Danny Bonaduce, who rose to fame on the U.S. TV series "The Partridge Family," is set to become the host of the Game Show Network's newest entry, "Starface."
"How did I end up at GSN and on 'Starface'?" said the 46-year-old Bonaduce, "It wasn't like there was a rush to hire me."
Bonaduce recently suffered an emotional breakdown on the real-life VH-1 series, "Breaking Bonaduce."
"On the 'Breaking Bonaduce' show, I went far enough to possibly damage my credibility," he said. "So I do now have some regrets, and I never used to."
GSN executives have detailed their confidence in Bonaduce's ability to bounce back, the Daily News said."Even in his darkest time, this guy's a pro," said GSN executive Rich Cronin. "You can rely on him, and he's in good shape -- now.