Candice Glover said her confidence made all the difference in making her third attempt at getting on American Idol the charm.


"I think I've definitely learned how to be confident and how to be myself and to be okay with who I am. In previous seasons, I was doing what I thought America wanted or what the judges or whoever wanted, but this year I just did whatever I wanted to do, hence I would do a rappers song on the show, or I would do The Cure when nobody expected me to," the new Idol winner told reporters shortly after her victory was announced Thursday night, according to Billboard.

"In previous seasons, I wouldn't have done any of that because I wasn't confident in who I was, so I think that's the difference between now and the previous seasons."

Glover, a 23-year-old from St. Helena Island, SC, said her drive to keep auditioning for Idol simply came from within.

"I actually have some friends that decided not to come back but I always knew for some reason that it would happen if I kept going. I even said at some point said, 'American Idol obviously doesn't want me. Why would I go back?' But I found myself on the website looking at the auditions again -- just being determined. I just couldn't turn away because I knew that if I kept trying that it would happen," Glover explained.


Glover went from getting rejected at Idol auditions to singing live with former American Idol finalist and singer Jennifer Hudson.

"I was so nervous backstage. I was like, 'Oh my gosh; You cannot suck. This is Jennifer Hudson! Don't mess up. Practice. Get it together.' I'm just so glad that I got the chance to even do that with her because I look up to her," Glover allegedly told reporters.

At the end of Thursday night's finale, Glover and runner-up Kree Harrison waited patiently onstage together for American Idol host Ryan Seacrest to reveal the results.

"I was saying her name because I was just certain he was going to say her name, so I was like, 'Oh yeah, Kree, Kree, Kree.' And she was like, 'No. Candice, Candice, Candice.' We are super supportive of each other and I know no matter what, I'm going to be buying Kree's album. I think the whole world will," Glover explained, adding that her crowning moment is still a little fuzzy.

"I don't remember [Ryan] saying my name. I do remember getting confetti in my mouth while I was singing. I wanted to laugh but I was crying and there was just so much happening in that one moment but it felt great."


After an overwhelmed Glover was named the champion of American Idol's twelfth season, judge Nicki Minaj apparently was thrilled for her and just wanted one thing.

"Nicki came up to me and said I was a superstar! She wanted to hug me! She was joking when she was saying, 'Can I hug the American Idol?' Every time I say that, I just can't believe it! She always tells me to have fun and be myself! I love Nicki and would love to [collaborate] with her to be honest! I didn't see Mariah and get to speak to her but I hope that I do," Glover said, according to Billboard.

Glover noted she's also proud to have been the last contestant judge Randy Jackson will ever critique on Idol since he's decided to leave the show after 12 seasons. 

"I got his final critique ever last night since I went last! I told him that I was so glad that I was able to experience this with him. He knows how long I've been wanting this. I love Randy!" Glover explained.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.