Despite Internet rumors to the contrary, the American TV series "Queer Eye" will be returning for a fourth season next year.
ADVERTISEMENT said that the Web site reported "Fab Five" member Jay Rodriguez had stated that the fashion-oriented series would not be back in 2007, a statement that the show's channel Bravo has said is false and based on a misquote.
"Bravo's Emmy Award-winning 'Queer Eye' has just wrapped its production cycle." a statement from the cable network said. "These all-new episodes of 'Queer Eye' premiere every Tuesday at 10 PM ET/PT, through the fall season. A whole new season is slated for 2007. 'Queer Eye' remains the core of our Tuesday night strategy."
Last season the series dropped its focus on remaking straight men's lives and its corresponding title, instead choosing to expand its repertoire to gay men and women as well.