There aren't too many people that can say they've founded a band, wrote a Grammy-nominated song for Beyonce, composed instrumental music for fashion shows and scored the music for a ballet performance.

Singer/songwriter Caroline Polachek can. The New York City-born alternative rock artist performed her single "Welcome to My Island" on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon ahead of her upcoming tour. Her latest album, Desire: I Want to Turn Into You was released in February.

Polachek is heading out on the road for U.S. and Canada dates. Multiple shows have already sold out.

While she's had a cult following since founding her former band Charlift in the early aughts, Polacheck rejects the idea of becoming a superstar in the Taylor Swift mode.

"I've always really believed in the idea of alternative with a capital-A," she told The Guardian in January. "Growing up listening to artists like Fiona Apple, Kate Bush and Bji¶rk and seeing these women who claimed a lot of attention, seemingly without compromise, felt so aspirational to me. Growing this project is a cool adventure: how can I do it in a way that feels like I still have all of my creative sovereignty and also my privacy?"

The Spiraling Tour starts April 14 in Philadelphia.