Despite his death in September 2006, famed Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin will reportedly still be there for his 8-year-old daughter Bindi when her new television series launches this June on Discovery Kids Channel.


Titled Bindi: The Jungle Girl, the 26-part series will premiere on Saturday, June 9 with the goal of getting children more interested in wildlife conservation.  Steve appeared in "some of the episodes" that were filmed early last year, Reuters reported on Tuesday, before a stingray's serrated barb pierced his heart while he was filming scenes for a documentary off Australia's northeast coast.  While the injury eventually led to the 44-year-old naturalist's death, his wife Terri still decided to finish shooting her daughter's series.

"Those close to [Bindi] know that she deeply believed in her father's mission to protect wildlife," Reuters reported Discovery Kids Channel said in a statement.

Bindi: The Jungle Girl will feature Bindi introducing young viewers to wildlife from across the world while stationed in a tree house situated above the rain forest, with both Terri and Steve "dropping in to share stories of animal adventures."

On Friday, June 8, Discovery Kids Channel's sister station Animal Planet will air My Daddy the Croc Hunter -- which will see Bindi host her first special with the aid of Terri -- giving viewers a personal look at what it was like to grow-up with her father.  From clips of her early childhood to research of Steve's last crocodile research adventure in August 2006 that Bindi accompanied him on, the special will show young viewers they can expect the same kind of perspective on wildlife from Bindi as their parents received from her father.

About The Author: Christopher Rocchio
Christopher Rocchio is an entertainment reporter for Reality TV World and has covered the reality TV genre for several years.