Big Brother spoilers reveal which Season 19 houseguest won the second Head of Household competition of the summer.


After Jillian Parker was evicted from the Big Brother house instead of Christmas Abbott with eight votes, Thursday night's live eviction episode concluded with all the houseguests -- minus Cody Nickson, who as the outgoing HoH was deemed ineligible to compete -- fighting to win the Head of Household competition.

For the competition dubbed "Sugar Shot," each player was required to find tickets hidden inside candy-shaped containers.

Each ticket could be traded in for a ball, which a houseguest would then roll down a "Candy Crush" ramp in attempt to land it in a target. A player could take up to three shots per turn at the ramp.

In a fun twist, the players could choose to keep the tickets for themselves or hand them off to other players to use. 


[Spoiler Warning: Please stop reading now if you want to wait until Big Brother's July 9 episode to discover who won Head of Household].

According to Big Brother's live feeds, the Head of Household competition ended 40 minutes after the houseguests began playing it live on television Thursday night.

The new HoH is Paul Abrahamian, a 24-year-old clothing designer from Tarzana, CA, who is the only returning player this season.

Paul shouted, "Friendship always wins," as he celebrated his victory in the backyard of the Big Brother house.

This means that Paul will be responsible for nominating two houseguests for eviction this coming week. And if one of those two nominees wins the next Power of Veto competition, Paul will be required to choose a replacement nominee.


Paul's HoH win puts him in a significant power position going forward since he's already safe from the next two evictions thanks to the "Pendant of Protection," which he accepted with open arms in the "Den of Temptation."

Since Paul accepted the temptation, Ramses Soto must face the consequences. Ramses will have to place himself on the chopping block as a third nominee at one of the next two evictions.

Now that Paul is Head of Household, he will most likely target Cody and his showmance partner Jessica Graf.

Cody had backstabbed Paul when he attempted to nominate him for eviction earlier this week without knowing the veteran player had the "Pendant of Protection." Paul probably would've gone home instead of Jillian had he not taken the temptation.

Paul, along with the rest of Cody's alliance, didn't understand why Cody would choose to turn on his own group instead of trying to take out an "outsider."


Christmas had also assumed she was a member of their majority alliance, so it appears it's the entire house against Cody and Jessica now.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.