find it. One at a time, the players would enter the house and have two-and-a-half minutes to hide their memory card.


Once all the cards had been hidden, each person would run through the house and tear it up, searching for their opponents' memory cards.

Since all of the Big Brother memory cards looked exactly the same on the outside, a player would have no idea whom it had belonged to.

The houseguest whose memory card went unrecovered and could not be found would win the Power of Veto.


Big Brother players hid their memory cards in a laundry bag, a pillow case, inside of a planter and more. Tucker thought he was tricky by hiding his card behind drawers in a dresser because a person would have to open two drawers at once to find it.

The frantic searches turned the Big Brother house upside down, and some of the competitors made messes on purpose to throw their opponents off.

Two memory cards ended up being very difficult to find, and those belonged to Joseph and Tucker. Joseph had hidden his card in pretty much plain sight, zipped inside Angela's bag that was neatly placed at the foot of her bed.

Tucker therefore won the Power of Veto, and the houseguests couldn't believe it.

"I'm so pissed! What can't he do?! I'm going against the poster boy of evidence, and I am losing!" Quinn vented to the Big Brother cameras.

And Brooklyn vented, "I have never been more annoyed to see someone win something."

Everyone had to clean up the house after the competition, and Tucker was annoyed because his clothes had been thrown everywhere. Tucker immediately blamed Quinn for the mess, but Quinn said he didn't do it.

"I'm still coming after you," Tucker told Quinn.


It turned out Brooklyn was the one who had thrown clothes all over the place, but it was probably a good move since Tucker became angry at Quinn.

"This is perfect for me! Let [Quinn]'s target get bigger while mine gets smaller so that I can stay this week," Brooklyn boasted to the Big Brother cameras.

Quinn then decided to change up his game with some "radical honesty" in a conversation with Tucker. Tucker shared with Quinn how Brooklyn had snitched on him and she was "a really good talker" who had "ratted on a lot of people."

Since Quinn came clean to Tucker, Tucker said he respected that and would keep it in mind going forward.

Quinn also admitted he had been part of a majority alliance that he was willing to flip on. Tucker appreciated all of these tidbits, and it definitely bonded the men, at least in that moment.

At the Veto Meeting, Tucker announced it was about to "get really uncomfortable" in the room "for a lot of people."


Tucker rattled off the members in "The Collective" and said he knew those people wanted him gone last week. Tucker also exposed Chelsie, Quinn, Brooklyn and Cam for having a smaller alliance within the larger one.

"I believe that it is Brooklyn and Chelsie who are the main ones in charge of 'The Collective' and that tighter-knit group," Tucker explained.

"And so, yeah! There are a lot of lies and a lot of snakes here. So, with all of that said, I have decided to use the Power of Veto on Quinn."

Tucker proceeded to name Chelsie the replacement nominee.

Tucker told the Big Brother cameras that he saved Quinn because he wasn't threatened by him and he believed there were bigger threats and better social players in the house.

"I poisoned the well. Nobody in there is going to be able to trust nobody!" Tucker boasted in the Big Brother Diary Room.


"People are probably going to gun for me even harder, but they've already been gunning for me for weeks, and I'm still here. So bring it on!"

Quinn was then shown celebrating his safety, and he gushed about how he could dive back into his lying lifestyle. Quinn planned to pretend to be loyal to Tucker, but he said he'd take Tucker out when given the chance.

Cam also noted how everyone's game had to start from scratch now that alliances were exposed.

Chelsie couldn't believe the game had flipped so drastically, and she was afraid to lose her second "The Pentagon" member in two weeks. However, she was convinced it wasn't going to be her.


"Now that the Veto is around Quinn's neck, it's clear: Quinn clearly told Tucker about 'The Pentagon,' and now Tucker is out for Pentagon blood," Brooklyn explained to the Big Brother cameras.


"I knew not to trust Quinn. I have clawed my way out of impossible situations before. This is no different because when my back is against the wall, I have nothing to lose -- and you should be scared of me!"

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.