Danny Bonaduce, who rose to fame on the U.S. TV series "The Partridge Family," is set to become the host of the Game Show Network's newest entry, "Starface."
The New York Daily News reported that "Starface" -- set to premiere on Aug. 1 -- will focus on the outrageous exploits of celebrities.
"How did I end up at GSN and on 'Starface'?" said the 46-year-old Bonaduce, "It wasn't like there was a rush to hire me."
Bonaduce recently suffered an emotional breakdown on the real-life VH-1 series, "Breaking Bonaduce."
"On the 'Breaking Bonaduce' show, I went far enough to possibly damage my credibility," he said. "So I do now have some regrets, and I never used to."
GSN executives have detailed their confidence in Bonaduce's ability to bounce back, the Daily News said.
"Even in his darkest time, this guy's a pro," said GSN executive Rich Cronin. "You can rely on him, and he's in good shape -- now.