'Big Brother' Showmance Couples Now: Where are they now? Who is still together?? (PHOTOS)
Eric Ouellette and Lisa Donahue - Big Brother, Season 3
Big Brother Season 3 in 2002
Current Status: Broken Up
Lisa Donahue and Eric Ouellette engaged in a brief romance on Big Brother's third season back in 2002.
Eric was voted out Week 4 of the competition, but Lisa surprised everyone when the houseguests got to vote either Eric or Amy Crews back in the game -- due to a typical "expect the unexpected" twist -- and she voted for Amy to return instead of Eric.
Lisa's no-nonsense approach to Big Brother eventually won her the season's $500,000 grand prize through a 9-1 jury vote.
The Connecticut firefighter reportedly visited Lisa in Los Angeles after the show, however, it appears the couple did not end up lasting together.