Brian Hart packed three weeks worth of strategy into his first seven days in the Big Brother house, and he paid the price for it.
Brian was revealed to be evicted from the Big Brother house on Day 9 by a unanimous 9-1 vote after he was placed on the chopping block as a replacement nominee by the competition's first Head of Household Jerry MacDonald, a married 75-year-old former Marine and retired marketing executive from Magnolia, TX.
Jerry had initially nominated Jessie Godderz, a single 22-year-old bodybuilder from Huntington Beach, CA, and Renny Martyn, a married 53-year-old hair salon owner from Metairie, LA, for eviction during Sunday night's Big Brother 10 premiere after the two bickered on one of the first nights in the house.
However Jessie won the tenth season's first Power of Veto competition during Tuesday night's broadcast and decided to remove himself from the block.
Brian was in an alliance with Jerry; Dan Gheesling, a single 24-year-old Catholic high school teacher from Dearborn, MI; and Bryan Ollie, a single 27-year-old marketing sales representative from Bloomington, MN --and he wanted to have Robert "Memphis" Garrett, a single 25-year-old mixologist and party planner from Los Angeles, CA, be Jerry's replacement nominee.
The plan was going swimmingly until Brain began to overplay his hand and attempted to strike deals with several of the other houseguests, who immediately saw him as a threat.
Ollie was subsequently the one who sold Brian out when he confirmed the alliance to April Dowling, a single 30-year-old finance manager with obsessive-compulsive behaviors from Higley, AZ; Libra Thompson, a married 31-year-old human resources representative and mother of three from Spring, TX; and Keesha Smith, a single 29-year-old Hooters waitress from Burbank, CA.
Word quickly spread around the house that the only way to convince Jerry to backdoor Brian would be if a group confronted the HoH. So Ollie, April, Libra, Keesha, Memphis, Jessie, Angie Swindell, a single 29-year-old pharmaceutical sales representative from Orlando, FL, and Michelle Costa, a single 28-year-old real estate agent from Cumberland, RI, went to Jerry's room and pitched their plan.
While Jerry was initially reluctant, he eventually decided to cave and put Brain on the block as Jessie's replacement nominee.
"The house of cards came tumbling down," opined Brian. "Literally after the first sentence of Jerry's speech, my heart dropped into my stomach and it was like, 'They got me. They sold me down the river.'"
Needless to say, Dan was "very shocked" about Brian's demise.
"My alliance went down in flames," he said.

Brian decided to confront Jerry about what had happened, and Jerry explained that a majority of the houseguests had given him an "ultimatum."
"I would sacrifice him to save myself," said Jerry about Brian in a confessional.
Jerry immediately told Brian that Dan and Steven Daigle, a single 35-year-old geographic consultant and gay rodeo competitor from Dallas, TX, weren't in on the plan to backdoor him.
"What about Ollie?" asked Brain.
Jerry singled Ollie out as the one who "gathered them together," and Ollie's trustworthiness was revealed.
"A lot of people are now going to see what Ollie's word means," said a disgruntled Brian, who told Dan it was Ollie who spilled the beans.
"I can't believe Ollie flipped," said Dan.
Both guys confronted Ollie, who explained he was "backed into a corner" by April, Libra and Keesha when they questioned if there was an alliance. Once the conversation was over, Dan presumed Ollie and April -- who had grown close in the house and subsequently kissed -- had "masterminded" Brain being backdoored.
After a sock-puppet show parodying the upcoming eviction, Steven pitched the plan to save Brian to a few other houseguests, and it quickly became clear that Steven and Angie liked having Brian around. Angie approached Keesha about possibly voting to evict Renny instead, knowing all they needed was five votes to force a tie and have Jerry choose.
"We can eliminate drama in the house," said Angie to Keesha, wanting to rid the house of Renny.
However April realized that Brian had Angie "working for him" and also noticed Angie had been talking to Keesha. April and Keesha eventually began to bicker after Keesha accused April of not trusting her.
"April and I, we don't need to be around each other," said an emotional Keesha.
What was once a sure thing that Brian would be backdoored was no longer so, as April told Renny to pack just in case.
The live portion of last night's Big Brother 10 broadcast then commenced and Brian made one last attempt to save his skin.
"The first few days that I had here were some of the most fun that I've had in a very long time," he said. "The laughing and the good times that everybody had while I was here early in the game were amazing. I appreciate that from everyone of you. Also, I want to say as you long as you can remember everything here is a game. Let's try not to take anything personal. It's only going to get nastier from here."
April, Libra, Michelle, Ollie, Jessie, Keesha, Memphis, Steven and Angie all voted to oust Brian; while Dan was the only one who opted to boot Renny. Brian gathered his belongings and exited the house before being met by Big Brother host Julie Chen and a live studio audience -- which will be present at all of the live eviction ceremonies.
"I was going into this, and I was building an army, and I didn't realize there wasn't anybody on the other side," explained Brian once he left the house.
"It was too quick. It was funny how fast things happen in this game. If that [Power of Veto] ceremony would have been held 12 hours earlier everything would have went a different way. I tried to play three weeks of game in seven days and just got a little ahead of myself."
Julie then asked Brain if he thought Dan would be able to survive.
"I hope so," he answered. "That's one guy in the house that never faltered -- that's someone you can trust, which is going to be important to a lot of other people. So I hope so, but I don't know if his conscious will allow him to do what he needs to do to win."
Dubbed "The In Crowd," each houseguest would be asked a series of questions about their fellow housemates and would be required to answer based on how they think the majority of the group would respond.
The competition came down to a tiebreaker between Jessie, Libra, Ollie and Steven. Jessie then won HoH.
Big Brother 10's next episode will air Sunday, July 20 at 8PM ET/PT on CBS.
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio